table_formatter 0.6.1

A simple text table formatter written in Rust
# Table Formatter

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This lib is used to format plain-text table.

## Example


use itertools::Itertools;
use table_formatter::{cell, table};
use table_formatter::table::{Align, Border};
let table_header = vec![
    cell!("Cell Row").with_width(Some(20)),
    cell!("Left", align = Align::Left).with_width(Some(10)),
    cell!("Center", align = Align::Center).with_width(Some(10)),
    cell!("Right", align = Align::Right).with_width(Some(10)),
let table_cells = {
    let mut v = (0..=3_u8)
        .map(|_| {
                cell!("Cell Row"),
                cell!("Left", align = Align::Left),
                cell!("Center", align = Align::Center),
                cell!("Right", align = Align::Right),
    v.push(cell!("Cross Cell!", align = Align::Center).with_span(3));
let table = table! {
    with Border::ALL
let mut buffer = vec![];
table.render(&mut buffer).unwrap();
println!("{}", String::from_utf8(buffer).unwrap());


┃ Cell Row              Left          Center         Right ┃
┃ Cell Row              Left          Center         Right ┃
┃ Cell Row              Left          Center         Right ┃
┃ Cell Row              Left          Center         Right ┃
┃ Cell Row              Left          Center         Right ┃
┃                       Cross Cell!                        ┃

> Actually the border of the table is bold, but it cannot be rendered in markdown.

## Future Plan

Waiting for report :)

## Change Log

### V0.6.0

-   Changed the api of formatter, and add a macro wrapper for them.
-   Added documentations.

> If you are using the formatter, you just need to change your `vec!`s into `fmt!`s.

### V0.5.1

This version is yanked.

### V0.5.0

#### New features

-   Add render target: Markdown.
-   Add cross-cell support.
-   Add macro support.

#### Warning

This version is **_Completely Incompatible_** with previous versions.

## License

[MIT][MIT-License] or [Apache-2.0][Apache-License]

[Apache-License]: LICENSE-APACHE