syncmers 0.1.5

Rust library for finding syncmers
/// Syncmers as defined by Dutta et al. 2022,
/// Esp Fig 1b
/// Planning to implement other methods soon
/// TODO: Add Iterator impl's
// use std::iter::{FilterMap, Enumerate};
// use std::slice::Windows;
use std::cmp::Ordering;

use pulp::Arch;
use twox_hash::xxh3::Hash64;
use std::hash::Hasher;

// TODO:Denote the reverse complement of x by Embedded Image. For a given order, the canonical form of a k-mer x, denoted by Canonical(x), is the smaller of x and Embedded Image. For example, under the lexicographic order, Canonical(CGGT) = ACCG.
// Canonical(x) = min(x, revcomp(x))

// Copied from ffforf. Really fast thanks to @sarah-ek
/// Complement a sequence, primarily used with revcomp function
pub fn complement(c: &mut u8) {
    let val = *c;
    let new_val = if val != b'N' {
        if val & 2 != 0 {
            val ^ 4
        } else {
            val ^ 21
    } else {
    *c = new_val;

/// Reverse complement a DNA Sequence. Case preserved
pub fn revcomp(sequence: &mut [u8]) {
    let arch = Arch::new();
    arch.dispatch(|| {

/// Test if the reverse complement is smaller, lexicographically, than the original sequence
/// Syncmers should be obtained from the Canonical strand (minimum strand).
/// Use this function for your own tests. It is not used in the Syncmer implementation.
pub fn is_revcomp_min(seq: &[u8]) -> bool {
    for i in 0..seq.len() {
        let mut c = seq[seq.len() - i - 1];
        complement(&mut c);
        match seq[i].cmp(&c) {
            Ordering::Less => return true,
            Ordering::Greater => return false,
            Ordering::Equal => continue,


// Best as determined by criterion benchmarks
// 303.62 MiB/s
/// Find syncmers from &[u8] and return Vec<&[u8]>
/// Parameterized syncmers as defined by Dutta et al. 2022,
/// Not all implemented yet (downsampling, windows, are not, for example).
/// # Arguments
/// k: kmer length
/// s: smer length
/// ts: Target positions, set at beginning or end for open/closed syncmers only.
///     Smallest smer must appear in one of these position of the kmer to be a valid syncmer
/// downsample fraction: None, or Some(float) between 0 and 1. If Some, only return some syncmers.
/// ```rust
/// # use syncmers::find_syncmers;
/// let sequence = b"CCAGTGTTTACGG";
/// let syncmers = find_syncmers(5, 2, &[2], None, sequence);
/// assert!(syncmers == vec![b"CCAGT", b"TTACG"]);
/// // You may also use multiple values for ts
/// let syncmers = find_syncmers(5, 2, &[2, 3], None, sequence);
/// ```
pub fn find_syncmers<'a, const N: usize>(
    k: usize,
    s: usize,
    ts: &[usize; N],
    downsample: Option<f64>,
    seq: &'a [u8],
) -> Vec<&'a [u8]> {
    assert!(seq.len() > k);
    assert!(s < k);
    assert!(ts.iter().all(|&t| t <= k - s));
    assert!(N < 5);
    assert!(N == ts.len());

    let mut downsample_threshold = None;
    if let Some(downsample) = downsample {
        assert!(downsample > 0.0);
        assert!(downsample <= 1.0);
        downsample_threshold = Some((std::u64::MAX as f64 * downsample) as u64);

    let syncmer_positions = find_syncmers_pos(k, s, ts, seq);

    if downsample.is_none() {
            .map(|&pos| &seq[pos..pos + k])
    } else {
            .map(|&pos| &seq[pos..pos + k])
            .filter(|&syncmer| {
                let mut hash = Hash64::with_seed(42);
                let hash = hash.finish();
                hash < downsample_threshold.unwrap()

// Best as determined by criterion benchmarks
// 340.19 MiB/s
/// Find positions of syncmers
/// # Arguments
/// k: kmer length
/// s: smer length
/// ts: Target positions, set at beginning or end for open/closed syncmers only.
///    Smallest smer must appear in one of these position of the kmer to be a valid syncmer
/// # Returns
/// Vec<usize> of positions of syncmers (kmers meeting above critera) in the sequence
pub fn find_syncmers_pos<const N: usize>(
    k: usize,
    s: usize,
    ts: &[usize; N],
    seq: &[u8],
) -> Vec<usize> {
    assert!(seq.len() > k);
    assert!(s < k);
    assert!(ts.iter().all(|&t| t <= k - s));
    assert!(N < 5);
    assert!(N == ts.len());
        .filter_map(|(i, kmer)| {
            let min_pos = kmer
                .min_by(|(_, a), (_, b)| a.cmp(b));

            if N == 1 && ts[0] == min_pos.unwrap().0 {
            } else if N != 1 && ts[0..N].contains(&min_pos.unwrap().0) {
            } else {

/// This is SIGNIFICANTLY slower than find_syncmers function. Prefer to use that instead.
/// t is 0-based (unlike in the paper)
/// NOTE: "By convention, ties are broken by choosing the leftmost position"
/// NOTE: Sequence should be all upper case (or all lower case) BEFORE it gets to this point
/// NOTE: Feed this the canonical strand
/// ```
/// # use syncmers::{revcomp, is_revcomp_min};
/// assert!(seq.iter().all(|x| x.is_ascii_uppercase()));
/// let mut revcmp: Vec<u8>;
/// let mut rev = false;
/// // Get the canonical strand
/// let seq = if is_revcomp_min(&seq) {
///    revcmp = seq.to_vec();
///    revcomp(&mut revcmp);
///    &revcmp
/// } else {
///    &seq
/// };
/// ```
pub struct Syncmers<'syncmer, const N: usize> {
    pub k: usize,
    pub s: usize,
    pub t: &'syncmer [usize; N],
    pub seq: &'syncmer [u8],
    pos: usize,

impl<'syncmer, const N: usize> Syncmers<'syncmer, N> {
    pub fn new(k: usize, s: usize, t: &'syncmer [usize; N], seq: &'syncmer [u8]) -> Self {
        assert!(s < k);
        assert!(t.iter().all(|&x| x <= (k - s)));
        Syncmers {
            pos: 0,

impl<'syncmer, const N: usize> Iterator for Syncmers<'syncmer, N> {
    type Item = &'syncmer [u8];

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if self.seq.len() - self.pos < self.k {
            return None;

        let kmer = &self.seq[self.pos..self.pos + self.k];

        let min_pos = kmer
            .min_by(|(_, a), (_, b)| a.cmp(b));

        self.pos += 1;
        if N == 1 && self.t[0] == min_pos.unwrap().0 {
        } else if N != 1 && self.t[0..N].contains(&min_pos.unwrap().0) {
        } else {

mod test {
    use super::*;

    pub fn test_syncmers_fig1b() {
        let sequence = b"CCAGTGTTTACGG";
        let syncmer_positions = find_syncmers_pos(5, 2, &[2], sequence);
        println!("{:?}", syncmer_positions);
        assert!(syncmer_positions == vec![0, 7]);

        let sequence = b"CCAGTGTTTACGG";
        let syncmers = find_syncmers(5, 2, &[2], None, sequence);
        assert!(syncmers == vec![b"CCAGT", b"TTACG"]);
        println!("{:?}", syncmers);

        let sequence = b"CCAGTGTTTACGG";
        let syncmer_positions = find_syncmers_pos(5, 2, &[2, 3], sequence);
        println!("{:?}", syncmer_positions);
        assert!(syncmer_positions == vec![0, 6, 7]);