tagref 1.3.3

Tagref helps you refer to other locations in your codebase.
tagref-1.3.3 is not a library.


Build status

When writing code, it's common to refer to other parts of the codebase in comments. The traditional way to do that is to provide a file path and a line number, for example:

# Keep this in sync with controllers/home/profile.py:304.

Unfortunately, as we all know, this is brittle:

  1. As the file evolves, the line numbers may shift.
  2. The file might be renamed or deleted.

One solution is to reference a specific commit, in addition to the file path and line number. At least then you know the reader will be able to find the line that you're referencing.

# Keep this in sync with controllers/home/profile.py@55217c6:304.

But that solution isn't ideal, because then the reader has to manually sift through the code history to find the corresponding line in the current version of the code, which may have diverged from the referenced commit in non-trivial ways.

Tagref solves this problem in a better way. It allows you to annotate your code with "tags" (in comments), which can be referenced from other parts of the codebase. For example, you might have a tag like this:

# This function always returns a non-empty list. [tag:flobs_nonempty]
def get_flobs():
  return ['hello', 'world']

Elsewhere, suppose you're writing some code which depends on that postcondition. You can make this clear by referencing the tag:

flobs = get_flobs()

first_flob = flobs[0] # This is safe due to [ref:flobs_nonempty].

Tagref ensures such references remain valid. If someone tries to delete or rename the tag, Tagref will complain. More precisely, it checks the following:

  1. References actually point to tags. A tag cannot be deleted or renamed without updating the references that point to it.
  2. Tags are distinct. There is never any ambiguity about which tag is being referenced.

Note that, in the example above, Tagref won't ensure that the get_flobs function actually returns a non-empty list. It isn't magic! It only checks the two conditions above.

Tagref works with any programming language, and it respects your .gitignore file as well as other common filter files. It's recommended to set up Tagref as an automated continuous integration check. Tagref is blazing fast (as they say) and almost certainly won't be the bottleneck in your CI.


The easiest way to use Tagref is to run the tagref command with no arguments. It will scan the working directory and check the two conditions described above. Here are the supported command-line options:

    tagref [SUBCOMMAND]

    -h, --help                       Prints help information
    -p, --path <PATH>...             Adds the path of a directory to scan [default: .]
    -r, --ref-prefix <REF_PREFIX>    Sets the prefix used for locating references [default: ref]
    -t, --tag-prefix <TAG_PREFIX>    Sets the prefix used for locating tags [default: tag]
    -v, --version                    Prints version information

    check          Checks all the tags and references (default)
    help           Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    list-refs      Lists all the references
    list-tags      Lists all the tags
    list-unused    Lists the unreferenced tags


Easy installation

If you are running macOS or a GNU-based Linux on an x86-64 CPU, you can install Tagref with this command:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stepchowfun/tagref/master/install.sh -LSfs | sh

The same command can be used again to update Tagref to the latest version.

NOTE: Piping curl to sh is dangerous since the server might be compromised. If you're concerned about this, you can download and inspect the installation script or choose one of the other installation methods.

Customizing the installation

The installation script supports the following environment variables:

  • VERSION=x.y.z (defaults to the latest version)
  • PREFIX=/path/to/install (defaults to /usr/local/bin)

For example, the following will install Tagref into the working directory:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/stepchowfun/tagref/master/install.sh -LSfs | PREFIX=. sh

Manual installation

The releases page has precompiled binaries for macOS or Linux systems running on an x86-64 CPU. You can download one of them and place it in a directory listed in your PATH.

Installation with Cargo

If you have Cargo, you can install Tagref as follows:

cargo install tagref

You can run that command with --force to update an existing installation.


The idea for Tagref was inspired by the GHC notes convention. This article has more insights into how the GHC developers manage their codebase.