Type Definition tallystick::approval::DefaultApprovalTally[][src]

type DefaultApprovalTally<T> = ApprovalTally<T, u64>;
Expand description

An approval tally using u64 integers to count votes. DefaultApprovalTally is generally preferred over ApprovalTally. Since this is an alias, refer to ApprovalTally for method documentation.


   use tallystick::approval::DefaultApprovalTally;

   // An election for Judge
   let mut tally = DefaultApprovalTally::<&str>::new(1);
   tally.add(vec!["Judge Judy", "Notorious RBG"]);
   tally.add(vec!["Judge Dredd"]);
   tally.add(vec!["Abe Vigoda", "Notorious RBG"]);
   tally.add(vec!["Judge Dredd", "Notorious RBG"]);

   let winners = tally.winners().into_unranked();
   assert!(winners[0] == "Notorious RBG");