tao-log 1.0.1

Extension macros for output to the log crate.
## 1.0.1 (2021-1-8)
* Small documentation improvements, only.

## 1.0.0 (2020-1-3)
* Increase MSRV to 1.32.0, removing special handling for 1.31.0.

## 0.2.1 (2019-7-26)
* Fix build.rs for `rustc --version` not including git metadata.

* Add macro use, compiler error message tests, with CI based on _trybuild_. (No
  user impact other than these errors are now documented and verified.)

## 0.2.0 (2019-4-24)
* Add new `fatal!` macro, which works just like `error!` plus `panic!` (#1)

* Add a `std` feature pass-through for the _log_ crate's `std` feature. We
  use it for tests here.

* Add build.rs script to fail fast on attempt to compile with a rustc below
  MSRV, which remains 1.31.0.

* Allow and ignore a trailing comma in arguments to _-v_ macros on rustc
  1.32.0+, made reasonable via build.rs and _RFC 2298_. On 1.31.0, N
  trailing commas are now allowed, as a superset. Thus tao-log 0.2.0 on 1.31.0
  is most lenient, followed by 0.2.0 on 1.32.0+, and 0.1.0 is least lenient.
  Since tao-log 0.2.0 is more lenient than 0.1.0, for all rustc 1.31.0+, this
  is nominally a backward compatible change, though its included with a
  non-semver-compatible MINOR bump just in case.

## 0.1.0 (2019-3-5)
* Initial release.