sycamore 0.8.0-beta.4

A reactive library for creating web apps in Rust and WebAssembly

Sycamore API Documentation

Sycamore is a VDOM-less web library with fine-grained reactivity.

This is the API docs for sycamore. If you are looking for the usage docs, checkout the Sycamore Book.

Feature Flags

  • builder - Enables the builder API.

  • dom (default) - Enables rendering templates to DOM nodes. Only useful on wasm32-unknown-unknown target.

  • hydrate - Enables client-side hydration support.

  • suspense - Enables wrappers around wasm-bindgen-futures to make it easier to extend a reactive scope into an async function.

  • ssr - Enables rendering templates to static strings (useful for Server Side Rendering / Pre-rendering).

  • serde - Enables serializing and deserializing Signals and other wrapper types using serde.

  • wasm-bindgen-interning (default) - Enables interning for wasm-bindgen strings. This improves performance at a slight cost in binary size. If you want to minimize the size of the result .wasm binary, you might want to disable this.