tac 0.2.3

Print lines from file in reverse order
tac-0.2.3 is not a library.


tac is a high-performance, cross-platform rewrite of the GNU tac utility of Coreutils.

This tac implementation uses memory-mapped files on all supported operating systems and is written in rust for maximum integrity and safety.


Usage: tac [OPTIONS] [FILE1..]
Write each FILE to standard output, last line first.
Reads from STTDIN if no file is specified.

  -v --version: Print version and exit.
  -h --help   : Print this help text and exit

tac reads lines from any combination of stdin and/or zero or more files and writes the lines to the output in reverse order.

Since tac is implemented via memory-mapped files, there is no limit on line length and no danger of memory exhaustion.


$ echo -e "hello\nworld" | tac


tac may be installed via cargo, the rust package manager:

cargo install tac

License and Copyright

tac is written by Mahmoud Al-Qudsi <mqudsi@neosmart.net> of NeoSmart Technologies, and released under the terms of the MIT public license. Copyright NeoSmart Technologies 2017. All rights not assigned by the MIT license are reserved.