tantivy 0.19.1

Search engine library
use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};

use crate::query::term_query::TermScorer;
use crate::query::Scorer;
use crate::{DocId, DocSet, Score, TERMINATED};

/// Takes a term_scorers sorted by their current doc() and a threshold and returns
/// Returns (pivot_len, pivot_ord) defined as follows:
/// - `pivot_doc` lowest document that has a chance of exceeding (>) the threshold score.
/// - `before_pivot_len` number of term_scorers such that term_scorer.doc() < pivot.
/// - `pivot_len` number of term_scorers such that term_scorer.doc() <= pivot.
/// We always have `before_pivot_len` < `pivot_len`.
/// `None` is returned if we establish that no document can exceed the threshold.
fn find_pivot_doc(
    term_scorers: &[TermScorerWithMaxScore],
    threshold: Score,
) -> Option<(usize, usize, DocId)> {
    let mut max_score = 0.0;
    let mut before_pivot_len = 0;
    let mut pivot_doc = TERMINATED;
    while before_pivot_len < term_scorers.len() {
        let term_scorer = &term_scorers[before_pivot_len];
        max_score += term_scorer.max_score;
        if max_score > threshold {
            pivot_doc = term_scorer.doc();
        before_pivot_len += 1;
    if pivot_doc == TERMINATED {
        return None;
    // Right now i is an ordinal, we want a len.
    let mut pivot_len = before_pivot_len + 1;
    // Some other term_scorer may be positioned on the same document.
    pivot_len += term_scorers[pivot_len..]
        .take_while(|term_scorer| term_scorer.doc() == pivot_doc)
    Some((before_pivot_len, pivot_len, pivot_doc))

/// Advance the scorer with best score among the scorers[..pivot_len] to
/// the next doc candidate defined by the min of `last_doc_in_block + 1` for
/// scorer in scorers[..pivot_len] and `scorer.doc()` for scorer in scorers[pivot_len..].
/// Note: before and after calling this method, scorers need to be sorted by their `.doc()`.
fn block_max_was_too_low_advance_one_scorer(
    scorers: &mut [TermScorerWithMaxScore],
    pivot_len: usize,
) {
    debug_assert!(is_sorted(scorers.iter().map(|scorer| scorer.doc())));
    let mut scorer_to_seek = pivot_len - 1;
    let mut global_max_score = scorers[scorer_to_seek].max_score;
    let mut doc_to_seek_after = scorers[scorer_to_seek].last_doc_in_block();
    for scorer_ord in (0..pivot_len - 1).rev() {
        let scorer = &scorers[scorer_ord];
        if scorer.last_doc_in_block() <= doc_to_seek_after {
            doc_to_seek_after = scorer.last_doc_in_block();
        if scorers[scorer_ord].max_score > global_max_score {
            global_max_score = scorers[scorer_ord].max_score;
            scorer_to_seek = scorer_ord;
    // Add +1 to go to the next block unless we are already at the end.
    if doc_to_seek_after != TERMINATED {
        doc_to_seek_after += 1;
    for scorer in &scorers[pivot_len..] {
        if scorer.doc() <= doc_to_seek_after {
            doc_to_seek_after = scorer.doc();

    restore_ordering(scorers, scorer_to_seek);
    debug_assert!(is_sorted(scorers.iter().map(|scorer| scorer.doc())));

// Given a list of term_scorers and a `ord` and assuming that `term_scorers[ord]` is sorted
// except term_scorers[ord] that might be in advance compared to its ranks,
// bubble up term_scorers[ord] in order to restore the ordering.
fn restore_ordering(term_scorers: &mut [TermScorerWithMaxScore], ord: usize) {
    let doc = term_scorers[ord].doc();
    for i in ord + 1..term_scorers.len() {
        if term_scorers[i].doc() >= doc {
        term_scorers.swap(i, i - 1);
    debug_assert!(is_sorted(term_scorers.iter().map(|scorer| scorer.doc())));

// Attempts to advance all term_scorers between `&term_scorers[0..before_len]` to the pivot.
// If this works, return true.
// If this fails (ie: one of the term_scorer does not contain `pivot_doc` and seek goes past the
// pivot), reorder the term_scorers to ensure the list is still sorted and returns `false`.
// If a term_scorer reach TERMINATED in the process return false remove the term_scorer and return.
fn align_scorers(
    term_scorers: &mut Vec<TermScorerWithMaxScore>,
    pivot_doc: DocId,
    before_pivot_len: usize,
) -> bool {
    debug_assert_ne!(pivot_doc, TERMINATED);
    for i in (0..before_pivot_len).rev() {
        let new_doc = term_scorers[i].seek(pivot_doc);
        if new_doc != pivot_doc {
            if new_doc == TERMINATED {
            // We went past the pivot.
            // We just go through the outer loop mechanic (Note that pivot is
            // still a possible candidate).
            // Termination is still guaranteed since we can only consider the same
            // pivot at most term_scorers.len() - 1 times.
            restore_ordering(term_scorers, i);
            return false;

// Assumes terms_scorers[..pivot_len] are positioned on the same doc (pivot_doc).
// Advance term_scorers[..pivot_len] and out of these removes the terminated scores.
// Restores the ordering of term_scorers.
fn advance_all_scorers_on_pivot(term_scorers: &mut Vec<TermScorerWithMaxScore>, pivot_len: usize) {
    for term_scorer in &mut term_scorers[..pivot_len] {
    // TODO use drain_filter when available.
    let mut i = 0;
    while i != term_scorers.len() {
        if term_scorers[i].doc() == TERMINATED {
        } else {
            i += 1;
    term_scorers.sort_by_key(|scorer| scorer.doc());

/// Implements the WAND (Weak AND) algorithm for dynamic pruning
/// described in the paper "Faster Top-k Document Retrieval Using Block-Max Indexes".
/// Link: <http://engineering.nyu.edu/~suel/papers/bmw.pdf>
pub fn block_wand(
    mut scorers: Vec<TermScorer>,
    mut threshold: Score,
    callback: &mut dyn FnMut(u32, Score) -> Score,
) {
    let mut scorers: Vec<TermScorerWithMaxScore> = scorers
    scorers.sort_by_key(|scorer| scorer.doc());
    // At this point we need to ensure that the scorers are sorted!
    debug_assert!(is_sorted(scorers.iter().map(|scorer| scorer.doc())));
    while let Some((before_pivot_len, pivot_len, pivot_doc)) =
        find_pivot_doc(&scorers[..], threshold)
        debug_assert!(is_sorted(scorers.iter().map(|scorer| scorer.doc())));
        debug_assert_ne!(pivot_doc, TERMINATED);
        debug_assert!(before_pivot_len < pivot_len);

        let block_max_score_upperbound: Score = scorers[..pivot_len]
            .map(|scorer| {

        // Beware after shallow advance, skip readers can be in advance compared to
        // the segment posting lists.
        // `block_segment_postings.load_block()` need to be called separately.
        if block_max_score_upperbound <= threshold {
            // Block max condition was not reached
            // We could get away by simply advancing the scorers to DocId + 1 but it would
            // be inefficient. The optimization requires proper explanation and was
            // isolated in a different function.
            block_max_was_too_low_advance_one_scorer(&mut scorers, pivot_len);

        // Block max condition is observed.
        // Let's try and advance all scorers before the pivot to the pivot.
        if !align_scorers(&mut scorers, pivot_doc, before_pivot_len) {
            // At least of the scorer does not contain the pivot.
            // Let's stop scoring this pivot and go through the pivot selection again.
            // Note that the current pivot is not necessarily a bad candidate and it
            // may be picked again.

        // At this point, all scorers are positioned on the doc.
        let score = scorers[..pivot_len]
            .map(|scorer| scorer.score())

        if score > threshold {
            threshold = callback(pivot_doc, score);
        // let's advance all of the scorers that are currently positioned on the pivot.
        advance_all_scorers_on_pivot(&mut scorers, pivot_len);

/// Specialized version of [`block_wand`] for a single scorer.
/// In this case, the algorithm is simple, readable and faster (~ x3)
/// than the generic algorithm.
/// The algorithm behaves as follows:
/// - While we don't hit the end of the docset:
///   - While the block max score is under the `threshold`, go to the next block.
///   - On a block, advance until the end and execute `callback` when the doc score is greater or
///     equal to the `threshold`.
pub fn block_wand_single_scorer(
    mut scorer: TermScorer,
    mut threshold: Score,
    callback: &mut dyn FnMut(u32, Score) -> Score,
) {
    let mut doc = scorer.doc();
    loop {
        // We position the scorer on a block that can reach
        // the threshold.
        while scorer.block_max_score() < threshold {
            let last_doc_in_block = scorer.last_doc_in_block();
            if last_doc_in_block == TERMINATED {
            doc = last_doc_in_block + 1;
        // Seek will effectively load that block.
        doc = scorer.seek(doc);
        if doc == TERMINATED {
        loop {
            let score = scorer.score();
            if score > threshold {
                threshold = callback(doc, score);
            debug_assert!(doc <= scorer.last_doc_in_block());
            if doc == scorer.last_doc_in_block() {
            doc = scorer.advance();
            if doc == TERMINATED {
        doc += 1;

struct TermScorerWithMaxScore<'a> {
    scorer: &'a mut TermScorer,
    max_score: Score,

impl<'a> From<&'a mut TermScorer> for TermScorerWithMaxScore<'a> {
    fn from(scorer: &'a mut TermScorer) -> Self {
        let max_score = scorer.max_score();
        TermScorerWithMaxScore { scorer, max_score }

impl<'a> Deref for TermScorerWithMaxScore<'a> {
    type Target = TermScorer;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {

impl<'a> DerefMut for TermScorerWithMaxScore<'a> {
    fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {

fn is_sorted<I: Iterator<Item = DocId>>(mut it: I) -> bool {
    if let Some(first) = it.next() {
        let mut prev = first;
        for doc in it {
            if doc < prev {
                return false;
            prev = doc;
mod tests {
    use std::cmp::Ordering;
    use std::collections::BinaryHeap;
    use std::iter;

    use proptest::prelude::*;

    use crate::query::score_combiner::SumCombiner;
    use crate::query::term_query::TermScorer;
    use crate::query::{Bm25Weight, Scorer, Union};
    use crate::{DocId, DocSet, Score, TERMINATED};

    struct Float(Score);

    impl Eq for Float {}

    impl PartialEq for Float {
        fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
            self.cmp(other) == Ordering::Equal

    impl PartialOrd for Float {
        fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {

    impl Ord for Float {
        fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {

    fn nearly_equals(left: Score, right: Score) -> bool {
        (left - right).abs() < 0.0001 * (left + right).abs()

    fn compute_checkpoints_for_each_pruning(
        mut term_scorers: Vec<TermScorer>,
        n: usize,
    ) -> Vec<(DocId, Score)> {
        let mut heap: BinaryHeap<Float> = BinaryHeap::with_capacity(n);
        let mut checkpoints: Vec<(DocId, Score)> = Vec::new();
        let mut limit: Score = 0.0;

        let callback = &mut |doc, score| {
            if heap.len() > n {
            if heap.len() == n {
                limit = heap.peek().unwrap().0;
            if !nearly_equals(score, limit) {
                checkpoints.push((doc, score));

        if term_scorers.len() == 1 {
            let scorer = term_scorers.pop().unwrap();
            super::block_wand_single_scorer(scorer, Score::MIN, callback);
        } else {
            super::block_wand(term_scorers, Score::MIN, callback);

    fn compute_checkpoints_manual(term_scorers: Vec<TermScorer>, n: usize) -> Vec<(DocId, Score)> {
        let mut heap: BinaryHeap<Float> = BinaryHeap::with_capacity(n);
        let mut checkpoints: Vec<(DocId, Score)> = Vec::new();
        let mut scorer = Union::build(term_scorers, SumCombiner::default);

        let mut limit = Score::MIN;
        loop {
            if scorer.doc() == TERMINATED {
            let doc = scorer.doc();
            let score = scorer.score();
            if score > limit {
                if heap.len() > n {
                if heap.len() == n {
                    limit = heap.peek().unwrap().0;
                if !nearly_equals(score, limit) {
                    checkpoints.push((doc, score));

    const MAX_TERM_FREQ: u32 = 100u32;

    fn posting_list(max_doc: u32) -> BoxedStrategy<Vec<(DocId, u32)>> {
        (1..max_doc + 1)
            .prop_flat_map(move |doc_freq| {
                    proptest::bits::bitset::sampled(doc_freq as usize, 0..max_doc as usize),
                    proptest::collection::vec(1u32..MAX_TERM_FREQ, doc_freq as usize),
            .prop_map(|(docset, term_freqs)| {
                    .map(|doc| doc as u32)

    fn gen_term_scorers(num_scorers: usize) -> BoxedStrategy<(Vec<Vec<(DocId, u32)>>, Vec<u32>)> {
            .prop_flat_map(move |max_doc: u32| {
                    proptest::collection::vec(posting_list(max_doc), num_scorers),
                    proptest::collection::vec(2u32..10u32 * MAX_TERM_FREQ, max_doc as usize),

    fn test_block_wand_aux(posting_lists: &[Vec<(DocId, u32)>], fieldnorms: &[u32]) {
        // We virtually repeat all docs 64 times in order to emulate blocks of 2 documents
        // and surface blogs more easily.
        const REPEAT: usize = 64;
        let fieldnorms_expanded = fieldnorms
            .flat_map(|fieldnorm| iter::repeat(fieldnorm).take(REPEAT))

        let postings_lists_expanded: Vec<Vec<(DocId, u32)>> = posting_lists
            .map(|posting_list| {
                    .flat_map(|(doc, term_freq)| {
                        (0_u32..REPEAT as u32).map(move |offset| {
                                doc * (REPEAT as u32) + offset,
                                if offset == 0 { term_freq } else { 1 },
                    .collect::<Vec<(DocId, u32)>>()

        let total_fieldnorms: u64 = fieldnorms_expanded
            .map(|fieldnorm| fieldnorm as u64)
        let average_fieldnorm = (total_fieldnorms as Score) / (fieldnorms_expanded.len() as Score);
        let max_doc = fieldnorms_expanded.len();

        let term_scorers: Vec<TermScorer> = postings_lists_expanded
            .map(|postings| {
                let bm25_weight = Bm25Weight::for_one_term(
                    postings.len() as u64,
                    max_doc as u64,
                TermScorer::create_for_test(postings, &fieldnorms_expanded[..], bm25_weight)
        for top_k in 1..4 {
            let checkpoints_for_each_pruning =
                compute_checkpoints_for_each_pruning(term_scorers.clone(), top_k);
            let checkpoints_manual = compute_checkpoints_manual(term_scorers.clone(), top_k);
            assert_eq!(checkpoints_for_each_pruning.len(), checkpoints_manual.len());
            for (&(left_doc, left_score), &(right_doc, right_score)) in checkpoints_for_each_pruning
                assert_eq!(left_doc, right_doc);
                assert!(nearly_equals(left_score, right_score));

    proptest! {
        fn test_block_wand_two_term_scorers((posting_lists, fieldnorms) in gen_term_scorers(2)) {
            test_block_wand_aux(&posting_lists[..], &fieldnorms[..]);

    proptest! {
        fn test_block_wand_single_term_scorer((posting_lists, fieldnorms) in gen_term_scorers(1)) {
            test_block_wand_aux(&posting_lists[..], &fieldnorms[..]);

    fn test_fn_reproduce_proptest() {
        let postings_lists = &[
                (0, 1),
                (1, 1),
                (2, 1),
                (3, 1),
                (4, 1),
                (6, 1),
                (7, 7),
                (8, 1),
                (10, 1),
                (12, 1),
                (13, 1),
                (14, 1),
                (15, 1),
                (16, 1),
                (19, 1),
                (20, 1),
                (21, 1),
                (22, 1),
                (24, 1),
                (25, 1),
                (26, 1),
                (28, 1),
                (30, 1),
                (31, 1),
                (33, 1),
                (34, 1),
                (35, 1),
                (36, 95),
                (37, 1),
                (39, 1),
                (41, 1),
                (44, 1),
                (46, 1),
                (0, 5),
                (2, 1),
                (4, 1),
                (5, 84),
                (6, 47),
                (7, 26),
                (8, 50),
                (9, 34),
                (11, 73),
                (12, 11),
                (13, 51),
                (14, 45),
                (15, 18),
                (18, 60),
                (19, 80),
                (20, 63),
                (23, 79),
                (24, 69),
                (26, 35),
                (28, 82),
                (29, 19),
                (30, 2),
                (31, 7),
                (33, 40),
                (34, 1),
                (35, 33),
                (36, 27),
                (37, 24),
                (38, 65),
                (39, 32),
                (40, 85),
                (41, 1),
                (42, 69),
                (43, 11),
                (45, 45),
                (47, 97),
                (2, 1),
                (4, 1),
                (7, 94),
                (8, 1),
                (9, 1),
                (10, 1),
                (12, 1),
                (15, 1),
                (22, 1),
                (23, 1),
                (26, 1),
                (27, 1),
                (32, 1),
                (33, 1),
                (34, 1),
                (36, 96),
                (39, 1),
                (41, 1),
        let fieldnorms = &[
            685, 239, 780, 564, 664, 827, 5, 56, 930, 887, 263, 665, 167, 127, 120, 919, 292, 92,
            489, 734, 814, 724, 700, 304, 128, 779, 311, 877, 774, 15, 866, 368, 894, 371, 982,
            502, 507, 669, 680, 76, 594, 626, 578, 331, 170, 639, 665, 186,
        test_block_wand_aux(postings_lists, fieldnorms);

    proptest! {
        fn test_block_wand_three_term_scorers((posting_lists, fieldnorms) in gen_term_scorers(3)) {
            test_block_wand_aux(&posting_lists[..], &fieldnorms[..]);