tantivy 0.19.1

Search engine library
//! The term dictionary main role is to associate the sorted [`Term`](crate::Term)s with
//! a [`TermInfo`](crate::postings::TermInfo) struct that contains some meta-information
//! about the term.
//! Internally, the term dictionary relies on the `fst` crate to store
//! a sorted mapping that associates each term to its rank in the lexicographical order.
//! For instance, in a dictionary containing the sorted terms "abba", "bjork", "blur" and "donovan",
//! the `TermOrdinal` are respectively `0`, `1`, `2`, and `3`.
//! For `u64`-terms, tantivy explicitly uses a `BigEndian` representation to ensure that the
//! lexicographical order matches the natural order of integers.
//! `i64`-terms are transformed to `u64` using a continuous mapping `val ⟶ val - i64::MIN`
//! and then treated as a `u64`.
//! `f64`-terms are transformed to `u64` using a mapping that preserve order, and are then treated
//! as `u64`.
//! A second datastructure makes it possible to access a
//! [`TermInfo`](crate::postings::TermInfo).
mod merger;
mod streamer;
mod term_info_store;
mod termdict;

pub use self::merger::TermMerger;
pub use self::streamer::{TermStreamer, TermStreamerBuilder};
pub use self::termdict::{TermDictionary, TermDictionaryBuilder};