sysinfo 0.13.4

Library to get system information such as processes, processors, disks, components and networks
// Sysinfo
// Copyright (c) 2015 Guillaume Gomez

//! `sysinfo` is a crate used to get a system's information.
//! Before any attempt to read the different structs' information, you need to update them to
//! get up-to-date information.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use sysinfo::{ProcessExt, SystemExt};
//! let mut system = sysinfo::System::new_all();
//! // First we update all information of our system struct.
//! system.refresh_all();
//! // Now let's print every process' id and name:
//! for (pid, proc_) in system.get_processes() {
//!     println!("{}:{} => status: {:?}", pid,, proc_.status());
//! }
//! // Then let's print the temperature of the different components:
//! for component in system.get_components() {
//!     println!("{:?}", component);
//! }
//! // And then all disks' information:
//! for disk in system.get_disks() {
//!     println!("{:?}", disk);
//! }
//! // And finally the RAM and SWAP information:
//! println!("total memory: {} KiB", system.get_total_memory());
//! println!("used memory : {} KiB", system.get_used_memory());
//! println!("total swap  : {} KiB", system.get_total_swap());
//! println!("used swap   : {} KiB", system.get_used_swap());
//! ```

#![crate_name = "sysinfo"]
#![crate_type = "lib"]
#![crate_type = "rlib"]

extern crate cfg_if;
#[cfg(not(any(target_os = "unknown", target_arch = "wasm32")))]
extern crate libc;
extern crate rayon;

extern crate doc_comment;


#[cfg(feature = "debug")]
macro_rules! sysinfo_debug {
    ($($x:tt)*) => {{

#[cfg(not(feature = "debug"))]
macro_rules! sysinfo_debug {
    ($($x:tt)*) => {{}};

cfg_if! {
    if #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] {
        mod mac;
        use mac as sys;

        const MIN_USERS: usize = 1;
    } else if #[cfg(windows)] {
        mod windows;
        use windows as sys;
        extern crate winapi;
        extern crate ntapi;

        const MIN_USERS: usize = 1;
    } else if #[cfg(unix)] {
        mod linux;
        use linux as sys;

        const MIN_USERS: usize = 1;
    } else {
        mod unknown;
        use unknown as sys;

        const MIN_USERS: usize = 0;

pub use common::{
    AsU32, DiskType, DiskUsage, LoadAvg, NetworksIter, Pid, RefreshKind, Signal, User,
pub use sys::{Component, Disk, NetworkData, Networks, Process, ProcessStatus, Processor, System};
pub use traits::{
    ComponentExt, DiskExt, NetworkExt, NetworksExt, ProcessExt, ProcessorExt, SystemExt, UserExt,

#[cfg(feature = "c-interface")]
pub use c_interface::*;
pub use utils::get_current_pid;

#[cfg(feature = "c-interface")]
mod c_interface;
mod common;
mod debug;
mod system;
mod traits;
mod utils;

/// This function is only used on linux targets, on the other platforms it does nothing and returns
/// `false`.
/// On linux, to improve performance, we keep a `/proc` file open for each process we index with
/// a maximum number of files open equivalent to half of the system limit.
/// The problem is that some users might need all the available file descriptors so we need to
/// allow them to change this limit.
/// Note that if you set a limit bigger than the system limit, the system limit will be set.
/// Returns `true` if the new value has been set.
/// ```no_run
/// use sysinfo::{System, SystemExt, set_open_files_limit};
/// // We call the function before any call to the processes update.
/// if !set_open_files_limit(10) {
///     // It'll always return false on non-linux targets.
///     eprintln!("failed to update the open files limit...");
/// }
/// let s = System::new_all();
/// ```
pub fn set_open_files_limit(mut _new_limit: isize) -> bool {
    #[cfg(all(not(target_os = "macos"), unix))]
        if _new_limit < 0 {
            _new_limit = 0;
        let max = sys::system::get_max_nb_fds();
        if _new_limit > max {
            _new_limit = max;
        if let Ok(ref mut x) = unsafe { sys::system::REMAINING_FILES.lock() } {
            // If files are already open, to be sure that the number won't be bigger when those
            // files are closed, we subtract the current number of opened files to the new limit.
            let diff = max - **x;
            **x = _new_limit - diff;
        } else {
    #[cfg(any(not(unix), target_os = "macos"))]

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn check_memory_usage() {
        let mut s = ::System::new();

                .all(|(_, proc_)| proc_.memory() == 0),

    fn check_users() {
        let mut s = ::System::new();
        assert!(s.get_users().len() >= MIN_USERS);

        let mut s = ::System::new();

        let s = ::System::new_all();
        assert!(s.get_users().len() >= MIN_USERS);

// Used to check that System is Send and Sync.
fn is_send<T: Send>() {}

fn is_sync<T: Sync>() {}