talenta-0.3.1 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: talenta-0.5.0

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Rust Cargo

cargo install talenta

macOS Homebrew

brew tap el7cosmos/brew
brew install talenta



# Interactive
talenta login

# Non-interactive
talenta login --email <EMAIL> --password <PASSWORD>

Request attendance

# Interactive, use current date
talenta attendance

# Interactive, change attendance date
talenta attendance --date <DATE>

# Non-interactive, use current date
talenta attendance --checkin-time <TIME> --checkout-time <TIME> --reason <reason>

# Non-interactive, change attendance date
talenta attendance --date <DATE> --checkin-time <TIME> --checkout-time <TIME> --reason <reason>

Independent checkin/checkout

# Interactive, use current date and time
talenta attendance checkin
talenta attendance checkout

# Interactive, change attendance date and time
talenta attendance checkin --date <DATE> --time <TIME>
talenta attendance checkout --date <DATE> --time <TIME>

# Non-interactive, use current date and time
talenta attendance checkin --reason <reason>
talenta attendance checkout --reason <reason>

# Non-interactive, change attendance date and time
talenta attendance checkin --reason <reason> --date <DATE> --time <TIME>
talenta attendance checkout --reason <reason> --date <DATE> --time <TIME>
  • DATE: ISO 8601 date format (YYYY-mm-dd)
  • TIME: Time in format HH:MM

Live attendance

Planned in 0.4.x


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.