tallystick 0.3.1

tallystick is a rust library for talling votes
# tallystick

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tallystick is a work-in-progress rust library for tallying votes.

_Current state is very unstable. It is not currently recommended for use. See checkboxes below for a list of features that are complete._

## Goals

1. **Ergonomic** - Easy to use.
2. **Fast** - Be the fastest general-purpose vote tallying library in the world.
3. **Secure** - Have no undefined behavior.
4. **Complete** - Support all well-known voting methods.
5. **Deterministic** - Running the same tally twice should never produce different results.
6. **Generic** - Generic over both candidate and count types.

## Features

- [ ] `wasm` support for use in the browser, or in blockchain smart contracts.
- [ ] `rational` support for perfectly-precise tallies by using rational fractions instead of floats.
- [ ] `fixed_point` support for decimal fixed-point tallies, required by some statutes.
- [ ] `ffi` support for calling from other programming languages.
- [ ] `alloc` support for embedded and other applications where there is an allocator, but no standard library.

## Supported Tally Methods

| Status¹ | Tally Method      | Supported Variants                   | Performance²    | Notes                      |
| ------- | ----------------- | ------------------------------------ | --------------- | -------------------------- |
|| Plurality         |                                      | 120 million v/s | First Past the Post (FPTP) |
|| Score             |                                      | 3 million v/s   |                            |
|| Approval          |                                      | 4 million v/s   |                            |
|| STV               | Newland-Britton, Meek, Warren        | 3 million v/s   | Single Transferable Vote   |
|         | CPO-STV           |                                      |                 |                            |
|         | Instant Runoff    |                                      |                 |                            |
|         | Contingent        |                                      |                 |                            |
|| Condorcet         |                                      | 2 million v/s   |                            |
|         | Copeland          |                                      |                 |                            |
|| Schulze           | Winning, Margin, Ratio               | 2 million v/s   |                            |
|         | Schulze STV       |                                      |                 |                            |
|         | Kemeny–Young      |                                      |                 |                            |
|         | Minimax           |                                      |                 |                            |
|| Borda             | Classic, Dowdall, Modified           | 3 million v/s   |                            |
|         | Borda - Nanson    | Classic, Dowdall, Modified           |                 |                            |
|         | Borda - Baldwin   | Classic, Dowdall, Modified           |                 |                            |
|         | Dodgson           | Quick, Tideman                       |                 |                            |
|         | Ranked pairs      | Margin, Winning                      |                 |                            |
|         | STAR              |                                      |                 |                            |
|         | Majority judgment |                                      |                 |                            |
|         | D'Hondt           | Sainte-Laguë, Huntington-Hill, Quota |                 |                            |

1. ✓ means done, ⚠ means in-progress, blank means not started but support is planned.
2. Single threaded performance measured in votes tallied per second. Benchmarked on a 2017 Macbook Pro.

## Contributors

- Patrick Hayes ([linkedin]https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrickdhayes/) ([github]https://github.com/phayes) - Available for hire.
- Kurtis Jensen ([github]https://github.com/kbuilds)