symphonia-core 0.5.2

Project Symphonia shared structs, traits, and features.
// Symphonia
// Copyright (c) 2019-2022 The Project Symphonia Developers.
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at

//! The `util` module provides a repository of commonly used utility functions sorted into distinct
//! categories.
//! If a function is used all-over the codebase, and does not belong to specific top-level module,
//! it should be placed here.

pub mod bits {
    //! Utilities for bit manipulation.

    /// Sign extends an arbitrary, 8-bit or less, signed two's complement integer stored within an
    /// u8 to a full width i8.
    pub fn sign_extend_leq8_to_i8(value: u8, width: u32) -> i8 {
        // Rust uses an arithmetic shift right (the original sign bit is repeatedly shifted on) for
        // signed integer types. Therefore, shift the value to the right-hand side of the integer,
        // then shift it back to extend the sign bit.
        (value.wrapping_shl(8 - width) as i8).wrapping_shr(8 - width)

    /// Sign extends an arbitrary, 16-bit or less, signed two's complement integer stored within an
    /// u16 to a full width i16.
    pub fn sign_extend_leq16_to_i16(value: u16, width: u32) -> i16 {
        (value.wrapping_shl(16 - width) as i16).wrapping_shr(16 - width)

    /// Sign extends an arbitrary, 32-bit or less, signed two's complement integer stored within an
    /// u32 to a full width i32.
    pub fn sign_extend_leq32_to_i32(value: u32, width: u32) -> i32 {
        (value.wrapping_shl(32 - width) as i32).wrapping_shr(32 - width)

    /// Sign extends an arbitrary, 64-bit or less, signed two's complement integer stored within an
    /// u64 to a full width i64.
    pub fn sign_extend_leq64_to_i64(value: u64, width: u32) -> i64 {
        (value.wrapping_shl(64 - width) as i64).wrapping_shr(64 - width)

    /// Masks the bit at the specified bit index.
    pub fn mask_at(idx: u32) -> u8 {
        debug_assert!(idx <= 7);
        1 << idx

    /// Masks all bits with an index greater than or equal to idx.
    pub fn mask_upper_eq(idx: u32) -> u8 {
        debug_assert!(idx <= 7);
        !((1 << idx) - 1)

    /// Masks all bits with an index greater than idx.
    pub fn mask_upper(idx: u32) -> u8 {
        debug_assert!(idx <= 7);
        !((1 << idx) - 1) ^ (1 << idx)

    /// Masks all bits with an index less than or equal to idx.
    pub fn mask_lower_eq(idx: u32) -> u8 {
        debug_assert!(idx <= 7);
        ((1 << idx) - 1) ^ (1 << idx)

    /// Masks all bits with an index less than idx.
    pub fn mask_lower(idx: u32) -> u8 {
        debug_assert!(idx <= 7);
        (1 << idx) - 1

    /// Masks out all bits in positions less than upper, but greater than or equal to lower
    /// (upper < bit <= lower)
    pub fn mask_range(upper: u32, lower: u32) -> u8 {
        debug_assert!(upper <= 8);
        debug_assert!(lower <= 8);
        ((0xff_u32 << upper) ^ (0xff_u32 << lower)) as u8

    /// Returns the number of trailing ones in an unsigned 8-bit integer.
    pub fn trailing_ones_u8(value: u8) -> u32 {
        (!value & value.wrapping_add(1)).trailing_zeros()

    /// Returns the number of trailing ones in an unsigned 16-bit integer.
    pub fn trailing_ones_u16(value: u16) -> u32 {
        (!value & value.wrapping_add(1)).trailing_zeros()

    /// Returns the number of trailing ones in an unsigned 32-bit integer.
    pub fn trailing_ones_u32(value: u32) -> u32 {
        (!value & value.wrapping_add(1)).trailing_zeros()

    /// Returns the number of trailing ones in an unsigned 64-bit integer.
    pub fn trailing_ones_u64(value: u64) -> u32 {
        (!value & value.wrapping_add(1)).trailing_zeros()

    /// Returns true if the unsigned 16-bit integer contains one or more bytes which have all bits
    /// set.
    pub fn contains_ones_byte_u16(value: u16) -> bool {
        ((value & !value.wrapping_add(0x0101)) & 0x8080) != 0

    /// Returns true if the unsigned 32-bit integer contains one or more bytes which have all bits
    /// set.
    pub fn contains_ones_byte_u32(value: u32) -> bool {
        ((value & !value.wrapping_add(0x0101_0101)) & 0x8080_8080) != 0

    /// Returns true if the unsigned 64-bit integer contains one or more bytes which have all bits
    /// set.
    pub fn contains_ones_byte_u64(value: u64) -> bool {
        ((value & !value.wrapping_add(0x0101_0101_0101_0101)) & 0x8080_8080_8080_8080) != 0

    fn verify_trailing_ones() {
        assert_eq!(trailing_ones_u32(0), 0);
        assert_eq!(trailing_ones_u32(1), 1);
        assert_eq!(trailing_ones_u32(2), 0);
        assert_eq!(trailing_ones_u32(3), 2);
        assert_eq!(trailing_ones_u32(0xf00f_7fff), 15);
        assert_eq!(trailing_ones_u32(0xffff_ffff), 32);

    fn verify_masks() {
        assert_eq!(mask_at(0), 0b0000_0001);
        assert_eq!(mask_at(1), 0b0000_0010);
        assert_eq!(mask_at(2), 0b0000_0100);
        assert_eq!(mask_at(3), 0b0000_1000);
        assert_eq!(mask_at(4), 0b0001_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_at(5), 0b0010_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_at(6), 0b0100_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_at(7), 0b1000_0000);

        assert_eq!(mask_upper(0), 0b1111_1110);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper(1), 0b1111_1100);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper(2), 0b1111_1000);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper(3), 0b1111_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper(4), 0b1110_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper(5), 0b1100_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper(6), 0b1000_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper(7), 0b0000_0000);

        assert_eq!(mask_upper_eq(0), 0b1111_1111);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper_eq(1), 0b1111_1110);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper_eq(2), 0b1111_1100);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper_eq(3), 0b1111_1000);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper_eq(4), 0b1111_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper_eq(5), 0b1110_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper_eq(6), 0b1100_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_upper_eq(7), 0b1000_0000);

        assert_eq!(mask_lower(0), 0b0000_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower(1), 0b0000_0001);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower(2), 0b0000_0011);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower(3), 0b0000_0111);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower(4), 0b0000_1111);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower(5), 0b0001_1111);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower(6), 0b0011_1111);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower(7), 0b0111_1111);

        assert_eq!(mask_lower_eq(0), 0b0000_0001);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower_eq(1), 0b0000_0011);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower_eq(2), 0b0000_0111);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower_eq(3), 0b0000_1111);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower_eq(4), 0b0001_1111);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower_eq(5), 0b0011_1111);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower_eq(6), 0b0111_1111);
        assert_eq!(mask_lower_eq(7), 0b1111_1111);

        assert_eq!(mask_range(0, 0), 0b0000_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_range(1, 1), 0b0000_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_range(7, 7), 0b0000_0000);
        assert_eq!(mask_range(1, 0), 0b0000_0001);
        assert_eq!(mask_range(2, 0), 0b0000_0011);
        assert_eq!(mask_range(7, 0), 0b0111_1111);
        assert_eq!(mask_range(5, 2), 0b0001_1100);
        assert_eq!(mask_range(7, 2), 0b0111_1100);
        assert_eq!(mask_range(8, 2), 0b1111_1100);

pub mod clamp {
    //! Utilities for clamping numeric values to a defined range.

    /// Clamps the given value to the [0, 255] range.
    pub fn clamp_u8(val: u16) -> u8 {
        if val & !0xff == 0 {
            val as u8
        else {

    /// Clamps the given value to the [-128, 127] range.
    pub fn clamp_i8(val: i16) -> i8 {
        // Add 128 (0x80) to the given value, val, to make the i8 range of [-128,127] map to
        // [0,255]. Valid negative numbers are now positive so all bits above the 8th bit should be
        // 0. Check this by ANDing with 0xffffff00 (!0xff). If val wraps, the test is still valid as
        // it'll wrap around to the other numerical limit +/- 128, which is still well outside the
        // limits of an i8.
        if val.wrapping_add(0x80) & !0xff == 0 {
            val as i8
        else {
            // The given value was determined to be outside the valid numerical range of i8.
            // Shift right all the magnitude bits of val, leaving val to be either 0xff if val was
            // negative (sign bit was 1), or 0x00 if val was positive (sign bit was 0). Xor the
            // shift value with 0x7f (the positive limit) to obtain the appropriate numerical limit.
            //  E.g., 0x7f ^ 0x00 = 0x7f (127)
            //  E.g., 0x7f ^ 0xff = 0x10 (-128)
            0x7f ^ val.wrapping_shr(15) as i8

    /// Clamps the given value to the [0, 65_535] range.
    pub fn clamp_u16(val: u32) -> u16 {
        if val & !0xffff == 0 {
            val as u16
        else {

    /// Clamps the given value to the [-32_767, 32_768] range.
    pub fn clamp_i16(val: i32) -> i16 {
        if val.wrapping_add(0x8000) & !0xffff == 0 {
            val as i16
        else {
            0x7fff ^ val.wrapping_shr(31) as i16

    /// Clamps the given value to the [0, 16_777_215] range.
    pub fn clamp_u24(val: u32) -> u32 {
        if val & !0x00ff_ffff == 0 {
        else {

    /// Clamps the given value to the [-8_388_608, 8_388_607] range.
    pub fn clamp_i24(val: i32) -> i32 {
        if val.wrapping_add(0x0080_0000) & !0x00ff_ffff == 0 {
        else {
            0x007f_ffff ^ val.wrapping_shr(31)

    /// Clamps the given value to the [0, 4_294_967_295] range.
    pub fn clamp_u32(val: u64) -> u32 {
        if val & !0xffff_ffff == 0 {
            val as u32
        else {

    /// Clamps the given value to the [-2_147_483_648, 2_147_483_647] range.
    pub fn clamp_i32(val: i64) -> i32 {
        if val.wrapping_add(0x8000_0000) & !0xffff_ffff == 0 {
            val as i32
        else {
            0x7fff_ffff ^ val.wrapping_shr(63) as i32

    /// Clamps the given value to the [-1.0, 1.0] range.
    pub fn clamp_f32(val: f32) -> f32 {
        // This slightly inelegant code simply returns min(max(1.0, val), -1.0). In release mode on
        // platforms with SSE2 support, it will compile down to 4 SSE instructions with no branches,
        // thereby making it the most performant clamping implementation for floating-point samples.
        let mut clamped = val;
        clamped = if clamped > 1.0 { 1.0 } else { clamped };
        clamped = if clamped < -1.0 { -1.0 } else { clamped };

    /// Clamps the given value to the [-1.0, 1.0] range.
    pub fn clamp_f64(val: f64) -> f64 {
        let mut clamped = val;
        clamped = if clamped > 1.0 { 1.0 } else { clamped };
        clamped = if clamped < -1.0 { -1.0 } else { clamped };

    mod tests {
        use super::*;
        use std::{i16, i32, i64, i8, u16, u32, u64, u8};

        fn verify_clamp() {
            assert_eq!(clamp_u8(256u16), u8::MAX);
            assert_eq!(clamp_u8(u16::MAX), u8::MAX);

            assert_eq!(clamp_i8(128i16), i8::MAX);
            assert_eq!(clamp_i8(-129i16), i8::MIN);
            assert_eq!(clamp_i8(i16::MAX), i8::MAX);
            assert_eq!(clamp_i8(i16::MIN), i8::MIN);

            assert_eq!(clamp_u16(65536u32), u16::MAX);
            assert_eq!(clamp_u16(u32::MAX), u16::MAX);

            assert_eq!(clamp_i16(32_768i32), i16::MAX);
            assert_eq!(clamp_i16(-32_769i32), i16::MIN);
            assert_eq!(clamp_i16(i32::MAX), i16::MAX);
            assert_eq!(clamp_i16(i32::MIN), i16::MIN);

            assert_eq!(clamp_u32(4_294_967_296u64), u32::MAX);
            assert_eq!(clamp_u32(u64::MAX), u32::MAX);

            assert_eq!(clamp_i32(2_147_483_648i64), i32::MAX);
            assert_eq!(clamp_i32(-2_147_483_649i64), i32::MIN);
            assert_eq!(clamp_i32(i64::MAX), i32::MAX);
            assert_eq!(clamp_i32(i64::MIN), i32::MIN);

            assert_eq!(clamp_f32(1.1), 1.0);
            assert_eq!(clamp_f32(5.6), 1.0);
            assert_eq!(clamp_f32(0.5), 0.5);
            assert_eq!(clamp_f32(-1.1), -1.0);
            assert_eq!(clamp_f32(-5.6), -1.0);
            assert_eq!(clamp_f32(-0.5), -0.5);

            assert_eq!(clamp_f64(1.1), 1.0);
            assert_eq!(clamp_f64(5.6), 1.0);
            assert_eq!(clamp_f64(0.5), 0.5);
            assert_eq!(clamp_f64(-1.1), -1.0);
            assert_eq!(clamp_f64(-5.6), -1.0);
            assert_eq!(clamp_f64(-0.5), -0.5);