systemicons 0.3.0

With this lib you can retrive the system icon which is associated to a certain file extension. The icon will be in the .png format. Windows and Linux (GTK) are supperted.
        <title>Rust System Icons</title>
        <meta charset="utf-8"/>
                background-color: gray;
            .ico {
                width: 64px;
                height: 64px;
            .smallico {
                width: 16px;
                height: 16px;

        <h1>Rust System Icons</h1>
            This is a sample page for displaying in <em>Rust System Icons</em>
            <img class="ico" src="geticon?ext=c:\\windows\\explorer.exe&size=64"/>
            <img class="ico" src="geticon?ext=c:\\windows\\nofilefound.exe&size=64"/>
            <img class="ico" src="geticon?ext=.pdf&size=64"/>
            <img class="smallico" src="geticon?ext=.pdf&size=16"/>
