tachyon 0.0.0

A Servo application shell driven by Neon modules
# tachyon

A [Servo](https://servo.org/) application shell driven by [Neon](https://github.com/rustbridge/neon) modules

#### Building

1. [Install rust]https://www.rustup.rs/
2. Satisfy the [servo prerequisites]https://github.com/servo/servo#prerequisites
3. `brew install flow npm`
4. `export PATH=node_modules/.bin:$PATH`
5. clone and build:

hub clone freebroccolo/tachyon
cd tachyon
npm install
./script/cargo.js build

You probably want to go get a coffee at this point…

#### Running

`babel-node app/index.js`

This runs a Node module that hooks into Servo via Neon and pops up a window. Nothing fancy yet.