sync-threadpool 0.0.2

A synchronized threadpool allowing submission of new jobs only when a worker is idle.
A synchronized threadpool. This threadpool allows submitting new jobs only if a worker is currently idle. This is most useful, for search-like tasks: Imagine you need to find some value in a multithreaded manner. Once the value is found, of course you don't want to submit more search jobs but probably want to use the workers for something else. # Examples This example demonstrates finding square-roots by brute forcing. The roots are found by sending search-ranges to the threadpool. ``` use sync_threadpool::ThreadPool; use std::sync::mpsc::channel; let n_workers = 4; const TARGET_SQUARE: u64 = 1 << 50; let mut pool = ThreadPool::new(n_workers); // channel to send back results let (tx, rx) = channel(); for start in 0..0xffff_ffff_ffff { if let Ok(result) = rx.try_recv() { println!("Result found: {0:x}*{0:x} = {1:x}", result, TARGET_SQUARE); break; } let start = start << 16; let end = start + 0xffff; let range = start..end; let tx = tx.clone(); let job = move || { for i in range { if i*i == TARGET_SQUARE { tx.send(i).unwrap(); } } }; pool.execute(job); } ```