tallystick 0.3.1

tallystick is a rust library for talling votes
use super::errors::TallyError;
use super::RankedWinners;

use hashbrown::HashMap;
use num_traits::cast::NumCast;
use num_traits::Num;
use petgraph::algo::tarjan_scc;
use petgraph::graph::NodeIndex;
use petgraph::Graph;
use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::ops::AddAssign;

/// A condorcet tally using `u64` integers to count votes.
/// `DefaultCondorcetTally` is generally preferred over `CondorcetTally`, except when using vote weights that contains fractions.
/// Since this is an alias, refer to [`CondorcetTally`](struct.CondorcetTally.html) for method documentation.
/// # Example
/// ```
///    use tallystick::condorcet::DefaultCondorcetTally;
///    // What is your favourite colour?
///    // A vote with hexadecimal colour candidates and a single-winner.
///    let red = 0xff0000;
///    let blue = 0x00ff00;
///    let green = 0x0000ff;
///    let mut tally = DefaultCondorcetTally::with_candidates(1, vec![red, blue, green]);
///    tally.add(&vec![green, blue, red]);
///    tally.add(&vec![red, green, blue]);
///    tally.add(&vec![blue, green, red]);
///    tally.add(&vec![blue, red, green]);
///    tally.add(&vec![blue, red, green]);
///    let winners = tally.winners().into_unranked();
///    // Blue wins!
///    assert!(winners[0] == 0x00ff00);
/// ```
pub type DefaultCondorcetTally<T> = CondorcetTally<T, u64>;

/// A generic condorcet tally.
/// Generics:
/// - `T`: The candidate type.
/// - `C`: The count type. `u64` is recommended, but can be modified to use a different type for counting votes (eg `f64` for fractional vote weights).
/// Example:
/// ```
///    use tallystick::condorcet::CondorcetTally;
///    // A tally with string candidates, one winner, and `f64` counting.
///    let mut tally = CondorcetTally::<&str, f64>::new(1);
///    tally.add_candidate("Alice");
///    tally.add_candidate("Bob");
///    tally.add_candidate("Carlos");
///    tally.add(&vec!["Alice", "Bob", "Carlos"]);
///    tally.add(&vec!["Bob", "Carlos", "Alice"]);
///    tally.add(&vec!["Alice", "Carlos", "Bob"]);
///    tally.add(&vec!["Alice", "Bob", "Carlos"]);
///    let winners = tally.winners();
/// ```
pub struct CondorcetTally<T, C = u64>
    T: Eq + Clone + Hash,                             // Candidate type
    C: Copy + PartialOrd + AddAssign + Num + NumCast, // Count type
    pub(crate) running_total: HashMap<(usize, usize), C>,
    pub(crate) num_winners: u32,
    pub(crate) candidates: HashMap<T, usize>, // Map candiates to a unique integer identifiers
    check_votes: bool,

impl<T, C> CondorcetTally<T, C>
    T: Eq + Clone + Hash,                             // Candidate type
    C: Copy + PartialOrd + AddAssign + Num + NumCast, // Count type
    /// Create a new `CondorcetTally` with the given number of winners.
    /// If there is a tie, the number of winners might be more than `num_winners`.
    /// (See [`winners()`](#method.winners) for more information on ties.)
    pub fn new(num_winners: u32) -> Self {
        CondorcetTally {
            running_total: HashMap::new(),
            num_winners: num_winners,
            candidates: HashMap::new(),
            check_votes: true,

    /// Create a new `CondorcetTally` with the given number of winners, and the provided candidates
    pub fn with_candidates(num_winners: u32, candidates: Vec<T>) -> Self {
        let mut tally = CondorcetTally {
            running_total: HashMap::with_capacity(candidates.len() ^ 2),
            num_winners: num_winners,
            candidates: HashMap::with_capacity(candidates.len()),
            check_votes: true,

    /// Make this tally an unchecked tally, forgoing vote validity checking
    /// When using an unchecked tally, all vote adding methods will return Ok(), so you may elide checking for errors.
    pub fn unchecked(mut self) -> Self {
        self.check_votes = false;

    /// Add a candidate to the tally.
    pub fn add_candidate(&mut self, candidate: T) {
        let candidate_id = self.candidates.len();
        self.candidates.insert(candidate, candidate_id);

    /// Add some candidates to the tally.
    pub fn add_candidates(&mut self, mut candidates: Vec<T>) {
        for candidate in candidates.drain(..) {

    /// Add a vote.
    pub fn add(&mut self, vote: &[T]) -> Result<(), TallyError> {
        self.add_weighted(vote, C::one())

    /// Add a weighted vote.
    pub fn add_weighted(&mut self, vote: &[T], weight: C) -> Result<(), TallyError> {
        if self.check_votes {

        let selection = self.unranked_mapped_candidates(&vote);

        self.add_ranked_candidate_ids(selection, weight);


    /// Add a ranked vote.
    /// A ranked vote is a list of tuples of (candidate, rank), where rank is ascending.
    /// Two candidates with the same rank are equal in preference.
    pub fn ranked_add(&mut self, vote: &[(T, u32)]) -> Result<(), TallyError> {
        self.ranked_add_weighted(vote, C::one())

    /// Add a ranked vote with a weight.
    /// A ranked vote is a list of tuples of (candidate, rank), where rank is ascending.
    /// Two candidates with the same rank are equal in preference.
    pub fn ranked_add_weighted(&mut self, vote: &[(T, u32)], weight: C) -> Result<(), TallyError> {
        if self.check_votes {

        let selection = self.ranked_mapped_candidates(&vote);

        self.add_ranked_candidate_ids(selection, weight);


    // Internal function that takes a ranked list of candidate-ids and adds them to the tally.
    fn add_ranked_candidate_ids(&mut self, selection: Vec<(usize, u32)>, weight: C) {
        for (i, (candidate_1, rank_1)) in selection.iter().enumerate() {
            let mut j = i + 1;
            while let Some((candidate_2, rank_2)) = selection.get(j) {
                if rank_1 < rank_2 {
                    *self.running_total.entry((*candidate_1, *candidate_2)).or_insert(C::zero()) += weight;
                if rank_2 < rank_1 {
                    *self.running_total.entry((*candidate_2, *candidate_1)).or_insert(C::zero()) += weight;
                j += 1;

    /// Get total counts for this tally.
    /// Totals are returned as a list of pairwise comparisons
    /// For a pairwise comparison `((T1, T2), C)`, `C` is the number of votes where candidate `T1` is preferred over candidate `T2`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    ///    use tallystick::condorcet::DefaultCondorcetTally;
    ///    let mut tally = DefaultCondorcetTally::with_candidates(1, vec!["Alice", "Bob"]);
    ///    for _ in 0..30 { tally.add(&vec!["Alice", "Bob"]); }
    ///    for _ in 0..10 { tally.add(&vec!["Bob", "Alice"]); }
    ///    for ((candidate1, candidate2), num_votes) in tally.totals().iter() {
    ///       println!("{} is preferred over {} {} times", candidate1, candidate2, num_votes);
    ///    }
    ///    // Prints:
    ///    //   Alice is preferred over Bob 30 times
    ///    //   Bob is preferred over Alice 10 times
    /// ```
    pub fn totals(&self) -> Vec<((T, T), C)> {
        let mut totals = Vec::<((T, T), C)>::with_capacity(self.running_total.len());

        // Invert the candidate map.
        let mut candidates = HashMap::<usize, T>::with_capacity(self.candidates.len());
        for (candidate, i) in self.candidates.iter() {
            candidates.insert(*i, candidate.clone());

        for ((candidate1, candidate2), count) in self.running_total.iter() {
            // Ok to unwrap here since candidates must exist.
            let candidate1 = candidates.get(candidate1).unwrap().clone();
            let candidate2 = candidates.get(candidate2).unwrap().clone();
            totals.push(((candidate1, candidate2), *count));


    /// Get a ranked list of all candidates. Candidates with the same rank are tied.
    /// Candidates are ranked in ascending order. The highest ranked candidate has a rank of `0`.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    ///    use tallystick::condorcet::DefaultCondorcetTally;
    ///    let mut tally = DefaultCondorcetTally::with_candidates(1, vec!["Alice", "Bob", "Carlos"]);
    ///    for _ in 0..50 { tally.add(&vec!["Alice", "Bob", "Carlos"]); }
    ///    for _ in 0..40 { tally.add(&vec!["Bob", "Carlos", "Alice"]); }
    ///    for _ in 0..30 { tally.add(&vec!["Carlos", "Alice", "Bob"]); }
    ///    for (candidate, rank) in tally.ranked().iter() {
    ///       println!("{} has a rank of {}", candidate, rank);
    ///    }
    ///    // Prints:
    ///    //   Alice has a rank of 0
    ///    //   Bob has a rank of 1
    ///    //   Carlos has a rank of 2
    /// ```
    pub fn ranked(&self) -> Vec<(T, u32)> {
        // Compute smith-sets using Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm.
        let graph = self.build_graph();
        let smith_sets = tarjan_scc(&graph);

        // Invert the candidate map, cloned candidates will be moved into the winners list.
        let mut candidates = HashMap::<usize, T>::with_capacity(self.candidates.len());
        for (candidate, i) in self.candidates.iter() {
            candidates.insert(*i, candidate.clone());

        // Add to ranked list.
        let mut ranked = Vec::<(T, u32)>::with_capacity(self.candidates.len());
        for (rank, smith_set) in smith_sets.iter().enumerate() {
            // We need to add all members of a smith set at the same time,
            // even if it means more winners than needed. All members of a smith_set
            // have the same rank.

            // TODO: Check performance difference between cloning here and using a stable graph (where we can remove_node())
            for graph_id in smith_set.iter() {
                let candidate = graph.node_weight(*graph_id).unwrap(); // Safe to unwrap here since graph should always contain a node-weight at this graph-id.
                ranked.push((candidate.clone(), rank as u32));


    /// Get a ranked list of winners. Winners with the same rank are tied.
    /// The number of winners might be greater than the requested `num_winners` if there is a tie.
    /// # Example
    /// ```
    ///    use tallystick::condorcet::DefaultCondorcetTally;
    ///    let mut tally = DefaultCondorcetTally::new(2); // We ideally want only 2 winnners
    ///    tally.add_candidates(vec!["Alice", "Bob", "Carlos", "Dave"]);
    ///    tally.add_weighted(&vec!["Alice"], 3);
    ///    tally.add_weighted(&vec!["Bob", "Carlos", "Alice"], 2);
    ///    tally.add_weighted(&vec!["Carlos", "Alice", "Bob"], 2);
    ///    tally.add(&vec!["Dave"]); // implicit weight of 1
    ///    let winners = tally.winners();
    ///    println!("We have {} winners", winners.len());
    ///    // Prints: "We have 3 winners" (due to Carlos and Bob being tied)
    ///    // Check for ties that overflow the wanted number of winners
    ///    if winners.check_overflow() {
    ///        println!("There are more winners than seats.")
    ///    }
    ///    if let Some(overflow_winners) = winners.overflow() {
    ///        println!("We need to resolve the following overflowing tie between:");
    ///        for overflow_winner in overflow_winners {
    ///            println!("\t {}", overflow_winner);
    ///        }
    ///    }
    ///    // Print all winners by rank
    ///    for (winner, rank) in winners.iter() {
    ///        println!("{} has a rank of {}", winner, rank);
    ///    }
    ///    // Prints:
    ///    //   Alice has a rank of 0
    ///    //   Bob has a rank of 1
    ///    //   Carlos has a rank of 1
    /// ```
    pub fn winners(&self) -> RankedWinners<T> {
        RankedWinners::from_ranked(self.ranked(), self.num_winners)

    /// Build a graph representing all pairwise competitions between all candidates.
    /// Each candidate is assigned a node, vertexes between nodes contain a tuple of counts.
    /// Vertexes are directional, leading from the more preferred candidate to the less prefered candidate.
    /// The first element of tuple is the number votes where the first candidate is prefered to the second.
    /// The second element of the tuple is the number of votes where the second candidate is prefered to the first.
    /// The first element in the tuple is always greater than or equal to the second element in the tuple.
    /// If both candidates are equally prefered, two vertexes are created, one going in each direction.
    /// <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phayes/tallystick/master/docs/pairwise-graph.png" height="320px">
    /// Image Source: [https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.02973.pdf](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.02973.pdf)
    pub fn build_graph(&self) -> Graph<T, (C, C)> {
        let mut graph = Graph::<T, (C, C)>::with_capacity(self.candidates.len(), self.candidates.len() ^ 2);

        // Add all candidates
        let mut graph_ids = HashMap::<usize, NodeIndex>::new();
        for (candidate, candidate_id) in self.candidates.iter() {
            graph_ids.insert(*candidate_id, graph.add_node(candidate.clone()));

        let zero = C::zero();
        for ((candidate_1, candidate_2), votecount_1) in self.running_total.iter() {
            let votecount_2 = self.running_total.get(&(*candidate_2, *candidate_1)).unwrap_or(&zero);

            // Only add if candidate_1 vs candidate_2 votecount is larger than candidate_2 vs candidate_1 votecount
            // Otherwise we will catch it when we come around to it again.
            if votecount_1 >= votecount_2 {
                let candidate_1_id = graph_ids.get(candidate_1).unwrap(); // Safe to unwrap since graph-ids contain all candidates.
                let candidate_2_id = graph_ids.get(candidate_2).unwrap();
                graph.add_edge(*candidate_2_id, *candidate_1_id, (*votecount_1, *votecount_2));


    /// Get a list of all candidates seen by this tally.
    /// Candidates are returned in no particular order.
    pub fn candidates(&self) -> Vec<T> {
        self.candidates.iter().map(|(k, _v)| k.clone()).collect()

    /// Check the validity of a vote
    /// This will ensure all candidates are valid, and there are no duplicate candidates.
    pub fn check_vote(&self, vote: &[T]) -> Result<(), TallyError> {
        // Check to make sure all candidates exists
        for candidate in vote {
            if self.candidates.get(candidate).is_none() {
                return Err(TallyError::UnknownCandidate);


    /// Check the validity of a ranked vote
    /// This will ensure all candidates are valid, and there are no duplicate candidates.
    pub fn check_ranked_vote(&self, vote: &[(T, u32)]) -> Result<(), TallyError> {
        // Check to make sure all candidates exists
        for (candidate, _rank) in vote {
            if self.candidates.get(candidate).is_none() {
                return Err(TallyError::UnknownCandidate);


    // Return an internal representation of candidates
    fn unranked_mapped_candidates(&mut self, selection: &[T]) -> Vec<(usize, u32)> {
        let mut mapped = Vec::<(usize, u32)>::new();
        for (candidate, candidate_id) in self.candidates.iter() {
            let index = selection.iter().position(|ref r| *r == candidate);
            let rank = match index {
                Some(i) => i,
                None => selection.len(),
            mapped.push((*candidate_id, rank.try_into().unwrap())); // OK to unwrap since we can only have u32 candidates.


    // Return an internal representation of candidates
    fn ranked_mapped_candidates(&mut self, selection: &[(T, u32)]) -> Vec<(usize, u32)> {
        let mut mapped = Vec::<(usize, u32)>::new();
        let mut trailing_candidates = Vec::<usize>::new();
        let mut max_rank = 0;
        for (candidate, candidate_id) in self.candidates.iter() {
            let ranked_candidate = selection.iter().find(|ref r| &(r.0) == candidate);
            match ranked_candidate {
                Some(rc) => {
                    max_rank = std::cmp::max(max_rank, rc.1);
                    mapped.push((*candidate_id, rc.1));
                None => trailing_candidates.push(*candidate_id),

        // Add all candidates that were not mentioned in the vote as a trailing candidate.
        for candidate_id in trailing_candidates {
            mapped.push((candidate_id, max_rank + 1));


mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use maplit::hashset;
    use std::collections::HashSet;
    use std::iter::FromIterator;

    fn condorcet_basic() -> Result<(), TallyError> {
        // Election between Alice, Bob, and Carol
        let mut tally = DefaultCondorcetTally::with_candidates(2, vec!["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"]);
        tally.add(&vec!["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"])?;
        tally.add(&vec!["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"])?;
        tally.add(&vec!["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"])?;

        let totals = tally.totals();
        let totals = HashSet::from_iter(totals.iter().cloned()); // As a hashset.
            hashset![(("Alice", "Bob"), 3), (("Bob", "Carol"), 3), (("Alice", "Carol"), 3)]

        let winners = tally.winners();
        assert_eq!(winners.into_vec(), vec! {("Alice", 0), ("Bob", 1)});

        // Test a non-transitive voting paradox
        let mut tally = DefaultCondorcetTally::with_candidates(2, vec!["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"]);
        tally.add(&vec!["Alice", "Bob", "Carol"])?;
        tally.add(&vec!["Bob", "Carol", "Alice"])?;
        tally.add(&vec!["Carol", "Alice", "Bob"])?;

        let winners = tally.winners();
        assert_eq!(winners.is_empty(), false);
        assert_eq!(winners.check_overflow(), true);
        assert_eq!(winners.all().len(), 3);
        assert_eq!(winners.overflow().unwrap().len(), 3);
        assert_eq!(winners.rank(&"Alice").unwrap(), 0);
        assert_eq!(winners.rank(&"Bob").unwrap(), 0);
        assert_eq!(winners.rank(&"Carol").unwrap(), 0);


    fn condorcet_wikipedia() -> Result<(), TallyError> {
        // From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condorcet_method
        let mut tally = DefaultCondorcetTally::with_candidates(4, vec!["Memphis", "Nashville", "Chattanooga", "Knoxville"]);
        tally.add_weighted(&vec!["Memphis", "Nashville", "Chattanooga", "Knoxville"], 42)?;
        tally.add_weighted(&vec!["Nashville", "Chattanooga", "Knoxville", "Memphis"], 26)?;
        tally.add_weighted(&vec!["Chattanooga", "Knoxville", "Nashville", "Memphis"], 15)?;
        tally.add_weighted(&vec!["Knoxville", "Chattanooga", "Nashville", "Memphis"], 17)?;

        let candidates = tally.candidates();
        let candidates = HashSet::from_iter(candidates.iter().cloned()); // As a hashset
        assert_eq!(candidates, hashset!["Memphis", "Nashville", "Chattanooga", "Knoxville"]);

        let totals = tally.totals();
        let totals = HashSet::from_iter(totals.iter().cloned()); // As a hashset
                (("Memphis", "Nashville"), 42),
                (("Nashville", "Memphis"), 58),
                (("Memphis", "Chattanooga"), 42),
                (("Chattanooga", "Memphis"), 58),
                (("Memphis", "Knoxville"), 42),
                (("Knoxville", "Memphis"), 58),
                (("Nashville", "Chattanooga"), 68),
                (("Chattanooga", "Nashville"), 32),
                (("Nashville", "Knoxville"), 68),
                (("Knoxville", "Nashville"), 32),
                (("Chattanooga", "Knoxville"), 83),
                (("Knoxville", "Chattanooga"), 17),

        let winners = tally.winners();
            vec! {("Nashville", 0), ("Chattanooga", 1), ("Knoxville", 2), ("Memphis", 3)}


    fn condorcet_graph() -> Result<(), TallyError> {
        // From: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.02973.pdf

        // Example 1:
        let mut tally = DefaultCondorcetTally::with_candidates(1, vec!["a", "b", "c", "d"]);
        tally.add_weighted(&vec!["a", "c", "d", "b"], 8)?;
        tally.add_weighted(&vec!["b", "a", "d", "c"], 2)?;
        tally.add_weighted(&vec!["c", "d", "b", "a"], 4)?;
        tally.add_weighted(&vec!["d", "b", "a", "c"], 4)?;
        tally.add_weighted(&vec!["d", "c", "b", "a"], 3)?;

        let graph = tally.build_graph();
        assert_eq!(graph.node_count(), 4);
        assert_eq!(graph.edge_count(), 6);

        for index in graph.node_indices() {
            let candidate = *graph.node_weight(index).unwrap();
            for edge in graph.edges(index).map(|e| e.weight()) {
                match candidate {
                    "a" => assert!(*edge == (13, 8) || *edge == (11, 10) || *edge == (14, 7)),
                    "b" => assert!(*edge == (13, 8) || *edge == (15, 6) || *edge == (19, 2)),
                    "c" => assert!(*edge == (12, 9) || *edge == (15, 6) || *edge == (14, 7)),
                    "d" => assert!(*edge == (12, 9) || *edge == (11, 10) || *edge == (19, 2)),
                    _ => panic!("Invalid candidate"),
