switchtec-user-sys 0.1.3

Rust wrapper for the switchtec-user C library
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A Rust wrapper for the switchtec-user library.

Details and usage instructions for the switchtec-user library can be found here.

Example Usage

use std::env;

use switchtec_user_sys::{switchtec_die_temp, SwitchtecDevice};

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let path = env::args()
        .unwrap_or_else(|| "/dev/pciswitch0".to_owned());

    let dev = SwitchtecDevice::new(path).open()?;

    unsafe {
        let temp = switchtec_die_temp(*dev);
        println!("Temperature: {}", temp);



switchtec-user-sys is both MIT and Apache License, Version 2.0 licensed, as found in the LICENSE-MIT and LICENSE-APACHE files.