systemd 0.1.0

A rust interface to libsystemd provided APIs
extern crate libc;
extern crate log;
extern crate libsystemd_sys as ffi;
extern crate mbox;
pub use std::io::{Result, Error};

/// Convert a systemd ffi return value into a Result
pub fn ffi_result(ret: ffi::c_int) -> Result<ffi::c_int>
    if ret < 0 {
    } else {

/// An analogue of `try!()` for systemd FFI calls.
/// The parameter should be a call to a systemd FFI fn with an c_int return
/// value. It is called, and if the return is negative then `sd_try!()`
/// interprets it as an error code and returns IoError from the enclosing fn.
/// Otherwise, the value of `sd_try!()` is the non-negative value returned by
/// the FFI call.
macro_rules! sd_try {
    ($e:expr) => ({
        try!($crate::ffi_result(unsafe{ $e}))

/// Given an Option<&str>, either returns a pointer to a const char*, or a NULL
/// pointer if None.
macro_rules! char_or_null {
    ($e:expr) => (match $e {
        Some(p) => ::std::ffi::CString::new(p.as_bytes()).unwrap()
                                                         .as_ptr() as *const ::libc::c_char,
        None => ptr::null() as *const ::libc::c_char

/// High-level interface to the systemd journal.
/// The main interface for writing to the journal is `fn log()`, and the main
/// interface for reading the journal is `struct Journal`.
pub mod journal;

/// Similar to `log!()`, except it accepts a func argument rather than hard
/// coding `::log::log()`, and it doesn't filter on `log_enabled!()`.
macro_rules! log_with{
    ($func:expr, $lvl:expr, $($arg:tt),+) => ({
        static LOC: ::log::LogLocation = ::log::LogLocation {
            __line: line!(),
            __file: file!(),
            __module_path: module_path!()
        let lvl = $lvl;
        $func(lvl, &LOC, &format_args!($($arg),+))

macro_rules! sd_journal_log{
    ($lvl:expr, $($arg:tt)+) => (log_with!(::systemd::journal::log, $lvl, $($arg)+))

/// High-level interface to the systemd daemon module.
pub mod daemon;

/// API for working with 128-bit ID values, which are a generalizastion of OSF UUIDs (see `man 3
/// sd-id128` for details
pub mod id128;

/// Interface to introspect on seats, sessions and users.
pub mod login;

/// An interface to work with the dbus message bus.
/// WARNING: this is not complete. Right now we're missing:
///  - message encoding/decoding
///  - server support
///  - async client support
/// In short, the only functional thing is issuing blocking dbus calls with pre-populated messages
/// and writing custom ffi decoders of the message replies.
#[cfg(feature = "bus")]
pub mod bus;