syn-select-next 0.3.0-alpha.1

A lightweight selector engine for searching Rust source code.
//! Library to get a specific element by path in Rust code.
//! # Usage
//! ```rust,edition2018
//! let file: syn::File = syn::parse_str(
//!     r#"
//!     mod a {
//!         mod b {
//!             trait C {
//!                 fn d(self) {}
//!                 fn f() {}
//!             }
//!         }
//!     }"#).unwrap();
//! let results = syn_select::select("a::b::C::d", &file).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(results.len(), 1);
//! ```

use syn::Item;

mod error;
mod search;
mod selector;

pub use self::error::Error;
pub use self::selector::Selector;

/// Parse a path, then search a file for all results that exactly match the specified
/// path.
/// # Returns
/// This function can find multiple items if:
/// 1. There is a module and a function of the same name
/// 2. The same path is declared multiple times, differing by config flags
pub fn select(path: &str, file: &syn::File) -> Result<Vec<Item>, Error> {

mod tests {
    use syn::Item;

    use super::{select, Selector};

    fn sample() -> syn::File {
            "mod a {
            mod b {
                trait C {
                    fn d() {
                        struct E;
                    fn f(self) {
                        struct E;
            fn b() {}

    fn sample_with_cfg() -> syn::File {
            /// Outer doc
            #[cfg(feature = "g")]
            mod imp {
                /// Documentation
                #[cfg(feature = "h")]
                pub struct H(u8);
            #[cfg(not(feature = "g"))]
            mod imp {
                pub struct H(u16);

    fn search_sample(path: &str) -> Vec<syn::Item> {
        select(path, &sample()).unwrap()

    fn ident(ident: &str) -> syn::Ident {

    fn autotraits() {
        fn assert_send<T: Send>() {}
        fn assert_sync<T: Sync>() {}

    fn example_1() {
        let result = search_sample("a::b::C");
        assert_eq!(result.len(), 1);
        if let Item::Trait(item) = &result[0] {
            assert_eq!(item.ident, ident("C"));
        } else {
            panic!("Result was wrong type {:?}", &result[0]);

    fn example_2() {
        let result = search_sample("a::b::C::d::E");
        assert_eq!(result.len(), 1);
        if let Item::Struct(item) = &result[0] {
            assert_eq!(item.ident, ident("E"));
        } else {
            panic!("Result was wrong type {:?}", &result[0]);

    /// If I query for "a::b::C::f" I should get the trait C filtered down to only function f.
    /// The trait needs to be included because fn f(self) {} by itself is not a valid top-level
    /// Item.
    fn example_3() {
        let result = search_sample("a::b::C::f");
        assert_eq!(result.len(), 1);
        if let Item::Trait(item) = &result[0] {
            assert_eq!(item.items.len(), 1);
            if let syn::TraitItem::Fn(item) = &item.items[0] {
                assert_eq!(item.sig.ident, ident("f"));

    fn example_4() {
        let result = search_sample("a::b");
        assert_eq!(result.len(), 2);

    /// Test that `cfg` attributes are intelligently added to search results, and
    /// that attribute order is idiomatic.
    fn example_5() {
        let result = select("imp::H", &sample_with_cfg()).unwrap();
        assert_eq!(result.len(), 2);
        if let Item::Struct(item) = &result[0] {
            assert_eq!(item.attrs.len(), 4);
        } else {
            panic!("First result should be struct");

        if let Item::Struct(item) = &result[1] {
            assert_eq!(item.attrs.len(), 1);
        } else {
            panic!("Second result should be struct");

    fn example_6() {
        let result = search_sample("a::b::C::_::E");
        assert_eq!(result.len(), 2);