take_ref 0.2.0

TakeRef, TakeSlice, and TakeString traits enable treating references/slices and values interchangeably. They can be treated as references/slices. And you can take ownership of the value within with a clone performed only as needed.
  • Coverage
  • 100%
    10 out of 10 items documented3 out of 4 items with examples
  • Size
  • Source code size: 27.42 kB This is the summed size of all the files inside the crates.io package for this release.
  • Documentation size: 407.64 kB This is the summed size of all files generated by rustdoc for all configured targets
  • Links
  • bazald/take_ref
    0 0 0
  • crates.io
  • Dependencies
  • Versions
  • Owners
  • bazald


take_ref provides TakeRef, TakeSlice, and TakeString traits which enable treating references/slices and values interchangeably. They can be treated as references/slices. And you can take ownership of the value within with a clone performed only as needed.

An Example

The example take_slice can take in both &[i64] and Vec<i64> instances and refer to them multiple times before finally deciding that it needs to take ownership of a Vec<i64>. At that point if it is a &[i64] a Vec<i64> is constructed from the &[i64]. On the other hand, if it is a Vec<i64> ownership is transferred directly without overhead.

use take_ref::TakeSlice;

fn take_slice(value: impl TakeSlice<i64>) {