tame-oidc 0.3.1

A (very) thin layer of OIDC like functionality

🧬 tame-oidc

A very tame OIDC client based on tame-oauth.

Embark Embark Crates.io Docs dependency status Build status

tame-oidc is a small oidc crate that follows the sans-io approach.


  • You want to control how you actually make oidc HTTP requests

Why not?

  • The only auth flow that is currently implemented are the flows we are using internally. Other flows can be added, but right now that is the only one we need.
  • This crate requires more boilerplate to use.


See example code in examples/embark.rs



Usage: cargo run --example embark

A small example of using tame-oidc together with reqwest.


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