synchronoise 1.0.0

Synchronization primitives that build upon the standard library
# synchronoise

fun synchronization primitives for your fun synchronization needs [![Build Status](]( [![Build status](](

[Documentation] | ([Manually-generated docs for master][doc-dev])


This is a collection of synchronization facilities that aren't part of the standard library that I
wanted to make sure were available for the Rust community.

This crate contains the following synchronization primitives:

* `CountdownEvent`, a port of `System.Threading.CountdownEvent` from .NET (also called
  `CountDownLatch` in Java).
* `SignalEvent`, a port of `System.Threading.EventWaitHandle` (and its derived classes,
  `AutoResetEvent` and `ManualResetEvent`) from .NET.
* `WriterReaderPhaser`, a port of `WriterReaderPhaser` from HdrHistogram.

To add this crate to your project, add the following line to your Cargo.toml:

synchronoise = "0.4.0"

...and the following to your crate root:

extern crate synchronoise;

# License

synchronoise is licensed under either the MIT License or the Apache License version 2.0, at your
option. See the files `LICENSE-MIT` and `LICENSE-APACHE` for details.

(synchronoise is named after [a move in Pokemon][synch], by the way)


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