target-lexicon 0.4.0

Targeting utilities for compilers and related tools
This is a library for managing targets for compilers and related tools.

Currently, the main feature is support for decoding "triples", which
are strings that identify a particular target configuration. This library
provides a `Triple` struct containing enums for each of fields of a
triple. `Triple` implements `FromStr` and `fmt::Display` so it can be
converted to and from the conventional string representation of a triple.

`Triple` also has functions for querying a triple's endianness,
pointer bit width, and binary format.

And, `Triple` and the enum types have `host()` constructors, for targeting
the host.

It supports all triples currently used by rustc and rustup.

It does not support reading JSON target files itself. To use it with a JSON
target file, construct a `Triple` using the value of the "llvm-target" field.