tagged-rendezvous 0.1.1

Rendezvous hashing with support for tag-based exclusions
//! This crate is a proof of concept for node selection based on a logarithmic
//! rendezvous hashing implementation that allows nodes to self-exclude based
//! on a generic type. While this is still a proof of concept, performance
//! should be good enough for small to medium-sized implementations.
//! Note that this implementation does not include any caching mechanism. This
//! is intentional, and is done to keep the implementation as simple as
//! possible. Users of this crate _should_ implement their own caching
//! mechanism for best performance and evict on mutation, but this is not
//! necessary, especially in small use cases.
//! This implementation assumes that the typical use case is on some
//! load-balancing node or equivalent, and that it is aware of nodes are
//! available or unavailable. Additionally, it should be able to determine the
//! weight of each node.
//! The entry point of this crate is [`NodeSelection`] or [`BitNodeSelection`].
//! Examples of construction and usage are included in their respective
//! documentation.

// Deny unsafe code, but allow unsafe code in tests.
#![cfg_attr(not(test), forbid(unsafe_code))]

// Re-alias the rayon crate, to allow features to be the name of the crate
#[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
use rayon_crate as rayon;

use std::cmp::Ordering;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
use std::ops::BitAnd;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering as AtomicOrdering};

#[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
use rayon::iter::{
    FromParallelIterator, IntoParallelIterator, IntoParallelRefIterator, ParallelExtend,
#[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
use rayon::slice::ParallelSliceMut;

use dashmap::mapref::multiple::RefMulti;
use dashmap::mapref::one::RefMut;
use dashmap::{DashMap, DashSet};
use murmur3::murmur3_x64_128;

/// Contains the error type used by this crate.
mod error;

// Re-export the dashmap crate so users don't need to manually import it
pub use dashmap;
pub use error::*;

/// Provides a way to consistently select some weighted bucket (or node) given
/// some value.
/// The exact implementation is based on the algorithm described in
/// [Schindelhauer and Schomaker "Weighted Distributed Hash Tables"][paper].
/// As a result, modifications of weights (or additions and removals of nodes)
/// can be performed with perfect stability and perfect precision of node
/// weighing; subsequently, only the minimum number of keys are remapped to new
/// nodes.
/// This node does not perform any sort of caching. As a result, it's best to
/// use this with some form of cache, whose entries are invalidated when a node
/// is added, removed, or has its weight modified. This is because lookups for
/// a specific node are at best, linear, and at worst, quadratic. To be
/// specific, there is always a linear lookup cost for a given key, determined
/// by the number of nodes present. If nodes utilize tag exclusion, then the
/// cost becomes quadratic to determine if a node should be excluded given a set
/// of tags.
/// This implementation attempts to be performant and concurrent as possible,
/// using a [`DashMap`] and [`DashSet`]s to provide concurrent access and
/// `rayon` to provide parallel lookup, if the feature is enabled. In single
/// threaded contexts, care should be used to not deadlock with multiple
/// references.
/// # Excluding tags
/// This is slightly different from a standard weighted hash table as it also
/// implements the ability to allow nodes to exclude themselves from being
/// selected. This is provided via the `ExclusionTag` type, and should be an
/// `enum`.
/// Generally speaking, `ExclusionTag`s must at least [`Hash`] and [`Eq`]. This
/// is a requirement of storing the `ExclusionTag` in a Set implementation.
/// However, if using `rayon` to allow for parallel lookup, the trait bounds on
/// `ExclusionTag`s is restricted to types that are also [`Send`] and [`Sync`].
/// This feature is asymptotically expensive, as this requires checking all
/// nodes to see if they exclude the given tags. As a result, this should be
/// used with care, and at best the number of exclusions should be relatively
/// small per node.
/// Of course, this feature can be disabled if `ExclusionTag` is the unit type,
/// which reduces lookup costs to be linear.
/// Excluded nodes do not contribute to the total sum of weights. For example,
/// if three nodes exist with equal weights, and one node is excluded, then the
/// probability of selecting a node is the same as if only two nodes were
/// present.
/// In a more complex case, if nodes with weights 1, 2, and 3 are present, and
/// the node with weight 2 is excluded, then the probability of selecting a node
/// becomes 25% and 75% respectively.
/// Note that if [`BitAnd`] can be performed on `ExclusionTags` in an efficient
/// way (such as for bitflags), it is highly recommended to use
/// [`BitNodeSelection`] instead.
/// # Examples
/// Nodes can be added and removed at any time and subsequent lookups will be
/// immediately reflect the new state.
/// ```
/// # use tagged_rendezvous::*;
/// # fn main() -> () {
/// # example();
/// # }
/// #
/// # fn example() -> Option<()> {
/// use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
/// let selector = NodeSelection::new();
/// // Add a node with a weight of 1
/// let node_1 = Node::<(), _>::new(NonZeroUsize::new(1)?, ());
/// let node_1_id = selector.add(node_1.clone());
/// // Lookups will always return the first node, since it's the only one.
/// let looked_up_node = selector.get(b"hello world")?;
/// assert_eq!(looked_up_node.value(), &node_1);
/// // Drop the reference ASAP, see `get` docs for more info.
/// std::mem::drop(looked_up_node);
/// // Add a node with a weight of 2
/// let node_2 = Node::<(), _>::new(NonZeroUsize::new(2)?, ());
/// selector.add(node_2.clone());
/// // Any caches should be invalidated now, since we changed the state.
/// // Now there's a 33% chance of selecting the first node, and a 67% chance of
/// // selecting the second node.
/// // Do something with the node...
/// // Now remove the first node
/// selector.remove(node_1_id);
/// // Any caches should be invalidated now, since we changed the state.
/// // Lookups will now always return the second node, since it's the only one.
/// let looked_up_node = selector.get(b"hello world")?;
/// assert_eq!(looked_up_node.value(), &node_2);
/// # None
/// # }
/// ```
/// Modifying a weight is pretty ergonomic, but remember that caches should be
/// invalidated after modifying the weights.
/// ```
/// # use tagged_rendezvous::*;
/// # fn main() -> () {
/// # example();
/// # }
/// #
/// # fn example() -> Option<()> {
/// use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
/// let selector = NodeSelection::new();
/// // Add a node with a weight of 1
/// let node_1 = Node::<(), _>::new(NonZeroUsize::new(1)?, ());
/// let node_1_id = selector.add(node_1.clone());
/// // Add a node with a weight of 2
/// let node_2 = Node::<(), _>::new(NonZeroUsize::new(2)?, ());
/// selector.add(node_2.clone());
/// // Now there's a 33% chance of selecting the first node, and a 67% chance of
/// // selecting the second node. Lets modify the weight so there's an equal
/// // chance of selecting either node.
/// selector.get_mut(node_1_id)?.set_weight(NonZeroUsize::new(1)?);
/// // Any caches should be invalidated now.
/// # None
/// # }
/// ```
/// If exclusion tags are used, then excluded nodes do not contribute to the
/// sum weights of nodes.
/// ```
/// # use tagged_rendezvous::*;
/// # fn main() -> () {
/// # example();
/// # }
/// #
/// # fn example() -> Option<()> {
/// use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
/// use std::iter::FromIterator;
/// use dashmap::DashSet;
/// let selector = NodeSelection::new();
/// #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
/// enum ExclusionTag {
///    Foo,
/// }
/// // Add a 3 nodes, one with an exclusion tag.
/// let exclusions = DashSet::from_iter([ExclusionTag::Foo]);
/// let node_1 = Node::new(NonZeroUsize::new(1)?, ());
/// selector.add(node_1.clone());
/// let node_2 = Node::with_exclusions(NonZeroUsize::new(1)?, (), exclusions.clone());
/// selector.add(node_2.clone());
/// let node_3 = Node::new(NonZeroUsize::new(1)?, ());
/// selector.add(node_3.clone());
/// // There's a 33% chance of selecting any node, if no tags are provided.
/// selector.get(b"hello world")?;
/// // There's a equal chance of getting node 1 or node 3 since node 2 is
/// // excluded.
/// selector.get_with_exclusions(b"hello world", &exclusions)?;
/// # None
/// # }
/// ```
/// [paper]: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct NodeSelection<ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq, Metadata> {
    /// The list of nodes to select from.
    nodes: DashMap<NodeId, Node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>,

impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> NodeSelection<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
    ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq,
    /// Finds a node that is responsible for the provided item with no
    /// exclusions. This lookup is performed in serial. Consider
    /// [`par_get`](#par_get) that uses rayon to parallelize the
    /// lookup.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method may deadlock if called when holding a mutable reference into
    /// the map. Callers must ensure that references are dropped as soon as
    /// possible, especially in single threaded contexts.
    pub fn get(&self, item: &[u8]) -> Option<RefMulti<NodeId, Node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
        self.get_internal(item, None)

    /// Like [`get`](#get), but allows the caller to provide a list of
    /// tags, which nodes that exclude those tags will be skipped.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method may deadlock if called when holding a mutable reference into
    /// the map. Callers must ensure that references are dropped as soon as
    /// possible, especially in single threaded contexts.
    pub fn get_with_exclusions(
        item: &[u8],
        tags: &DashSet<ExclusionTags>,
    ) -> Option<RefMulti<NodeId, Node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
        self.get_internal(item, Some(tags))

    /// Returns a node that is responsible for the provided item. This lookup
    /// has asymptotic complexity of `O(m * n^2)`, where `m` is the number of
    /// nodes, and `n` is the number of tags given. As a result, callers should
    /// generally use a small number of tags, either on node restrictions or on
    /// the provided tags for best performance.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method may deadlock if called when holding a mutable reference into
    /// the map. Callers must ensure that references are dropped as soon as
    /// possible, especially in single threaded contexts.
    fn get_internal(
        item: &[u8],
        tags: Option<&DashSet<ExclusionTags>>,
    ) -> Option<RefMulti<NodeId, Node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
            .filter(|entry| {
                !entry.value().exclusions.iter().any(|exclusions| {
                        .map(|set| set.contains(&exclusions))
            .max_by(|left, right| f64_total_ordering(left.score(item), right.score(item)))

    /// Returns the top `n` nodes that are responsible for the provided item
    /// with no exclusions. This lookup is performed in serial. Consider
    /// [`par_get_n`](#par_get_n) that uses rayon to parallelize the lookup. If
    /// `n` is greater than the number of nodes, then all nodes are returned, in
    /// order of score.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method may deadlock if called when holding a mutable reference into
    /// the map. Callers must ensure that references are dropped as soon as
    /// possible, especially in single threaded contexts.
    pub fn get_n(
        item: &[u8],
        n: usize,
    ) -> Vec<RefMulti<NodeId, Node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
        self.get_n_internal(item, n, None)

    /// Like [`get_n`](#get_n), but allows the caller to provide a list of
    /// tags, which nodes that exclude those tags will be skipped.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method may deadlock if called when holding a mutable reference into
    /// the map. Callers must ensure that references are dropped as soon as
    /// possible, especially in single threaded contexts.
    pub fn get_n_with_exclusions(
        item: &[u8],
        n: usize,
        tags: &DashSet<ExclusionTags>,
    ) -> Vec<RefMulti<NodeId, Node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
        self.get_n_internal(item, n, Some(tags))

    /// Returns a node that is responsible for the provided item. This lookup
    /// has asymptotic complexity of `O(log(m) * n^2)`, where `m` is the number
    /// of nodes, and `n` is the number of tags given. As a result, callers
    /// should generally use a small number of tags, either on node restrictions
    /// or on the provided tags for best performance.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method may deadlock if called when holding a mutable reference into
    /// the map. Callers must ensure that references are dropped as soon as
    /// possible, especially in single threaded contexts.
    fn get_n_internal(
        item: &[u8],
        n: usize,
        tags: Option<&DashSet<ExclusionTags>>,
    ) -> Vec<RefMulti<NodeId, Node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
        let mut nodes = self
            .filter(|entry| {
                !entry.value().exclusions.iter().any(|exclusions| {
                        .map(|set| set.contains(&exclusions))

        nodes.sort_unstable_by(|left, right| {
            f64_total_ordering(left.score(item), right.score(item))


impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> NodeSelection<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
    ExclusionTags: Send + Sync + Hash + Eq,
    Metadata: Send + Sync,
    /// Finds a node that is responsible for the provided item, filtering out
    /// nodes that refuse to accept the provided tags. This lookup is performed
    /// in parallel. Requires the `rayon` feature.
    #[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
    pub fn par_get(
        item: &[u8],
        tags: Option<&DashSet<ExclusionTags>>,
    ) -> Option<RefMulti<NodeId, Node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
            .filter(|node| {
                !node.exclusions.par_iter().any(|exclusions| {
                        .map(|set| set.contains(&exclusions))
            .max_by(|left, right| f64_total_ordering(left.score(item), right.score(item)))

    /// Finds `n` nodes that is responsible for the provided item, filtering out
    /// nodes that refuse to accept the provided tags. This lookup is performed
    /// in parallel. Requires the `rayon` feature.
    #[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
    pub fn par_get_n(
        item: &[u8],
        n: usize,
        tags: Option<&DashSet<ExclusionTags>>,
    ) -> Vec<RefMulti<NodeId, Node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
        let mut nodes = self
            .filter(|entry| {
                !entry.value().exclusions.iter().any(|exclusions| {
                        .map(|set| set.contains(&exclusions))

        nodes.par_sort_unstable_by(|left, right| {
            f64_total_ordering(left.score(item), right.score(item))


/// Like [`NodeSelection`], but specialized for bitflags.
/// Usage of [`BitNodeSelection`] is recommended over [`NodeSelection`] for
/// performance reasons, but is sometimes not possible if `ExclusionTags` does
/// not implement [`BitAnd`].
/// In most cases, the API is identical to [`NodeSelection`] and is intuitive
/// for the bitflag use case. The only noteworthy different is that you must
/// use [`BitNode`] instead of [`Node`].
/// Note that `ExclusionTags` must also implement [`Default`]. This is not a
/// problem for raw bitflags, but for types derived from the [`bitflags` crate],
/// then you will need to implement [`Default`] on the type. This default value
/// should represent when all flags are disabled.
/// Performance on lookups are now `O(nm)`, where `n` is the number of nodes
/// and `m` is the cost to perform `BitAnd` on `ExclusionTags`. For bitflags,
/// this is `O(n)`.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use tagged_rendezvous::*;
/// # fn main() -> () {
/// # example();
/// # }
/// #
/// # fn example() -> Option<()> {
/// use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
/// use std::iter::FromIterator;
/// use dashmap::DashSet;
/// const FLAG_A: u8 = 0b01;
/// const FLAG_B: u8 = 0b10;
/// let selector = BitNodeSelection::new();
/// // Add a 3 nodes, one with an exclusion tag.
/// let exclusions = FLAG_A | FLAG_B;
/// let node_1 = BitNode::new(NonZeroUsize::new(1)?, ());
/// selector.add(node_1.clone());
/// let node_2 = BitNode::with_exclusions(NonZeroUsize::new(1)?, (), exclusions);
/// selector.add(node_2.clone());
/// let node_3 = BitNode::new(NonZeroUsize::new(1)?, ());
/// selector.add(node_3.clone());
/// // There's a 33% chance of selecting any node, if no tags are provided.
/// selector.get(b"hello world")?;
/// // There's a equal chance of getting node 1 or node 3 since node 2 is
/// // excluded.
/// selector.get_with_exclusions(b"hello world", exclusions)?;
/// # None
/// # }
/// ```
/// More examples (albeit for a more general use case) can be found in
/// [`NodeSelection`].
/// [`bitflags` crate]: https://docs.rs/bitflags/
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BitNodeSelection<ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + BitAnd, Metadata> {
    /// The list of nodes to select from.
    nodes: DashMap<NodeId, BitNode<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>,

impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> BitNodeSelection<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
    ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + BitAnd<Output = ExclusionTags> + Copy + Default,
    /// Finds a node that is responsible for the provided item with no
    /// exclusions. This lookup is performed in serial. Consider
    /// [`par_get`](#par_get) that uses rayon to parallelize the
    /// lookup.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method may deadlock if called when holding a mutable reference into
    /// the map. Callers must ensure that references are dropped as soon as
    /// possible, especially in single threaded contexts.
    pub fn get(&self, item: &[u8]) -> Option<RefMulti<NodeId, BitNode<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
        self.get_with_exclusions(item, ExclusionTags::default())

    /// Like [`get`](#get), but allows the caller to provide a list of
    /// tags, which nodes that exclude those tags will be skipped.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method may deadlock if called when holding a mutable reference into
    /// the map. Callers must ensure that references are dropped as soon as
    /// possible, especially in single threaded contexts.
    pub fn get_with_exclusions(
        item: &[u8],
        tags: ExclusionTags,
    ) -> Option<RefMulti<NodeId, BitNode<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
            .filter(|entry| entry.value().exclusions & tags == ExclusionTags::default())
            .max_by(|left, right| f64_total_ordering(left.score(item), right.score(item)))

    /// Returns the top `n` nodes that are responsible for the provided item
    /// with no exclusions. This lookup is performed in serial. Consider
    /// [`par_get_n`](#par_get_n) that uses rayon to parallelize the lookup. If
    /// `n` is greater than the number of nodes, then all nodes are returned, in
    /// order of score.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method may deadlock if called when holding a mutable reference into
    /// the map. Callers must ensure that references are dropped as soon as
    /// possible, especially in single threaded contexts.
    pub fn get_n(
        item: &[u8],
        n: usize,
    ) -> Vec<RefMulti<NodeId, BitNode<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
        self.get_n_with_exclusions(item, n, ExclusionTags::default())

    /// Like [`get_n`](#get_n), but allows the caller to provide a list of
    /// tags, which nodes that exclude those tags will be skipped.
    /// # Safety
    /// This method may deadlock if called when holding a mutable reference into
    /// the map. Callers must ensure that references are dropped as soon as
    /// possible, especially in single threaded contexts.
    pub fn get_n_with_exclusions(
        item: &[u8],
        n: usize,
        tags: ExclusionTags,
    ) -> Vec<RefMulti<NodeId, BitNode<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
        let mut nodes = self
            .filter(|entry| entry.value().exclusions & tags == ExclusionTags::default())

        nodes.sort_unstable_by(|left, right| {
            f64_total_ordering(left.score(item), right.score(item))


impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> BitNodeSelection<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
    ExclusionTags: Send + Sync + Hash + Eq + BitAnd<Output = ExclusionTags> + Default + Copy,
    Metadata: Send + Sync,
    /// Finds a node that is responsible for the provided item, filtering out
    /// nodes that refuse to accept the provided tags. This lookup is performed
    /// in parallel. Requires the `rayon` feature.
    #[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
    pub fn par_get(
        item: &[u8],
        tags: ExclusionTags,
    ) -> Option<RefMulti<NodeId, BitNode<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
            .filter(|node| node.exclusions & tags == ExclusionTags::default())
            .max_by(|left, right| f64_total_ordering(left.score(item), right.score(item)))

    /// Finds `n` nodes that is responsible for the provided item, filtering out
    /// nodes that refuse to accept the provided tags. This lookup is performed
    /// in parallel. Requires the `rayon` feature.
    #[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
    pub fn par_get_n(
        item: &[u8],
        n: usize,
        tags: ExclusionTags,
    ) -> Vec<RefMulti<NodeId, BitNode<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {
        let mut nodes = self
            .filter(|node| node.exclusions & tags == ExclusionTags::default())

        nodes.par_sort_unstable_by(|left, right| {
            f64_total_ordering(left.score(item), right.score(item))


/// Generate a node and node selection implementation based on the provided
/// bounds.
macro_rules! impl_node_selection {
    // this $bounds meme is a hack to get around the fact that we can't
    // represent trait bounds in macros.
    ($struct_name:ident, $node:ident $(: $bounds:path )?) => {
        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            /// Constructs a new empty instance.
            pub fn new() -> Self {

            /// Constructs a new `$struct_name`, ensuring that at least
            /// `capacity` nodes can be added without re-allocating.
            pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self {
                Self {
                    nodes: DashMap::with_capacity(capacity),

            /// Adds a new node to the selection with an opaque ID. If lookups
            /// are cached, then callers must invalidate the cache after adding
            /// a node. Otherwise, it is possible to have incorrectly
            /// distributed selections.
            /// # Safety
            /// This method may deadlock if called when holding any sort of
            /// reference into the map. Callers must ensure that references are
            /// dropped as soon as possible, especially in single threaded
            /// contexts.
            /// # Panics
            /// This method will panic if the provided node has an id that is
            /// already present in the selection. For the non-panicking version
            /// of this method, see [`try_add_node`](#try_add_node).
            pub fn add(&self, node: $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>) -> NodeId {
                let id = NodeId::new_opaque();
                self.add_with_id(id, node);

            /// Adds a new node to the selection with the provided ID. If
            /// lookups are cached, then callers must invalidate the cache after
            /// adding a node. Otherwise, it is possible to have incorrectly
            /// distributed selections.
            /// # Safety
            /// This method may deadlock if called when holding any sort of
            /// reference into the map. Callers must ensure that references are
            /// dropped as soon as possible, especially in single threaded
            /// contexts.
            /// # Panics
            /// This method will panic if the provided node has an id that is
            /// already present in the selection. For the non-panicking version
            /// of this method, see [`try_add_node`](#try_add_node).
            pub fn add_with_id(&self, id: NodeId, node: $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>) {
                if self.nodes.insert(id, node).is_some() {
                    panic!("Node with duplicate id added: {}", id);

            /// Tries to add the node to the selection with an opaque ID. If
            /// lookups are cached, then callers must invalidate the cache after
            /// adding a node. Otherwise, it is possible to have incorrectly
            /// distributed selections.
            /// # Safety
            /// This method may deadlock if called when holding any sort of
            /// reference into the map. Callers must ensure that references are
            /// dropped as soon as possible, especially in single threaded
            /// contexts.
            /// # Errors
            /// This method will fail if the node has an id that is already
            /// present in the selection.
            pub fn try_add(
                node: $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>,
            ) -> Result<NodeId, DuplicateIdError> {
                let id = NodeId::new_opaque();
                self.try_add_with_id(id, node)?;

            /// Tries to add the node to the selection with the provided ID. If
            /// lookups are cached, then callers must invalidate the cache after
            /// adding a node. Otherwise, it is possible to have incorrectly
            /// distributed selections.
            /// # Safety
            /// This method may deadlock if called when holding any sort of
            /// reference into the map. Callers must ensure that references are
            /// dropped as soon as possible, especially in single threaded
            /// contexts.
            /// # Errors
            /// This method will fail if the node has an id that is already
            /// present in the selection.
            pub fn try_add_with_id(
                id: NodeId,
                node: $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>,
            ) -> Result<(), DuplicateIdError> {
                if self.nodes.contains_key(&id) {
                } else {
                    self.nodes.insert(id, node);

            /// Returns a mutable reference to the node given some ID. This is
            /// useful for modifying the weight of a node. If lookups are
            /// cached, then callers must invalidate the cache after adding a
            /// node. Otherwise, it is possible to have incorrectly distributed
            /// selections.
            /// # Safety
            /// This method may deadlock if called when holding any sort of
            /// reference
            /// into the map. Callers must ensure that references are dropped as
            /// soon as possible, especially in single threaded contexts.
            pub fn get_mut(
                id: NodeId,
            ) -> Option<RefMut<NodeId, $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>>> {

            /// Removes a node, returning the node if it existed. If lookups are
            /// cached, then callers must invalidate the cache after
            /// successfully removing a node. Otherwise, it is possible to have
            /// incorrectly distributed selections.
            /// # Safety
            /// This method may deadlock if called when holding any sort of
            /// reference into the map. Callers must ensure that references are
            /// dropped as soon as possible, especially in single threaded
            /// contexts.
            pub fn remove(&self, id: NodeId) -> Option<$node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>> {
                self.nodes.remove(&id).map(|(_id, node)| node)

            /// Returns if the node is selectable from this selector.
            /// # Safety
            /// This method may deadlock if called when holding a mutable
            /// reference into the map. Callers must ensure that references are
            /// dropped as soon as possible, especially in single threaded
            /// contexts.
            pub fn contains(&self, id: NodeId) -> bool {

        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> Default for $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            fn default() -> Self {
                Self {
                    nodes: DashMap::new(),

        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> Extend<(NodeId, $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>)>
            for $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            fn extend<T: IntoIterator<Item = (NodeId, $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>)>>(
                &mut self,
                iter: T,
            ) {

        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> FromIterator<(NodeId, $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>)>
            for $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            fn from_iter<T: IntoIterator<Item = (NodeId, $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>)>>(
                iter: T,
            ) -> Self {
                Self {
                    nodes: DashMap::from_iter(iter),

        #[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> FromParallelIterator<(NodeId, $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>)>
            for $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Send + Sync + Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            Metadata: Send + Sync,
            fn from_par_iter<I>(into_iter: I) -> Self
                I: IntoParallelIterator<Item = (NodeId, $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>)>,
                Self {
                    nodes: DashMap::from_par_iter(into_iter),

        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> IntoIterator for $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            type Item = (NodeId, $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>);
            type IntoIter =
                <DashMap<NodeId, $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>> as IntoIterator>::IntoIter;

            fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {

        #[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> IntoParallelIterator for $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Send + Sync + Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            Metadata: Send + Sync,
            type Item = <Self as IntoIterator>::Item;
            type Iter =
                <DashMap<NodeId, $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>> as IntoParallelIterator>::Iter;

            fn into_par_iter(self) -> <Self as IntoParallelIterator>::Iter {

        #[cfg(feature = "rayon")]
        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> ParallelExtend<(NodeId, $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>)>
            for $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Send + Sync + Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            Metadata: Send + Sync,
            fn par_extend<I>(&mut self, extendable: I)
                I: IntoParallelIterator<Item = (NodeId, $node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>)>,

impl_node_selection!(NodeSelection, Node);

impl_node_selection!(BitNodeSelection, BitNode: BitAnd);

/// Generates a node implementation based on the provided node and its bounds.
macro_rules! impl_node {
    // this $bounds meme is a hack to get around the fact that we can't
    // represent trait bounds in macros.
    ($struct_name:ident, $excludes_type:ty  $(: $bounds:path )?) => {
        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            /// Constructs a new node with an opaque ID, using the provided
            /// metadata and exclusions.
            /// `weight` should not exceed 2^52. `weight` is internally casted
            /// as a [`f64`], and loss of precision may occur if `weight`
            /// exceeds [`f64`]'s mantissa of 52 bits. This should not be a
            /// problem for most use cases.
            pub fn with_exclusions(
                weight: NonZeroUsize,
                metadata: Metadata,
                exclusions: $excludes_type,
            ) -> Self {
                Self {
                    seed: rand::random(),

            /// Constructs a new node from its components.
            /// `weight` should not exceed 2^52. `weight` is internally casted
            /// as a [`f64`], and loss of precision may occur if `weight`
            /// exceeds [`f64`]'s mantissa of 52 bits. This should not be a
            /// problem for most use cases.
            pub fn from_parts<Rng: rand::Rng>(
                rng: &mut Rng,
                weight: NonZeroUsize,
                exclusions: $excludes_type,
                metadata: Metadata,
            ) -> Self {
                Self {
                    seed: rng.gen(),

            /// Calculates the score of a node for a given input. This
            /// implements Murmur3 hash alongside highest random weight hashing,
            /// also known as Rendezvous hashing.
            fn score(&self, item: &[u8]) -> f64 {
                // truncation is intended
                let hash =
                    Hash64(murmur3_x64_128(&mut Cursor::new(item), self.seed).unwrap() as u64)
                let score = 1.0 / -hash.ln();
                // This is documented in construction of a node
                    self.weight.get() as f64 * score

            /// Sets the weight of the node.
            pub fn set_weight(&mut self, weight: NonZeroUsize) {
                self.weight = weight;

            /// Fetches the associated data with the node.
            pub const fn data(&self) -> &Metadata {

        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> Hash for $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            Metadata: Hash,
            fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {

        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> PartialEq for $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            Metadata: PartialEq,
            fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
                self.weight == other.weight
                    && self.seed == other.seed
                    && self.metadata == other.metadata

        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> Eq for $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            Metadata: Eq,

        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> PartialOrd for $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            Metadata: PartialOrd,
            fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
                match self.metadata.partial_cmp(&other.metadata) {
                    None | Some(Ordering::Equal) => match self.weight.cmp(&other.weight) {
                        Ordering::Equal => Some(self.seed.cmp(&other.seed)),
                        cmp => Some(cmp),
                    cmp => cmp,

        impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> Ord for $struct_name<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
            ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + $($bounds)*,
            Metadata: Ord,
            fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
                match self.metadata.cmp(&other.metadata) {
                    Ordering::Equal => match self.weight.cmp(&other.weight) {
                        Ordering::Equal => self.seed.cmp(&other.seed),
                        cmp => cmp,
                    cmp => cmp,

/// A representation of logical node in some system.
/// Each node must contain a weight score, which is used to determine how much
/// traffic a node receives. This score is relative to the all other weights in
/// the node. For example, if you only had nodes with weights of 2 and 4, then
/// the nodes have a 33% and 66% chance of being selected. The important part is
/// the relative ratio of weights, not the absolute values. If it's preferred to
/// have an equal distribution of traffic, then the weights should be equal.
/// A node is generic over two types: `ExclusionTags` and `Metadata`.
/// `ExclusionTags` is a type that represents a set of tags that a node declares
/// to not accept. `Metadata` is a type that represents any additional data
/// that a server may need to store about a node, such as labels or a list of
/// IP addresses. The most basic node is where both types are the [`unit`] type.
/// Additionally, all nodes must have some unique identifier associated with it.
/// [`NodeId`] is a type that represents this unique identifier, and is only
/// used for [`NodeSelection`] to identify the node.
/// # Examples
/// The simplest example of a node is a node that accepts all traffic and
/// carries no additional metadata.
/// ```
/// # use tagged_rendezvous::*;
/// # fn main() -> () {
/// # example();
/// # }
/// #
/// # fn example() -> Option<()> {
/// use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
/// // Generates a node with an opaque id and a weight of 4.
/// let node_small = Node::<(), _>::new(NonZeroUsize::new(4)?, ());
/// assert_eq!(*node_small.data(), ());
/// # None
/// # }
/// ```
/// Using some metadata, we can get some information that we can use to
/// communicate with the node.
/// ```
/// # use tagged_rendezvous::*;
/// # fn main() -> () {
/// # example();
/// # }
/// #
/// # fn example() -> Option<()> {
/// use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
/// use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
/// // Note that no bounds are on the metadata, but we derive some to make it
/// // easier to test.
/// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
/// struct Metadata {
///    ip_address: Ipv4Addr,
/// }
/// // Generates a node with an opaque id, a weight of 4, and with a metadata
/// // object with an IP address.
/// let metadata = Metadata { ip_address: Ipv4Addr::new(10, 0, 0, 1) };
/// let node_small = Node::<(), _>::new(NonZeroUsize::new(4)?, metadata);
/// assert_eq!(node_small.data().ip_address, Ipv4Addr::new(10, 0, 0, 1));
/// # None
/// # }
/// ```
/// Finally, you can define a type to use a set of exclusions for a node.
/// ```
/// # use tagged_rendezvous::*;
/// # fn main() -> () {
/// # example();
/// # }
/// #
/// # fn example() -> Option<()> {
/// use std::iter::FromIterator;
/// use std::net::Ipv4Addr;
/// use std::num::NonZeroUsize;
/// use dashmap::DashSet;
/// #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
/// enum Exclusions {
///     Foo,
///     Bar,
/// }
/// // Generates a node with an opaque id, a weight of 4, and refusing to
/// // accept traffic with the `Foo` tag.
/// let exclusions = DashSet::from_iter([Exclusions::Foo]);
/// let node_small = Node::with_exclusions(NonZeroUsize::new(4)?, (), exclusions);
/// # None
/// # }
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Node<ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq, Metadata> {
    /// The weight of a node. This is a relative value, and is used to determine
    /// how much traffic a node receives.
    weight: NonZeroUsize,
    /// This random seed value is used as a way to differentiate nodes. This is
    /// used to act as a seed value for the hash function, so that two nodes
    /// don't have the same score before weights.
    seed: u32,
    /// A list of items that a node declares to not accept.
    exclusions: DashSet<ExclusionTags>,
    /// Associated data. This is generic, so it can be used for any type,
    /// including `Option<T>`.
    metadata: Metadata,

impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> Node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
    ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq,
    /// Constructs a new node with an opaque ID and no exclusions.
    /// `weight` should not exceed 2^52. `weight` is internally casted as a
    /// [`f64`], and loss of precision may occur if `weight` exceeds [`f64`]'s
    /// mantissa of 52 bits.This should not be a problem for most use cases.
    pub fn new(weight: NonZeroUsize, metadata: Metadata) -> Self {
        Self {
            seed: rand::random(),
            exclusions: DashSet::new(),

impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> Node<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
    ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq,
    Metadata: Default,
    /// Constructs a new node with an opaque ID and no exclusions, using the
    /// default implementation of `Metadata`.
    /// `weight` should not exceed 2^52. `weight` is internally casted as a
    /// [`f64`], and loss of precision may occur if `weight` exceeds [`f64`]'s
    /// mantissa of 52 bits.This should not be a problem for most use cases.
    pub fn with_default(weight: NonZeroUsize) -> Self {
        Self::new(weight, Metadata::default())

impl_node!(Node, DashSet<ExclusionTags>);

/// Like [`Node`], but optimized for bitflags.
/// Note that `ExclusionTags` must also implement [`Default`]. This is not a
/// problem for raw bitflags, but for types derived from the [`bitflags` crate],
/// then you will need to implement [`Default`] on the type. This default value
/// should represent when all flags are disabled.
/// [`bitflags` crate]: https://docs.rs/bitflags/
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct BitNode<ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + BitAnd, Metadata> {
    /// The weight of a node. This is a relative value, and is used to determine
    /// how much traffic a node receives.
    weight: NonZeroUsize,
    /// This random seed value is used as a way to differentiate nodes. This is
    /// used to act as a seed value for the hash function, so that two nodes
    /// don't have the same score before weights.
    seed: u32,
    /// A list of items that a node declares to not accept.
    exclusions: ExclusionTags,
    /// Associated data. This is generic, so it can be used for any type,
    /// including `Option<T>`.
    metadata: Metadata,

impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> BitNode<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
    ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + BitAnd + Default,
    /// Constructs a new node with an opaque ID and no exclusions.
    /// `weight` should not exceed 2^52. `weight` is internally casted as a
    /// [`f64`], and loss of precision may occur if `weight` exceeds [`f64`]'s
    /// mantissa of 52 bits. This should not be a problem for most use cases.
    pub fn new(weight: NonZeroUsize, metadata: Metadata) -> Self {
        Self {
            seed: rand::random(),
            exclusions: Default::default(),

impl<ExclusionTags, Metadata> BitNode<ExclusionTags, Metadata>
    ExclusionTags: Hash + Eq + BitAnd + Default,
    Metadata: Default,
    /// Constructs a new node with an opaque ID and no exclusions, using the
    /// default implementation of `Metadata`.
    /// `weight` should not exceed 2^52. `weight` is internally casted as a
    /// [`f64`], and loss of precision may occur if `weight` exceeds [`f64`]'s
    /// mantissa of 52 bits.This should not be a problem for most use cases.
    pub fn with_default(weight: NonZeroUsize) -> Self {
        Self::new(weight, Metadata::default())

impl_node!(BitNode, ExclusionTags: BitAnd);

/// A representation of a 64 bit hash value.
struct Hash64(u64);

impl Hash64 {
    /// Returns a value from [0, 1).
    fn as_normalized_float(&self) -> f64 {
        /// This is used to mask out the highest 11 bits of a [`f64`].
        const FIFTY_THREE_ONES: u64 = u64::MAX >> (u64::BITS - 53);
        let fifty_three_zeros: f64 = f64::from_bits((1_u64) << 53);
        f64::from_bits(self.0 & FIFTY_THREE_ONES) / fifty_three_zeros

/// The counter used for opaque node ids. This is just incrementally updated,
/// which should solve uniqueness issues. If there is a use case to generate
/// more than [`usize`] IDs, then please file an issue.
static NODE_ID_COUNTER: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);

/// An opaque representation of a node ID.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Default, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
pub struct NodeId(usize);

impl NodeId {
    /// Generates a new ID from the given number. This id must be unique, and is
    /// used as the sole determining factor for equality and ordering of nodes.
    /// This should only be used when some sort of unique identifier is already
    /// present, or when there needs to be finer control over the internal id
    /// used. Generally, this is not the case, and one should prefer to use
    /// [`new_opaque`](#new_opaque) instead.
    pub const fn new(id: usize) -> Self {

    /// Generates a new node with an opaque ID. This should be used and
    /// preferred over [`new`](#new) when the internal node ID is not important.
    pub fn new_opaque() -> Self {
        Self::new(NODE_ID_COUNTER.fetch_add(1, AtomicOrdering::Relaxed))

impl Display for NodeId {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "{}", self.0)

mod hash64 {
    use crate::Hash64;

    fn normalized_float() {
        // These numbers are tested against the python implementation


/// wait for [`f64::total_cmp`] to be stabilized. Until then, use the actual
/// implementation. See the [GitHub issue] for more information.
/// [Github issue]:  https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/72599
#[allow(clippy::cast_sign_loss, clippy::cast_possible_wrap)]
fn f64_total_ordering(left: f64, right: f64) -> Ordering {
    let mut left = left.to_bits() as i64;
    let mut right = right.to_bits() as i64;
    left ^= (((left >> 63) as u64) >> 1) as i64;
    right ^= (((right >> 63) as u64) >> 1) as i64;

mod node_selection {
    use super::*;

    fn duplicate_id_will_panic() {
        let selector = NodeSelection::<(), ()>::new();
        let id = unsafe { NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(1) };
        selector.add_with_id(NodeId::new(0), Node::with_default(id));
        selector.add_with_id(NodeId::new(0), Node::with_default(id));

mod node_selection_no_exclusions {
    use std::collections::BTreeMap;

    use super::*;

    fn sanity_check_weighted() {
        let node_selection = NodeSelection::<(), ()>::new();

        let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, usize> = unsafe {
            let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
            map.insert(Node::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(100)), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(200)), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(300)), 0);

        for node in nodes.keys() {
            let _ = node_selection.add(node.clone());

        for _ in 0..600 {
            let node_selected = node_selection.get(&(rand::random::<f64>()).to_le_bytes());
            if let Some(node) = node_selected {
                let node = nodes.get_mut(node.value()).unwrap();
                *node += 1;

        for (node, counts) in nodes {
            let anchor = node.weight.get() as usize;
            let range = (anchor - 50)..(anchor + 50);

    fn sanity_check_unweighted() {
        let node_selection = NodeSelection::<(), ()>::new();

        let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, usize> = {
            let weight = unsafe { NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(1) };
            let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);

        for node in nodes.keys() {
            let _ = node_selection.add(node.clone());

        for _ in 0..600 {
            let node_selected = node_selection.get(&(rand::random::<f64>()).to_le_bytes());
            if let Some(node) = node_selected {
                let node = nodes.get_mut(node.value()).unwrap();
                *node += 1;

        let range = (200 - 50)..(200 + 50);
        for counts in nodes.values() {

    fn sanity_check_unweighted_n() {
        let node_selection = NodeSelection::<(), ()>::new();

        let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, usize> = {
            let weight = unsafe { NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(1) };
            let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);

        for node in nodes.keys() {
            let _ = node_selection.add(node.clone());

        for _ in 0..600 {
            let nodes_selected = node_selection.get_n(&(rand::random::<f64>()).to_le_bytes(), 2);
            for node in nodes_selected {
                let node = nodes.get_mut(node.value()).unwrap();
                *node += 1;

        let range = (400 - 30)..(400 + 30);
        for counts in nodes.values() {

mod node_selection_exclusions {
    use std::collections::BTreeMap;
    use std::iter::FromIterator;

    use super::*;

    #[derive(Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
    enum Exclusions {

    fn sanity_check_weighted() {
        let node_selection = NodeSelection::<Exclusions, ()>::new();

        let exclusions = DashSet::from_iter([Exclusions::A]);

        let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, usize> = unsafe {
            let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
            map.insert(Node::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(100)), 0);
                Node::with_exclusions(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(200), (), exclusions.clone()),
            map.insert(Node::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(300)), 0);

        for node in nodes.keys() {
            let _ = node_selection.add(node.clone());

        for _ in 0..600 {
            let node_selected = node_selection
                .get_with_exclusions(&(rand::random::<f64>()).to_le_bytes(), &exclusions);
            if let Some(node) = node_selected {
                let node = nodes.get_mut(node.value()).unwrap();
                *node += 1;

        for (node, counts) in nodes {
            let anchor = node.weight.get() as usize * 3 / 2;
            if node.exclusions.is_empty() {
                let range = (anchor - 50)..(anchor + 50);
            } else {
                assert_eq!(counts, 0);

    fn sanity_check_unweighted() {
        let node_selection = NodeSelection::<Exclusions, ()>::new();

        let exclusions = DashSet::from_iter([Exclusions::A]);

        let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, usize> = {
            let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
            let weight = unsafe { NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(1) };
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_exclusions(weight, (), exclusions.clone()), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);

        for node in nodes.keys() {
            let _ = node_selection.add(node.clone());

        for _ in 0..600 {
            let node_selected = node_selection
                .get_with_exclusions(&(rand::random::<f64>()).to_le_bytes(), &exclusions);
            if let Some(node) = node_selected {
                let node = nodes.get_mut(node.value()).unwrap();
                *node += 1;

        let range = (300 - 50)..(300 + 50);
        for (node, counts) in nodes {
            if node.exclusions.is_empty() {
            } else {
                assert_eq!(counts, 0);

    fn sanity_check_unweighted_n() {
        let node_selection = NodeSelection::<Exclusions, ()>::new();

        let exclusions = DashSet::from_iter([Exclusions::A]);

        let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, usize> = {
            let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
            let weight = unsafe { NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(1) };
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_exclusions(weight, (), exclusions.clone()), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);

        for node in nodes.keys() {
            let _ = node_selection.add(node.clone());

        for _ in 0..600 {
            let node_selected = node_selection.get_n_with_exclusions(
            for node in node_selected {
                let node = nodes.get_mut(node.value()).unwrap();
                *node += 1;

        let range = (600 - 50)..(600 + 50);
        for (node, counts) in nodes {
            if node.exclusions.is_empty() {
            } else {
                assert_eq!(counts, 0);

mod bit_node_selection {

    use std::collections::BTreeMap;

    use super::*;

    fn exclusions() {
        let node_selection = BitNodeSelection::<u8, ()>::new();
        let exclusions = 0b01;

        let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, usize> = unsafe {
            let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
            map.insert(BitNode::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(100)), 0);
                BitNode::with_exclusions(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(200), (), exclusions),
            map.insert(BitNode::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(300)), 0);

        for node in nodes.keys() {
            let _ = node_selection.add(node.clone());

        for _ in 0..600 {
            let node_selected = node_selection
                .get_with_exclusions(&(rand::random::<f64>()).to_le_bytes(), exclusions);
            if let Some(node) = node_selected {
                let node = nodes.get_mut(node.value()).unwrap();
                *node += 1;

        for (node, counts) in nodes {
            let anchor = node.weight.get() as usize * 3 / 2;
            if node.exclusions == 0 {
                let range = (anchor - 50)..(anchor + 50);
            } else {
                assert_eq!(counts, 0);

    fn no_exclusions() {
        let node_selection = BitNodeSelection::<u8, ()>::new();

        let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, usize> = unsafe {
            let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
            map.insert(BitNode::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(100)), 0);
            map.insert(BitNode::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(200)), 0);
            map.insert(BitNode::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(300)), 0);

        for node in nodes.keys() {
            let _ = node_selection.add(node.clone());

        for _ in 0..600 {
            let node_selected = node_selection.get(&(rand::random::<f64>()).to_le_bytes());
            if let Some(node) = node_selected {
                let node = nodes.get_mut(node.value()).unwrap();
                *node += 1;

        for (node, counts) in nodes {
            let anchor = node.weight.get() as usize;
            let range = (anchor - 50)..(anchor + 50);

    fn get_n() {
        let node_selection = BitNodeSelection::<u8, ()>::new();

        let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, usize> = unsafe {
            let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
            map.insert(BitNode::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(200)), 0);
            map.insert(BitNode::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(200)), 0);
            map.insert(BitNode::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(200)), 0);

        for node in nodes.keys() {
            let _ = node_selection.add(node.clone());

        for _ in 0..600 {
            let node_selected = node_selection.get_n(&(rand::random::<f64>()).to_le_bytes(), 2);
            for node in node_selected {
                let node = nodes.get_mut(node.value()).unwrap();
                *node += 1;

        for (node, counts) in nodes {
            let anchor = node.weight.get() as usize * 2;
            let range = (anchor - 50)..(anchor + 50);

#[cfg(all(test, feature = "rayon"))]
mod par_tests {
    use std::collections::BTreeMap;

    use super::*;

    fn bit_node_selection_get() {
        let node_selection = BitNodeSelection::<u8, ()>::new();
        let exclusions = 0b01;

        let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, usize> = unsafe {
            let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
            map.insert(BitNode::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(100)), 0);
                BitNode::with_exclusions(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(200), (), exclusions),
            map.insert(BitNode::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(300)), 0);

        for node in nodes.keys() {
            let _ = node_selection.add(node.clone());

        for _ in 0..600 {
            let node_selected =
                node_selection.par_get(&(rand::random::<f64>()).to_le_bytes(), exclusions);
            if let Some(node) = node_selected {
                let node = nodes.get_mut(node.value()).unwrap();
                *node += 1;

        for (node, counts) in nodes {
            let anchor = node.weight.get() as usize * 3 / 2;
            if node.exclusions == 0 {
                let range = (anchor - 50)..(anchor + 50);
            } else {
                assert_eq!(counts, 0);

    fn bit_node_selection_get_n() {
        let node_selection = BitNodeSelection::<u8, ()>::new();
        let exclusions = 0b01;

        let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, usize> = unsafe {
            let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
            map.insert(BitNode::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(100)), 0);
                BitNode::with_exclusions(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(200), (), exclusions),
            map.insert(BitNode::with_default(NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(300)), 0);

        for node in nodes.keys() {
            let _ = node_selection.add(node.clone());

        for _ in 0..600 {
            let node_selected =
                node_selection.par_get_n(&(rand::random::<f64>()).to_le_bytes(), 2, exclusions);
            for node in node_selected {
                let node = nodes.get_mut(node.value()).unwrap();
                *node += 1;

        for (node, counts) in nodes {
            let anchor = 600 as usize;
            if node.exclusions == 0 {
                let range = (anchor - 50)..(anchor + 50);
            } else {
                assert_eq!(counts, 0);

    #[derive(Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
    enum Exclusions {

    fn node_selection_get() {
        let node_selection = NodeSelection::<Exclusions, ()>::new();

        let exclusions = DashSet::from_iter([Exclusions::A]);

        let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, usize> = {
            let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
            let weight = unsafe { NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(1) };
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_exclusions(weight, (), exclusions.clone()), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);

        for node in nodes.keys() {
            let _ = node_selection.add(node.clone());

        for _ in 0..600 {
            let node_selected =
                node_selection.par_get(&(rand::random::<f64>()).to_le_bytes(), Some(&exclusions));
            if let Some(node) = node_selected {
                let node = nodes.get_mut(node.value()).unwrap();
                *node += 1;

        let range = (300 - 50)..(300 + 50);
        for (node, counts) in nodes {
            if node.exclusions.is_empty() {
            } else {
                assert_eq!(counts, 0);

    fn node_selection_get_n() {
        let node_selection = NodeSelection::<Exclusions, ()>::new();

        let exclusions = DashSet::from_iter([Exclusions::A]);

        let mut nodes: BTreeMap<_, usize> = {
            let mut map = BTreeMap::new();
            let weight = unsafe { NonZeroUsize::new_unchecked(1) };
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_exclusions(weight, (), exclusions.clone()), 0);
            map.insert(Node::with_default(weight), 0);

        for node in nodes.keys() {
            let _ = node_selection.add(node.clone());

        for _ in 0..600 {
            let node_selected = node_selection.par_get_n(
            for node in node_selected {
                let node = nodes.get_mut(node.value()).unwrap();
                *node += 1;

        let range = (600 - 50)..(600 + 50);
        for (node, counts) in nodes {
            if node.exclusions.is_empty() {
            } else {
                assert_eq!(counts, 0);