sysfunc-blockcipher-xtea 0.1.0

Simple XTEA block cipher implementation #![no_std].

Simple XTEA implementation (pure Rust).

Heavily (internally) documented implementation of XTEA for the purposes of having a liberally licensed version of it available for general use.  Implemented against the original public domain code by David Wheeler and Roger Needham.

API is simple, with the `DELTA` and passed into the functions as needed, allowing for non-standard delta to be used (as is surprisingly common).

    /// Enciphers the blocks in place.
    pub fn encipher(blocks: &mut [u32], key: &[u32], delta: u32, rounds: usize);

    /// Deciphers the blocks in place.
    pub fn decipher(blocks: &mut [u32], key: &[u32], delta: u32, rounds: usize);

## Usage

Typically this cipher is weak, and has known attacks against it.

## Licence

This project is licensed under the ISC Licence.  See [`LICENCE`](LICENCE).