symbolic 2.0.6

A library to symbolicate and process stack traces from native applications, minidumps, minified JavaScripts or ProGuard optimized Android apps.
# Symbolic

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Symbolic is a library written in Rust which is used at
[Sentry]( to implement symbolication of native stack traces,
sourcemap handling for minified JavaScript and more. It consists of multiple
largely independent crates which are bundled together into a C and Python
library so it can be used independently of Rust.

## What's in the package

Currently it provides the following functionality:

* Symbolication based on custom cache files (symcache)
* Symbol cache file generators from:
  * Mach and ELF symbol tables
  * Mach and ELF embedded DWARF data
  * Breakpad Symbol files
* Demangling support
  * Swift
  * C++
  * Rust
* JavaScript sourcemap expansion
  * Basic token mapping
  * Heuristics to find original function names based on minified sources
  * Indexed sourcemap to sourcemap merging
* Proguard function mappings
* Minidump / Breakpad processing
  * Generate Breakpad symbol files from Mach and ELF
  * Process Minidumps to resolve process state
* Convenient C and Python library

## Source crates

A lot of functionality exposed by this library come from independent Rust crates
for better use:

* [rust-sourcemap]
* [rust-proguard]
* [gimli]
* [goblin]

Additionally we use the following C++ libraries to fill in gaps:

* [breakpad]

## License

Symbolic is licensed under the MIT license. It uses some Apache2 licensed code
from Apple for the Swift demangling.