tallystick 0.4.3

tallystick is a rust library for talling votes
use super::Numeric;
use num_traits::Num;

/// A quota defines how many votes are required to win an election in relation to the total number of votes cast. `nightly`
pub enum Quota<C> {
    /// Droop quota. It is defined as:
    /// ```floor((total-votes / (total-seats + 1)) + 1```
    /// In single-winner elections, it's often known as "fifty percent plus one".
    /// The Droop quota is always an integer, even when using fractional votes.
    /// See [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droop_quota) for more details.

    /// Hagenbach-Bischoff quota.
    /// Also known as the "Newland-Britton quota" or the "exact Droop quota", it is defined as:
    /// ```total-votes / (total-seats + 1)```
    /// It differs from the Droop quota in that the quota often contains a fraction. In single-winner elections,
    /// the first candidate to achieve more than 50% of the vote wins. This system is best used when fractional
    /// votes are being used, or in a transferable-vote system where votes are redistributed fractionally.
    /// See [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hagenbach-Bischoff_quota) for more details.

    /// Hare quota.
    /// It is defined as:
    /// ```total-votes / total-seats```
    /// In single-winner elections, it is equal to one hundred percent of the vote.
    /// It is generally not recommended and is included for completeness.
    /// See [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hare_quota) for more details.

    /// Imperiali quota.
    /// It is defined as:
    /// ```total-votes / (total-seats + 2)```
    /// It is rarely used and not recommended.
    /// See [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperiali_quota) for more details.

    /// Static quota that does not vary with either the total votes nor the total seats.
    /// Useful for oddball custom tallies with custom quotas.

impl<C: Numeric + Num + Clone> Quota<C> {
    /// Compute the threshold needed to be elected for the given quota.
    /// Note that total-votes should be the number of votes counted in the tally.
    /// It should not include invalid votes that were not added the tally.
    /// For weighted tallies, it should be the sum of all weights.
    /// # Panics
    /// This method will panic if `Quota::Hagenbach` is used with an integer (non Real) count type.
    pub fn threshold(&self, total_votes: C, num_winners: C) -> C {
        match self {
            Quota::Droop => (total_votes / (num_winners + C::one())).floor() + C::one(),
            Quota::Hagenbach => {
                if !C::fraction() {
                    panic!("tallystick::Quota::Hagenbach cannot be used with an integer count type. Please use a float or a rational.")
                total_votes / (num_winners + C::one())
            Quota::Hare => total_votes / num_winners,
            Quota::Imperiali => total_votes / (num_winners + C::one() + C::one()),
            Quota::Static(x) => x.clone(),

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn quota_test() {
        // Static
        // ------
        assert!(Quota::Static(50).threshold(100, 1) == 50);
        assert!(Quota::Static(50).threshold(101, 1) == 50);

        // Integers
        // --------
        assert!(Quota::Droop.threshold(100, 1) == 51);
        assert!(Quota::Droop.threshold(101, 1) == 51);
        assert!(Quota::Droop.threshold(102, 1) == 52);

        assert!(Quota::Droop.threshold(100, 2) == 34);
        assert!(Quota::Droop.threshold(101, 2) == 34);
        assert!(Quota::Droop.threshold(102, 2) == 35);

        assert!(Quota::Hare.threshold(100, 1) == 100);
        assert!(Quota::Hare.threshold(101, 1) == 101);
        assert!(Quota::Hare.threshold(102, 1) == 102);

        assert!(Quota::Hare.threshold(100, 2) == 50);
        assert!(Quota::Hare.threshold(101, 2) == 50); // 50.5 rounded down because integer
        assert!(Quota::Hare.threshold(102, 2) == 51);

        assert!(Quota::Imperiali.threshold(100, 1) == 33);
        assert!(Quota::Imperiali.threshold(101, 1) == 33);
        assert!(Quota::Imperiali.threshold(102, 1) == 34);

        assert!(Quota::Imperiali.threshold(100, 2) == 25);
        assert!(Quota::Imperiali.threshold(101, 2) == 25); // 25.25 rounded down because integer
        assert!(Quota::Imperiali.threshold(102, 2) == 25); // 25.50 rounded down because integer

        // Floats
        // ------
        let thirty_three_point_threes = 33.0 + (1.0 / 3.0); // 33.333...
        let thirty_three_point_sixes = 33.0 + (2.0 / 3.0); // 33.666...

        assert!(Quota::Droop.threshold(100.0, 1.0) == 51.0);
        assert!(Quota::Droop.threshold(101.0, 1.0) == 51.0);
        assert!(Quota::Droop.threshold(102.0, 1.0) == 52.0);

        assert!(Quota::Droop.threshold(100.0, 2.0) == 34.0);
        assert!(Quota::Droop.threshold(101.0, 2.0) == 34.0);
        assert!(Quota::Droop.threshold(102.0, 2.0) == 35.0);

        assert!(Quota::Hagenbach.threshold(100.0, 1.0) == 50.0);
        assert!(Quota::Hagenbach.threshold(101.0, 1.0) == 50.5);
        assert!(Quota::Hagenbach.threshold(102.0, 1.0) == 51.0);

        assert!(Quota::Hagenbach.threshold(100.0, 2.0) == thirty_three_point_threes); // 33.333...
        assert!(Quota::Hagenbach.threshold(101.0, 2.0) == thirty_three_point_sixes); // 33.666...
        assert!(Quota::Hagenbach.threshold(102.0, 2.0) == 34.0);

        assert!(Quota::Hare.threshold(100.0, 1.0) == 100.0);
        assert!(Quota::Hare.threshold(101.0, 1.0) == 101.0);
        assert!(Quota::Hare.threshold(102.0, 1.0) == 102.0);

        assert!(Quota::Hare.threshold(100.0, 2.0) == 50.0);
        assert!(Quota::Hare.threshold(101.0, 2.0) == 50.5);
        assert!(Quota::Hare.threshold(102.0, 2.0) == 51.0);

        assert!(Quota::Imperiali.threshold(100.0, 1.0) == thirty_three_point_threes); // 33.333...
        assert!(Quota::Imperiali.threshold(101.0, 1.0) == thirty_three_point_sixes); // 33.666...
        assert!(Quota::Imperiali.threshold(102.0, 1.0) == 34.0);

        assert!(Quota::Imperiali.threshold(100.0, 2.0) == 25.00);
        assert!(Quota::Imperiali.threshold(101.0, 2.0) == 25.25);
        assert!(Quota::Imperiali.threshold(102.0, 2.0) == 25.50);

    fn quota_panic_test() {
        // Hagenbach should panic when using integers
        assert!(Quota::Hagenbach.threshold(100, 1) == 50);