symphonia-bundle-flac 0.3.0

Pure Rust FLAC demuxer and decoder (a part of project Symphonia).

Symphonia FLAC Codec

Come for the fidelity, stay for the memory safety!

FLAC decoder for Project Symphonia.

Note: This crate is part of Symphonia. Please use the symphonia crate instead of this one directly.


Symphonia is provided under the MPL v2.0 license. Please refer to the LICENSE file for more details.


  • The FLAC Reference Library, for format specification and algorithm clarifications
  • FFmpeg, for algorithm clarifications
  • Claxon, for inspiration on how to structure a decoder written in idiomatic Rust


Symphonia is an open-source project and contributions are very welcome! If you would like to make a large contribution, please raise an issue ahead of time to make sure your efforts fit into the project goals, and that no duplication of efforts occurs.

All contributors will be credited within the CONTRIBUTORS file.