swc_plugin_runner 0.71.15

Runner for swc plugins. This crate is INTERNAL crate and used by swc itself.
use std::{env, sync::Arc};

use anyhow::{Context, Error};
use parking_lot::Mutex;
use swc_common::{plugin::metadata::TransformPluginMetadataContext, SourceMap};
use wasmer::{ChainableNamedResolver, Instance};
use wasmer_wasi::{is_wasi_module, WasiState};

use crate::imported_fn::build_import_object;

#[tracing::instrument(level = "info", skip_all)]
pub fn load_plugin(
    plugin_path: &std::path::Path,
    cache: &once_cell::sync::Lazy<crate::cache::PluginModuleCache>,
    source_map: &Arc<SourceMap>,
    metadata_context: &Arc<TransformPluginMetadataContext>,
    plugin_config: Option<serde_json::Value>,
) -> Result<(Instance, Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>>), Error> {
    let module = cache.load_module(plugin_path);

    return match module {
        Ok(module) => {
            let transform_result: Arc<Mutex<Vec<u8>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![]));
            let import_object = build_import_object(

            // Plugin binary can be either wasm32-wasi or wasm32-unknown-unknown.
            // Wasi specific env need to be initialized if given module targets wasm32-wasi.
            // TODO: wasm host native runtime throws 'Memory should be set on `WasiEnv`
            // first'
            let instance = if is_wasi_module(&module) {
                // Create the `WasiEnv`.
                let mut wasi_env = WasiState::new(
                        .and_then(|f| f.to_str())
                        .expect("Plugin path missing file name"),

                // Implicitly enable filesystem access for the wasi plugin to cwd.
                // This allows wasi plugin can read arbitary data (i.e node_modules) or produce
                // output for post process (i.e .lcov coverage data) directly.
                // TODO: this is not finalized decision
                // - should we support this?
                // - can we limit to allowlisted input / output only?
                // - should there be a top-level config from .swcrc to manually override this?
                let wasi_env = if let Ok(cwd) = env::current_dir() {
                    wasi_env.map_dir("/cwd", cwd)?
                } else {
                    &mut wasi_env

                let mut wasi_env = wasi_env.finalize()?;

                // Generate an `ImportObject` from wasi_env, overwrite into imported_object
                let wasi_env_import_object = wasi_env.import_object(&module)?;
                let chained_resolver = import_object.chain_front(wasi_env_import_object);
                Instance::new(&module, &chained_resolver)
            } else {
                Instance::new(&module, &import_object)

                .map(|i| (i, transform_result))
                .context("Failed to create plugin instance")
        Err(err) => Err(err),