tapestry 0.1.0

Generic 2D grid data structure and utilities.
use std::{
    collections::{HashSet, VecDeque},
    fmt, mem,

use crate::{coord::Coord, patterns, rect::Rect};

/// The core type of this library. A 2D grid of cell type `T`.
pub struct Grid<T> {
    /// Row-major, linear storage of cell data.
    pub cells: Vec<T>,
    pub bounds: Rect,

impl<T> Grid<T> {
    pub fn new(bounds: Rect) -> Self
        T: Default + Clone,
        Self {
            cells: vec![T::default(); bounds.area() as usize],

    pub fn with_generator<C>(bounds: Rect, generator: impl Fn(C) -> T) -> Self
        C: From<Coord>,
        let mut cells = Vec::with_capacity(bounds.area() as usize);
        // TODO: Implement an iterator over all grid cells.
        for y in bounds.y_range() {
            for x in bounds.x_range() {
                let coord = Coord::new(x, y);
        Self { cells, bounds }

    pub fn get<C: Into<Coord>>(&self, coord: C) -> Option<&T> {

    pub fn get_mut<C: Into<Coord>>(&mut self, coord: C) -> Option<&mut T> {
        let index = self.coord_to_index(coord)?;

    pub fn set<C: Into<Coord>>(&mut self, coord: C, value: T) -> bool {
        if let Some(cell) = self.get_mut(coord) {
            *cell = value;
        } else {

    pub fn replace<C: Into<Coord>>(&mut self, coord: C, value: T) -> Option<T> {
            .and_then(|cell| Some(mem::replace(cell, value)))

    pub fn take<C: Into<Coord>>(&mut self, coord: C) -> Option<T>
        T: Default,
        self.get_mut(coord).and_then(|cell| Some(mem::take(cell)))

    pub fn copy<C1, C2>(&mut self, src: C1, dest: C2) -> bool
        T: Copy,
        C1: Into<Coord>,
        C2: Into<Coord>,
        if let Some(src_index) = self.coord_to_index(src) {
            if let Some(dest_index) = self.coord_to_index(dest) {
                    .copy_within(src_index..(src_index + 1), dest_index);
                return true;

    /// Swaps the contents of two cells.
    pub fn swap<C1, C2>(&mut self, coord1: C1, coord2: C2) -> bool
        C1: Into<Coord>,
        C2: Into<Coord>,
        if let Some(index1) = self.coord_to_index(coord1) {
            if let Some(index2) = self.coord_to_index(coord2) {
                self.cells.swap(index1, index2);
                return true;

    /// Moves the contents of `src` into `dest`, returning the previous contents
    /// of `dest`.
    pub fn mov(&mut self, src: Coord, dest: Coord) -> Option<T>
        T: Default,
        // Make sure both coordinates are in bounds before mutating things.
        if !(self.bounds.contains(src) && self.bounds.contains(dest)) {
            return None;
        let src_value = self.take(src).unwrap();
        self.replace(dest, src_value)

    /// Returns an iterator over all cells in the grid.
    pub fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Coord, &'a T)> {
            .map(move |cell| (self.index_to_coord(cell.0), cell.1))

    pub fn cell_iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut T> {

    /// Returns an iterator over the cells specified by the coords iterator.
    pub fn selection_iter<I>(&self, coords: I) -> SelectionIter<T, I>
        I: Iterator<Item = Coord>,
        SelectionIter { grid: self, coords }

    /// Returns a mutable iterator over the cells specified by the coords
    /// iterator.
    /// If there is an attempt to visit a given cell more than once (which would
    /// create multiple simultaneous mutable references to the cell), a
    /// [`GridError::AlreadyVisited`](GridError::AlreadyVisited) will be returned
    /// in place of the cell contents.
    pub fn selection_iter_mut<I>(&mut self, coords: I) -> SelectionIterMut<T, I>
        I: Iterator<Item = Coord>,
        SelectionIterMut {
            grid: self,
            visited_coords: HashSet::new(),

    /// Returns an iterator beginning from `starting_coord` and continuing
    /// through all recursively adjacent coords that satisfy the `predicate`. In
    /// other words, this iterates through the cells according to a flood fill
    /// algorithm.
    /// Since there is no `mut` version of this iterator (which would require
    /// simultaneous mutable and shared references to most of the cells), the
    /// resulting iterator can be collected and then passed into
    /// [`Grid::selection_iter_mut`](crate::grid::Grid::selection_iter_mut) to
    /// gain access to mutable cell contents.
    pub fn flood_iter<C: Into<Coord>>(
        starting_coord: C,
        predicate: impl Fn(&T) -> bool + 'static,
    ) -> FloodIter<T> {
        let mut coords_to_search = VecDeque::new();

        FloodIter {
            grid: self,
            predicate: Box::new(predicate),
            searched_coords: vec![],

    fn coord_to_index<C: Into<Coord>>(&self, coord: C) -> Option<usize> {
        let coord = coord.into();
        if !self.bounds.contains(coord) {
            return None;
        let offset_coord = coord - self.bounds.offset();
        Some((offset_coord.x + offset_coord.y * self.bounds.width()) as usize)

    fn index_to_coord(&self, index: usize) -> Coord {
        let y = (index as f32 / self.bounds.width() as f32).floor() as i32;
        let x = index as i32 - (y * self.bounds.width()) as i32;
        Coord::new(x, y) + self.bounds.offset()

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum GridError {
    /// The coordinate has no cell associated with it, as it's out of the grid
    /// bounds.
    /// The coordinate has previously been mutably borrowed from the iterator,
    /// and doing so again would break safety guarantees.

pub struct SelectionIter<'a, T, I> {
    grid: &'a Grid<T>,
    coords: I,

impl<'a, T, I> Iterator for SelectionIter<'a, T, I>
    I: Iterator<Item = Coord>,
    type Item = Result<(Coord, &'a T), GridError>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if let Some(coord) = self.coords.next() {
            if let Some(cell) = self.grid.get(coord) {
                return Some(Ok((coord, cell)));
            return Some(Err(GridError::OutOfBounds(coord)));

pub struct SelectionIterMut<'a, T, I> {
    grid: &'a mut Grid<T>,
    coords: I,
    visited_coords: HashSet<Coord>,

impl<'a, T, I> Iterator for SelectionIterMut<'a, T, I>
    I: Iterator<Item = Coord>,
    type Item = Result<(Coord, &'a mut T), GridError>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if let Some(coord) = self.coords.next() {
            if self.visited_coords.contains(&coord) {
                return Some(Err(GridError::AlreadyVisited(coord)));
            if let Some(cell) = self.grid.get_mut(coord).map(|cell| cell as *mut T) {
                // SAFETY: We guarantee that only one mut reference to a cell
                // will be given out at a time by checking each against a list
                // of visited cells and only returning those that havent already
                // visited.
                // This is likely not actually completely safe, given that I
                // don't know which cases to look out for.
                let opt_cell = unsafe { cell.as_mut() };
                if let Some(cell) = opt_cell {
                    return Some(Ok((coord, cell)));
            return Some(Err(GridError::OutOfBounds(coord)));

pub struct FloodIter<'a, T> {
    grid: &'a Grid<T>,
    predicate: Box<dyn Fn(&T) -> bool>,
    searched_coords: Vec<Coord>,
    coords_to_search: VecDeque<Coord>,

impl<'a, T> Iterator for FloodIter<'a, T> {
    type Item = (Coord, &'a T);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        while self.coords_to_search.len() > 0 {
            let coord = self.coords_to_search.pop_front().unwrap();
            let is_cell_included = self
                .and_then(|cell| Some((self.predicate)(cell)))


            if !is_cell_included {

            let neighbor_coords = patterns::ortho_neighborhood(coord)
                .filter(|&coord| {
                        || self.coords_to_search.contains(&coord))
                        && self.grid.bounds.contains(coord)


            return Some((coord, self.grid.get(coord).unwrap()));


impl<T> fmt::Display for Grid<T>
    char: From<T>,
    T: Copy,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
        for y in self.bounds.y_range() {
            for x in self.bounds.x_range() {
                let c: char = match self.get((x, y)) {
                    Some(cell) => char::from(*cell),
                    None => '',
                if let Err(e) = write!(f, "{} ", c) {
                    return Err(e);
            if let Err(e) = write!(f, "\n") {
                return Err(e);

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn bounds_and_dimensions() {
        let grid = Grid::<()>::new(Rect::new((8, 8)));
        assert_eq!(grid.bounds.width(), 8);

    fn out_of_bounds_coords() {
        let grid = Grid::<()>::new(Rect::new((8, 8)));
        // This would pass `coord_to_index` if there was no bounds check.
        assert_eq!(grid.get(Coord::new(-1, 4)), None);

    fn test_index_to_coord() {
        let grid = Grid::<()>::new(Rect::new((8, 4)));
        assert_eq!(grid.index_to_coord(12), Coord::new(4, 1));

    fn selection_iter_mut() {
        let mut grid: Grid<bool> = Grid::new(Rect::new((4, 4)));
        // Set all neighbors of (2, 2) to `true`.
        for res_cell in grid.selection_iter_mut(patterns::neighborhood((2, 2))) {
            *res_cell.unwrap().1 = true;
        assert_eq!(grid.get(Coord::new(2, 2)), Some(&false)); // center
        assert_eq!(grid.get(Coord::new(3, 2)), Some(&true)); // right
        assert_eq!(grid.get(Coord::new(2, 1)), Some(&true)); // bottom
        assert_eq!(grid.get(Coord::new(1, 2)), Some(&true)); // left
        assert_eq!(grid.get(Coord::new(2, 3)), Some(&true)); // top

    fn selection_iter_mut_already_visited() {
        let mut grid: Grid<bool> = Grid::new(Rect::new((3, 3)));
        let coords = [(2, 2), (2, 2)].iter().map(|&x| x.into());
        let mut iter = grid.selection_iter_mut(coords);
        assert!(iter.next().unwrap() == Err(GridError::AlreadyVisited(Coord::new(2, 2))));