swc_ecma_transforms_typescript 0.59.0

rust port of babel and closure compiler.
use std::path::PathBuf;

use swc_common::chain;
use swc_ecma_parser::{Syntax, TsConfig};
use swc_ecma_transforms_base::resolver::resolver;
use swc_ecma_transforms_compat::{
    es2020::{nullish_coalescing, optional_chaining},
use swc_ecma_transforms_proposal::decorators;
use swc_ecma_transforms_testing::{test, test_exec, test_fixture};
use swc_ecma_transforms_typescript::{strip, strip::strip_with_config};
use swc_ecma_visit::Fold;

fn tr() -> impl Fold {
    strip_with_config(strip::Config {
        no_empty_export: true,

macro_rules! to {
    ($name:ident, $from:expr, $to:expr) => {
            Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
                decorators: true,
            |_| tr(),

macro_rules! test_with_config {
    ($name:ident, $config:expr, $from:expr, $to:expr) => {
            Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
                decorators: true,
            |_| strip_with_config($config),

    "class Foo {
    constructor(public readonly foo) {}
    "class Foo {
    constructor(foo) {
        this.foo = foo;

    "class Foo {
    constructor(readonly foo) {
        this.bar = 1;
    "class Foo {
    constructor(foo) {
        this.foo = foo;
        this.bar = 1;

    "class test {
    #test() {

    abstract #test();
    "class test {
    #test() {

to!(export_import, "export import A = B", "export var A = B;");

to!(export_equals, "export = Foo", "module.exports = Foo;");

    "export type Link = { key: string; text: string };",

    "type Link = { key: string; text: string };
export { Link };",

    "type Link = { key: string; text: string };
const Link = 'Boo';
export { Link };",
    "const Link = 'Boo';
export { Link };"

// TODO: Test function / variable hoisting

    "import {Types} from 'other';
const a: Types.foo = {};",
    "const a = {};"

    "import {Types} from 'other';
const a: Types = Types.foo;",
    "import {Types} from 'other';
const a = Types.foo;"

    "function foo(this: any, $scope: angular.IScope){}",
    "function foo($scope){}"

    "export function addProp<T, K extends string, V>(
  obj: T,
  prop: K,
  value: V
): T & { [x in K]: V };
export function addProp<T, K extends string, V>(
  prop: K,
  value: V
): (obj: T) => T & { [x in K]: V };

export function addProp(arg1: any, arg2: any, arg3?: any): any {
  if (arguments.length === 2) {
    return (object: any) => _addProp(object, arg1, arg2);
  return _addProp(arg1, arg2, arg3);

function _addProp(obj: any, prop: string, value: any) {
  return {
    [prop]: value,
    "export function addProp(arg1, arg2, arg3) {
  if (arguments.length === 2) {
    return (object) => _addProp(object, arg1, arg2);
  return _addProp(arg1, arg2, arg3);

function _addProp(obj, prop, value) {
  return {
    [prop]: value,

class App {
  public enter?(): void;
  public leave?(): void;
  public destroy?(): void;
    "class App {}"

function enter(): string;
function enter(foo: string): number;

import { PlainObject } from 'simplytyped';
const dict: PlainObject = {};
const dict = {};"

    |_| chain!(tr(), resolver()),
import { PlainObject } from 'simplytyped';
const dict: PlainObject = {};
const dict = {};"

    |_| tr(),
    "for (let x in ['']) {
  (x => 0)(x);
    "for(let x in ['']){

    |_| tr(),
    "tView.firstCreatePass ?
      getOrCreateTNode(tView, lView[T_HOST], index, TNodeType.Element, null, null) :
      tView.data[adjustedIndex] as TElementNode",
    "tView.firstCreatePass ? getOrCreateTNode(tView, lView[T_HOST], index, TNodeType.Element, \
     null, null) : tView.data[adjustedIndex];"

    |_| tr(),
    "tView.firstCreatePass ?
      getOrCreateTNode(tView, lView[T_HOST], index, TNodeType.Element, null, null) :
      tView.data[adjustedIndex] as TElementNode",
    "tView.firstCreatePass ? getOrCreateTNode(tView, lView[T_HOST], index, TNodeType.Element, \
     null, null) : tView.data[adjustedIndex];"

    |_| tr(),
    "tView.firstCreatePass ?
      getOrCreateTNode() : tView.data[adjustedIndex] as TElementNode",
    "tView.firstCreatePass ? getOrCreateTNode() : tView.data[adjustedIndex];"

    |_| tr(),
    "a ? b : c",
    "a ? b : c"

    |_| tr(),
    "a ? b : c as T",
    "a ? b : c"

    |_| tr(),
    "a.b ? c() : d.e[f] as T",
    "a.b ? c() : d.e[f];"

    |_| tr(),
    "tView.firstCreatePass ? getOrCreateTNode() : tView.data[adjustedIndex]",
    "tView.firstCreatePass ? getOrCreateTNode() : tView.data[adjustedIndex];"

    |_| tr(),
    "enum Foo{ a }",
var Foo;
(function (Foo) {
    Foo[Foo['a'] = 0] = 'a';
})(Foo || (Foo = {}));",

    |_| tr(),
    "enum State {
  closed = 'closed',
  opened = 'opened',
  mounted = 'mounted',
  unmounted = 'unmounted',
var State;
(function (State) {
    State["closed"] = "closed";
    State["opened"] = "opened";
    State["mounted"] = "mounted";
    State["unmounted"] = "unmounted";
})(State || (State = {}));

    |_| tr(),
    "enum StateNum {
  closed = 'cl0',
  opened = 'op1',
  mounted = 'mo2',
var StateNum;
(function (StateNum) {
    StateNum["closed"] = "cl0";
    StateNum["opened"] = "op1";
    StateNum["mounted"] = "mo2";
})(StateNum || (StateNum = {}));

    |_| tr(),
    "export enum State {
  closed = 'closed',
  opened = 'opened',
  mounted = 'mounted',
  unmounted = 'unmounted',
    r#"export var State;
(function (State) {
    State["closed"] = "closed";
    State["opened"] = "opened";
    State["mounted"] = "mounted";
    State["unmounted"] = "unmounted";
})(State || (State = {}));

    |_| tr(),
    "import { Handler } from 'aws-lambda';
export const handler: Handler = async (event, context) => {};",
    "export const handler = async (event, context) => {};",

    |_| tr(),
    "export const x = { text: 'hello' } as const;",
    "export const x = { text: 'hello' };",

to!(import_type, "import type foo from 'foo'", "");

to!(export_type, "export type { foo }", "");

    type MyType = string;
    export default MyType;",

    class MyType {}
    type MyType = string;
    export default MyType;",
    class MyType {}
    export default MyType;"

    var MyType = function(){};
    type MyType = string;
    export default MyType;",
    var MyType = function(){};
    export default MyType;"

    "enum FlexSize {
  md = 'md',
  lg = 'lg',
    "var FlexSize;
(function (FlexSize) {
    FlexSize['md'] = 'md';
    FlexSize['lg'] = 'lg';
})(FlexSize || (FlexSize = {}));

    "enum FlexSize {
    "var FlexSize;
(function (FlexSize) {
    FlexSize[FlexSize['md'] = 0] = 'md';
    FlexSize[FlexSize['lg'] = 1] = 'lg';
})(FlexSize || (FlexSize = {}));

to!(module_01, "module 'foo'{ }", "");

to!(declare_01, "declare var env: FOO", "");

    "// test.ts
enum Foo {

export default Foo;
    "var Foo;
    (function(Foo) {
        Foo[Foo['A'] = 0] = 'A';
        Foo[Foo['B'] = 1] = 'B';
    })(Foo || (Foo = {
    export default Foo;"

    "import { IPerson } from '../types/types'
     export function createPerson(person: IPerson) {
        const a = {} as IPerson
    "export function createPerson(person) {
        const a = {};

    "import { IPerson } from '../types/types'
     function createPerson(person: IPerson) {
        const a = {} as IPerson
    "function createPerson(person) {
        const a = {};

    "import { IPerson } from '../types/types'

     export interface IEmployee extends IPerson {

     export function createPerson(person: IPerson) {
       const a = {} as IPerson
    "export function createPerson(person) {
       const a = {}

    "import { IPerson } from '../types/types'

     export class Employee implements IPerson {

     export function createPerson(person: IPerson) {
       const a = {} as IPerson
    "export class Employee {
     export function createPerson(person) {
       const a = {}

    "import { IPerson } from '../types/types'

     export type MyPerson = IPerson;

     export function createPerson(person: MyPerson) {
       const a = {} as MyPerson
    "export function createPerson(person) {
       const a = {}

    "import { A, B } from '../types/types'

     export class Child extends A implements B {
    "import { A } from '../types/types'

    export class Child extends A {

    "import { IPerson } from '../types/types'
     export function createPerson(person) {
        const a = {} as IPerson
    "export function createPerson(person) {
        const a = {};

    "import { IPerson } from '../types/types'
     export function createPerson(person) {
        const a = <IPerson>{};
    "export function createPerson(person) {
        const a = {};

    "export class FeatureSet<Name extends string> {
    log(a: Name) {
    "export class FeatureSet {
    log(a) {

    "class FeatureSet<Name extends string> {
    log(a: Name) {
    "class FeatureSet {
    log(a) {

    "export default class FeatureSet<Name extends string> {
    log(a: Name) {
    "class FeatureSet {
    log(a) {
export { FeatureSet as default };"

    "enum Direction {
    Up = 1,
    Down = 2,
    Left = Up + Down,
    "var Direction;
(function (Direction) {
    Direction[Direction['Up'] = 1] = 'Up';
    Direction[Direction['Down'] = 2] = 'Down';
    Direction[Direction['Left'] = 3] = 'Left';
})(Direction || (Direction = {}));"

    "export class Logger {
    #level: LogLevels;
    #handlers: BaseHandler[];
    readonly #loggerName: string;

        loggerName: string,
        levelName: LevelName,
        options: LoggerOptions = {},
    ) {
        this.#loggerName = loggerName;
        this.#level = getLevelByName(levelName);
        this.#handlers = options.handlers || [];
    "export class Logger {
    constructor(loggerName, levelName, options = {
        this.#loggerName = loggerName;
        this.#level = getLevelByName(levelName);
        this.#handlers = options.handlers || [];

    r#"Deno.test("[ws] WebSocket should act as asyncIterator", async () => {
  enum Frames {
    r#"Deno.test("[ws] WebSocket should act as asyncIterator", async ()=>{
    var Frames;
    (function(Frames) {
        Frames[Frames["ping"] = 0] = "ping";
        Frames[Frames["hello"] = 1] = "hello";
        Frames[Frames["close"] = 2] = "close";
        Frames[Frames["end"] = 3] = "end";
    })(Frames || (Frames = {

    r#"export class MultipartReader {
    readonly newLine = encoder.encode("\r\n");
    r#"export class MultipartReader {
          this.newLine = encoder.encode("\r\n");

    r#"export class BadRequestError extends Error {
    constructor(public readonly message: string) {
    r#"export class BadRequestError extends Error {
    constructor(message) {
      this.message = message

    "export abstract class Kernel {
  [key: string]: any
    "export abstract class Kernel {}"

    "class A extends Object {
  constructor(public a, private b) {
    "class A extends Object {
    constructor(a, b){
        this.a = a;
        this.b = b;

    |_| tr(),
    "class A {
        b = this.a;
        constructor(readonly a){
    "class A {
    constructor(a) {
        this.a = a;
        this.b = this.a;

    |_| tr(),
    "class A {
        static b = 'foo';
    "class A {
        constructor(a) {
    A.b = 'foo';"

    |_| tr(),
    "class A {
        foo = new Subject()

        constructor() {
    "class A {
        constructor() {
            this.foo = new Subject()

    |_| tr(),
    "class A extends B {
            foo = 'foo'
            b = this.a;

            declare2!: string

            constructor(private readonly a: string, readonly c, private d: number = 1) {
    "class A extends B {
        constructor(a, c, d = 1) {
            this.a = a;
            this.c = c;
            this.d = d;
            this.foo = 'foo';
            this.b = this.a;

    |_| tr(),
    "export class Test {
        constructor(readonly test?: string) {}
    "export class Test {
            this.test = test;

    Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
        decorators: true,
    |_| chain!(
        decorators(decorators::Config {
            legacy: true,
    function DefineAction() {
        return (target, property) => {
            console.log(target, property);
    class Base {
        constructor() {
          this.action = new Subject()

      class Child extends Base {
        @DefineAction() action: Observable<void>

        callApi() {
          console.log(this.action) // undefined
    r#"var _class, _descriptor, _dec;
    function DefineAction() {
        return (target, property)=>{
            console.log(target, property);
    class Base {
            this.action = new Subject();
    let Child = ((_class = class Child extends Base {
        callApi() {
            _initializerDefineProperty(this, "action", _descriptor, this);
    }) || _class, _dec = DefineAction(), _descriptor = _applyDecoratedDescriptor(_class.prototype, "action", [
    ], {
        configurable: true,
        enumerable: true,
        writable: true,
        initializer: void 0
    }), _class);

    Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
        decorators: true,
    |_| chain!(
        decorators(decorators::Config {
            legacy: true,
    "function DefineAction() { return function(_a, _b, c) { return c } }

    class Base {
      constructor() {
        this.action = 1

    class Child extends Base {
      @DefineAction() action: number

      callApi() {
        console.log(this.action) // undefined
        return this.action

    const c = new Child()


    |_| tr(),
    r#"import {
    indent as indentFormatter,
    newline as newlineFormatter,
    breakpoint as breakpointFormatter,
} from "./format.ts";

const proseTypes = new Map();

// deno-lint-ignore ban-types
const prose = (l: number, i: Function, nl: Function, bp: string): string => {
    return i(l) + bp + "prose {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #374151;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "max-width: 65ch;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + 'prose [class~="lead"] {' + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #4b5563;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.25em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.6;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose a {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #5850ec;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "text-decoration: none;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 600;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose strong {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #161e2e;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 600;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose ol {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "counter-reset: list-counter;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.25em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.25em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose ol > li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "position: relative;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "counter-increment: list-counter;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.75em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose ol > li::before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + 'content: counter(list-counter) ".";' + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "position: absolute;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 400;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #6b7280;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose ul > li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "position: relative;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.75em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose ul > li::before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + 'content: "";' + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "position: absolute;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "background-color: #d2d6dc;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 50%;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "width: 0.375em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "height: 0.375em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "top: calc(0.875em - 0.1875em);" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "left: 0.25em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose hr {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-color: #e5e7eb;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-top-width: 1px;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 3em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 3em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose blockquote {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 500;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-style: italic;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #161e2e;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-left-width: 0.25rem;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-left-color: #e5e7eb;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + 'quotes: "\\201C""\\201D""\\2018""\\2019";' + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.6em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose blockquote p:first-of-type::before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "content: open-quote;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose blockquote p:last-of-type::after {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "content: close-quote;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose h1 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #1a202c;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 800;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 2.25em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.1111111;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose h2 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #1a202c;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 700;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.5em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.3333333;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose h3 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #1a202c;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 600;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.25em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.6;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose h4 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #1a202c;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 600;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.5em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.5em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose figure figcaption {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #6b7280;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.4285714;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #161e2e;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 600;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose code::before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + 'content: "`";' + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose code::after {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + 'content: "`";' + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose pre {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #e5e7eb;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "background-color: #252f3f;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "overflow-x: auto;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.7142857;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 0.375rem;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose pre code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "background-color: transparent;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-width: 0;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 0;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding: 0;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 400;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: inherit;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: inherit;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-family: inherit;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: inherit;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose pre code::before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + 'content: "";' + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose pre code::after {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + 'content: "";' + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose table {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "width: 100%;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "table-layout: auto;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "text-align: left;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.7142857;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose thead {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #161e2e;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 600;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-bottom-width: 1px;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-bottom-color: #d2d6dc;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose thead th {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "vertical-align: bottom;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose tbody tr {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-bottom-width: 1px;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-bottom-color: #e5e7eb;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose tbody tr:last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-bottom-width: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose tbody td {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "vertical-align: top;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1rem;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.75;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose p {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.25em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.25em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose img {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose video {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose figure {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose figure > * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose h2 code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose h3 code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose ul {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.25em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.25em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.5em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.5em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose ol > li:before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose > ul > li p {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.75em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.75em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose > ul > li > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.25em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose > ul > li > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.25em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose > ol > li > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.25em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose > ol > li > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.25em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose ol ol," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose ol ul," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose ul ol," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose ul ul {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.75em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.75em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose hr + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose h2 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose h3 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose h4 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose thead th:first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose thead th:last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose tbody td:first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose tbody td:last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose h1," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose h2," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose h3," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose h4 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "color: #161e2e;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl;

proseTypes.set("prose", prose);

// deno-lint-ignore ban-types
const proseSm = (l: number, i: Function, nl: Function, bp: string): string => {
    return i(l) + bp + "prose-sm {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875rem;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.7142857;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm p {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + 'prose-sm [class~="lead"] {' + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.2857143em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5555556;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm blockquote {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.1111111em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h1 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 2.1428571em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.2;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h2 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.4285714em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.4;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h3 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.2857143em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.5555556em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.4444444em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5555556;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h4 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.4285714em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.4285714;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm img {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm video {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm figure {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm figure > * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm figure figcaption {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.3333333;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h2 code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h3 code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm pre {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.6666667;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 0.25rem;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ol {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ul {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.2857143em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.2857143em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ol > li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ol > li:before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ul > li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ul > li::before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "height: 0.3571429em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "width: 0.3571429em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "top: calc(0.8571429em - 0.1785714em);" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "left: 0.2142857em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > ul > li p {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > ul > li > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > ul > li > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > ol > li > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > ol > li > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ol ol," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ol ul," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ul ol," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ul ul {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm hr {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2.8571429em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2.8571429em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm hr + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h2 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h3 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h4 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm table {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm thead th {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm thead th:first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm thead th:last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm tbody td {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm tbody td:first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm tbody td:last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl;

proseTypes.set("prose-sm", proseSm);

// deno-lint-ignore ban-types
const proseLg = (l: number, i: Function, nl: Function, bp: string): string => {
    return i(l) + bp + "prose-lg {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.125rem;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.7777778;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg p {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + 'prose-lg [class~="lead"] {' + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.2222222em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.4545455;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.0909091em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.0909091em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg blockquote {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h1 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 2.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h2 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.8666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.0666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.3333333;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h3 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h4 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.4444444em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5555556;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg img {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg video {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg figure {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg figure > * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg figure figcaption {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h2 code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8666667em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h3 code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg pre {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.75;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 0.375rem;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1.5em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.5em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ol {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ul {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ol > li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ol > li:before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ul > li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ul > li::before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "width: 0.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "height: 0.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "top: calc(0.8888889em - 0.1666667em);" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "left: 0.2222222em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > ul > li p {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > ul > li > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > ul > li > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > ol > li > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > ol > li > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ol ol," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ol ul," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ul ol," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ul ul {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg hr {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 3.1111111em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 3.1111111em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg hr + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h2 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h3 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h4 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg table {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg thead th {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.75em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.75em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.75em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg thead th:first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg thead th:last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg tbody td {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.75em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.75em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.75em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.75em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg tbody td:first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg tbody td:last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl;

proseTypes.set("prose-lg", proseLg);

// deno-lint-ignore ban-types
const proseXl = (l: number, i: Function, nl: Function, bp: string): string => {
    return i(l) + bp + "prose-xl {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.25rem;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.8;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl p {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + 'prose-xl [class~="lead"] {' + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl blockquote {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.6em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.0666667em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h1 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 2.8em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h2 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.8em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.5555556em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.1111111;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h3 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.5em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.3333333;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h4 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.8em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.6;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl img {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl video {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl figure {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl figure > * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl figure figcaption {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5555556;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h2 code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8611111em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h3 code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl pre {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.7777778;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 0.5rem;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 1.1111111em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 1.1111111em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ol {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ul {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.6em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ol > li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.8em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ol > li:before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ul > li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.8em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ul > li::before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "width: 0.35em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "height: 0.35em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "top: calc(0.9em - 0.175em);" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "left: 0.25em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > ul > li p {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > ul > li > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > ul > li > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > ol > li > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > ol > li > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ol ol," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ol ul," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ul ol," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ul ul {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl hr {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2.8em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2.8em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl hr + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h2 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h3 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h4 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl table {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5555556;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl thead th {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl thead th:first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl thead th:last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl tbody td {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl tbody td:first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl tbody td:last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl;

proseTypes.set("prose-xl", proseXl);

// deno-lint-ignore ban-types
const prose2xl = (l: number, i: Function, nl: Function, bp: string): string => {
    return i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.5rem;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.6666667;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl p {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + 'prose-2xl [class~="lead"] {' + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.25em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.4666667;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.0666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.0666667em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl blockquote {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.1111111em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h1 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 2.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.875em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h2 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.5em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.0833333;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h3 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.5em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.5555556em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.2222222;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h4 {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl img {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl video {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl figure {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl figure > * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl figure figcaption {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.6;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h2 code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h3 code {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl pre {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.8;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 0.5rem;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1.6em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.6em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ol {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ul {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.5em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.5em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ol > li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ol > li:before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ul > li {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ul > li::before {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "width: 0.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "height: 0.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "top: calc(0.8333333em - 0.1666667em);" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "left: 0.25em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > ul > li p {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > ul > li > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > ul > li > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > ol > li > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > ol > li > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ol ol," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ol ul," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ul ol," + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ul ul {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl hr {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 3em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 3em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl hr + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h2 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h3 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h4 + * {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl table {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.4;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl thead th {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.6em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.8em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.6em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl thead th:first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl thead th:last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl tbody td {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.8em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.6em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.8em;" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.6em;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl tbody td:first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl tbody td:last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > :first-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl +
        i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > :last-child {" + nl +
        i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
        i(l) + "}" + nl;

proseTypes.set("prose-2xl", prose2xl);

export default (identifier: string, level = 0, b = "", m = false) => {
    const i = indentFormatter(m);
    const nl = newlineFormatter(m)();
    const bp = breakpointFormatter(b);

    if (proseTypes.has(identifier)) {
        return proseTypes.get(identifier)(level, i, nl, bp);

    import {
        indent as indentFormatter,
        newline as newlineFormatter,
        breakpoint as breakpointFormatter,
    } from "./format.ts";

    const proseTypes = new Map();

    // deno-lint-ignore ban-types
    const prose = (l, i, nl, bp): string => {
        return i(l) + bp + "prose {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #374151;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "max-width: 65ch;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + 'prose [class~="lead"] {' + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #4b5563;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.25em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.6;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose a {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #5850ec;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "text-decoration: none;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 600;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose strong {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #161e2e;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 600;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose ol {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "counter-reset: list-counter;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.25em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.25em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose ol > li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "position: relative;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "counter-increment: list-counter;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.75em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose ol > li::before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + 'content: counter(list-counter) ".";' + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "position: absolute;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 400;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #6b7280;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose ul > li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "position: relative;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.75em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose ul > li::before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + 'content: "";' + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "position: absolute;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "background-color: #d2d6dc;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 50%;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "width: 0.375em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "height: 0.375em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "top: calc(0.875em - 0.1875em);" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "left: 0.25em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose hr {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-color: #e5e7eb;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-top-width: 1px;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 3em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 3em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose blockquote {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 500;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-style: italic;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #161e2e;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-left-width: 0.25rem;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-left-color: #e5e7eb;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + 'quotes: "\\201C""\\201D""\\2018""\\2019";' + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.6em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose blockquote p:first-of-type::before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "content: open-quote;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose blockquote p:last-of-type::after {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "content: close-quote;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose h1 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #1a202c;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 800;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 2.25em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.1111111;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose h2 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #1a202c;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 700;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.5em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.3333333;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose h3 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #1a202c;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 600;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.25em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.6;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose h4 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #1a202c;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 600;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.5em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.5em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose figure figcaption {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #6b7280;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.4285714;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #161e2e;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 600;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose code::before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + 'content: "`";' + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose code::after {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + 'content: "`";' + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose pre {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #e5e7eb;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "background-color: #252f3f;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "overflow-x: auto;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.7142857;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 0.375rem;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose pre code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "background-color: transparent;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-width: 0;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 0;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding: 0;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 400;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: inherit;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: inherit;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-family: inherit;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: inherit;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose pre code::before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + 'content: "";' + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose pre code::after {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + 'content: "";' + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose table {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "width: 100%;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "table-layout: auto;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "text-align: left;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.7142857;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose thead {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #161e2e;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-weight: 600;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-bottom-width: 1px;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-bottom-color: #d2d6dc;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose thead th {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "vertical-align: bottom;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose tbody tr {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-bottom-width: 1px;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-bottom-color: #e5e7eb;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose tbody tr:last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-bottom-width: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose tbody td {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "vertical-align: top;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1rem;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.75;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose p {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.25em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.25em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose img {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose video {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose figure {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose figure > * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose h2 code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose h3 code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose ul {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.25em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.25em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.5em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.5em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose ol > li:before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose > ul > li p {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.75em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.75em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose > ul > li > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.25em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose > ul > li > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.25em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose > ol > li > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.25em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose > ol > li > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.25em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose ol ol," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose ol ul," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose ul ol," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose ul ul {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.75em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.75em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose hr + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose h2 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose h3 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose h4 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose thead th:first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose thead th:last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose tbody td:first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose tbody td:last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose h1," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose h2," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose h3," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose h4 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "color: #161e2e;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl;

    proseTypes.set("prose", prose);

    // deno-lint-ignore ban-types
    const proseSm = (l, i, nl, bp): string => {
        return i(l) + bp + "prose-sm {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875rem;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.7142857;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm p {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + 'prose-sm [class~="lead"] {' + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.2857143em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5555556;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm blockquote {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.1111111em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h1 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 2.1428571em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.2;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h2 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.4285714em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.4;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h3 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.2857143em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.5555556em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.4444444em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5555556;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h4 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.4285714em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.4285714;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm img {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm video {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm figure {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7142857em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm figure > * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm figure figcaption {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.3333333;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h2 code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h3 code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm pre {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.6666667;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 0.25rem;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ol {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ul {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.2857143em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.2857143em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ol > li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ol > li:before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ul > li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ul > li::before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "height: 0.3571429em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "width: 0.3571429em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "top: calc(0.8571429em - 0.1785714em);" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "left: 0.2142857em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > ul > li p {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > ul > li > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > ul > li > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > ol > li > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > ol > li > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.1428571em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ol ol," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ol ul," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ul ol," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm ul ul {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.5714286em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm hr {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2.8571429em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2.8571429em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm hr + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h2 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h3 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm h4 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm table {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm thead th {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm thead th:first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm thead th:last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm tbody td {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm tbody td:first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm tbody td:last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-sm > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl;

    proseTypes.set("prose-sm", proseSm);

    // deno-lint-ignore ban-types
    const proseLg = (l, i, nl, bp): string => {
        return i(l) + bp + "prose-lg {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.125rem;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.7777778;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg p {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + 'prose-lg [class~="lead"] {' + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.2222222em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.4545455;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.0909091em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.0909091em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg blockquote {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h1 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 2.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h2 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.8666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.0666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.3333333;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h3 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h4 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.4444444em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5555556;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg img {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg video {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg figure {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg figure > * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg figure figcaption {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h2 code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8666667em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h3 code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg pre {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.75;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 0.375rem;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1.5em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.5em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ol {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ul {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ol > li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ol > li:before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ul > li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ul > li::before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "width: 0.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "height: 0.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "top: calc(0.8888889em - 0.1666667em);" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "left: 0.2222222em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > ul > li p {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > ul > li > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > ul > li > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > ol > li > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > ol > li > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ol ol," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ol ul," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ul ol," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg ul ul {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg hr {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 3.1111111em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 3.1111111em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg hr + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h2 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h3 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg h4 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg table {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg thead th {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.75em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.75em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.75em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg thead th:first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg thead th:last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg tbody td {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.75em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.75em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.75em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.75em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg tbody td:first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg tbody td:last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-lg > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl;

    proseTypes.set("prose-lg", proseLg);

    // deno-lint-ignore ban-types
    const proseXl = (l, i, nl, bp): string => {
        return i(l) + bp + "prose-xl {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.25rem;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.8;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl p {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + 'prose-xl [class~="lead"] {' + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl blockquote {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.6em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.0666667em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h1 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 2.8em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8571429em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h2 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.8em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.5555556em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.1111111;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h3 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.5em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.3333333;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h4 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.8em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.6;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl img {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl video {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl figure {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl figure > * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl figure figcaption {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5555556;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h2 code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8611111em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h3 code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl pre {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.7777778;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 0.5rem;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 1.1111111em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 1.1111111em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ol {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ul {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.6em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ol > li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.8em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ol > li:before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ul > li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.8em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ul > li::before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "width: 0.35em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "height: 0.35em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "top: calc(0.9em - 0.175em);" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "left: 0.25em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > ul > li p {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > ul > li > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > ul > li > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > ol > li > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > ol > li > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ol ol," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ol ul," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ul ol," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl ul ul {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl hr {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2.8em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2.8em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl hr + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h2 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h3 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl h4 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl table {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.9em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5555556;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl thead th {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl thead th:first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl thead th:last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl tbody td {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl tbody td:first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl tbody td:last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-xl > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl;

    proseTypes.set("prose-xl", proseXl);

    // deno-lint-ignore ban-types
    const prose2xl = (l, i, nl, bp) => {
        return i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.5rem;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.6666667;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl p {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + 'prose-2xl [class~="lead"] {' + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.25em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.4666667;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.0666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.0666667em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl blockquote {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.7777778em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.1111111em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h1 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 2.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.875em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h2 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.5em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.0833333;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h3 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 1.5em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.5555556em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.2222222;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h4 {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.5;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl img {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl video {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl figure {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl figure > * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl figure figcaption {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.6;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h2 code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.875em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h3 code {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8888889em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl pre {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.8;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "border-radius: 0.5rem;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 1.6em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 1.2em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.6em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ol {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ul {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.5em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.5em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ol > li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ol > li:before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ul > li {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 1.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ul > li::before {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "width: 0.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "height: 0.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "top: calc(0.8333333em - 0.1666667em);" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "left: 0.25em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > ul > li p {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > ul > li > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > ul > li > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > ol > li > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > ol > li > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 1.3333333em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ol ol," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ol ul," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ul ol," + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl ul ul {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0.6666667em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl hr {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 3em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 3em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl hr + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h2 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h3 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl h4 + * {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl table {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "font-size: 0.8333333em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "line-height: 1.4;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl thead th {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.6em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.8em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.6em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl thead th:first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl thead th:last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl tbody td {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-top: 0.8em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0.6em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-bottom: 0.8em;" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0.6em;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl tbody td:first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-left: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl tbody td:last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "padding-right: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > :first-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-top: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl +
            i(l) + bp + "prose-2xl > :last-child {" + nl +
            i(l + 1) + "margin-bottom: 0;" + nl +
            i(l) + "}" + nl;

    proseTypes.set("prose-2xl", prose2xl);

    export default ((identifier, level = 0, b = "", m = false) => {
        const i = indentFormatter(m);
        const nl = newlineFormatter(m)();
        const bp = breakpointFormatter(b);

        if (proseTypes.has(identifier)) {
            return proseTypes.get(identifier)(level, i, nl, bp);


to!(bin_01, "a!!!! + b!!!!!! + c!!!!!", "a + b + c");

    Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
        decorators: true,
    |_| tr(),
    import { a } from './foo';
    import { Type } from './types';

    Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
        decorators: true,
    |_| tr(),
    import './foo';
    import './foo';

    Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
        decorators: true,
    |_| {
        strip_with_config(strip::Config {
            no_empty_export: true,
            import_not_used_as_values: strip::ImportsNotUsedAsValues::Preserve,
    import { a } from './foo';
    import { Type } from './types';
    import './foo';
    import './types';

    Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
        decorators: true,
    |_| tr(),
    import { Type } from './types';
    export type { Type };

    Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
    |_| chain!(tr(), async_to_generator()),
    class Service {
      async is(a: string): Promise<boolean> {
          return a.toUpperCase() === a;
    (async() => {  await (new Service()).is('ABC'); })();
    class Service {
      is(a) {
        return _asyncToGenerator(function* () {
          return a.toUpperCase() === a;


    _asyncToGenerator(function* () {
      yield new Service().is('ABC');

    Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
        decorators: true,
    |_| chain!(tr(), optional_chaining()),
    const tmp = tt?.map((t: any) => t).join((v: any) => v);
    const tmp = tt === null || tt === void 0 ? void 0 : tt.map((t) => t).join((v) => v);

    Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
    |_| chain!(tr(), nullish_coalescing()),
    interface SuperSubmission {
        [key: string]: any;

    const normalizedQuestionSet: any = {};

    const submissions: SuperSubmission[] = (
        normalizedQuestionSet.submissionIds ?? []
        (id, index): SuperSubmission => {
          const submission = normalizedQuestionSet.submissions?.[id];

          const submissionAnswers = (submission.answers ?? []).map(
            (answerId) => normalizedQuestionSet.answers?.[answerId]

          console.log(id, index);

          return {
            type: "super-submission",

    const normalizedQuestionSet = {
    var _submissionIds;
    const submissions = ((_submissionIds = normalizedQuestionSet.submissionIds) !== null && _submissionIds !== void 0 ? _submissionIds : []).map((id, index)=>{
        const submission = normalizedQuestionSet.submissions?.[id];
        var _answers;
        const submissionAnswers = ((_answers = submission.answers) !== null && _answers !== void 0 ? _answers : []).map((answerId)=>normalizedQuestionSet.answers?.[answerId]
        console.log(id, index);
        return {
            type: "super-submission"

// compile_to_class_constructor_collision_ignores_types
    Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
    |_| strip_with_config(strip::Config {
        use_define_for_class_fields: true,
        no_empty_export: true,
class C {
    // Output should not use `_initialiseProps`
    x: T;
    y = 0;
    constructor(T) {}

class C {
    y = 0;
  // Output should not use `_initialiseProps`
  constructor(T) {



    Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
        decorators: true,
    |_| chain!(resolver(), decorators(Default::default()), tr()),

 // before
import { bind } from 'some';

class A {
  public get foo() {
    return 1;

  public bar() {
    return 1;
    "import { bind } from 'some';
let A = _decorate([], function(_initialize) {
    class A{
    return {
        F: A,
        d: [{
                kind: 'get',
                decorators: [bind],
                key: 'foo',
                value: function foo() {
                    return 1;
            }, {
                kind: 'method',
                decorators: [bind],
                key: 'bar',
                value: function bar() {
                    return 1;

    import { any } from './dep.ts';

    export { any };
    export type { any as t };
    import { any } from './dep.ts';

    export { any };

    export namespace util {
        export type AssertEqual<T, Expected> = T extends Expected
            ? Expected extends T
            ? true
            : false
            : false;

        export function assertNever(_x: never): never {
            throw new Error();

        export type Omit<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
        export type OmitKeys<T, K extends string> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
        export type MakePartial<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> &
            Partial<Pick<T, K>>;

        export const arrayToEnum = <T extends string, U extends [T, ...T[]]>(
            items: U
        ): { [k in U[number]]: k } => {

        export const getValidEnumValues = (obj: any) => {

        export const getValues = (obj: any) => {


        export const objectValues = (obj: any) => {

    var util1;
    export { util1 as util };
    (function (util) {
        function assertNever(_x) {
            throw new Error();
        util.assertNever = assertNever;
        util.arrayToEnum = (items) => {
        util.getValidEnumValues = (obj) => {
        util.getValues = (obj) => {
        util.objectValues = (obj) => {
    })(util1 || (util1 = {}));


    export namespace util {
        const c = 3;
        export const [a, b] = [1, 2, 3];
    var util1;
    export { util1 as util };
    (function (util) {
        const c = 3;
        [util.a, util.b] = [1, 2, 3];
    })(util1 || (util1 = {}));

    export namespace util {
        const c = 3;
        export function foo() {


        function bar() {

    var util1;
    export { util1 as util };
    (function (util) {
        const c = 3;
        function foo() {
        util.foo = foo;
        function bar() {
    })(util1 || (util1 = {}));

    namespace Test {
        export enum DummyValues {
            A = 'A',
            B = 'B',

    var Test1;
    (function(Test) {
        var DummyValues;
        (function(DummyValues) {
            DummyValues['A'] = 'A';
            DummyValues['B'] = 'B';
        })(DummyValues || (DummyValues = {
        Test.DummyValues = DummyValues;
    })(Test1 || (Test1 = {

    export class TestClass {
        public testMethod (args: TestClass.TestArgs)
            return args.param1;

    declare namespace TestClass {
        export interface TestArgs {
            param1: boolean;
    export class TestClass {
        testMethod(args) {
            return args.param1;

    declare namespace TestClass {
        export interface TestArgs {
            param1: boolean;

    declare global {
        const process: Process;

    export {}

    strip::Config {
        use_define_for_class_fields: true,
        no_empty_export: true,
    class A extends Object {
        a = 1;
        constructor(public b = 2) {
    class A extends Object {
        a = 1;
        constructor(b = 2){
            this.b = b;

    strip::Config {
        no_empty_export: true,
        use_define_for_class_fields: false,
    class A extends Object {
        a = 1;
        constructor(public b = 2) {
    class A extends Object {
        constructor(b = 2){
            this.b = b;
            this.a = 1;

    class A {
        [(console.log(1), 'a')] = 1;
        static [(console.log(2), 'b')] = 2;
    var _key, _key1;
    class A {
        constructor() {
            this[_key] = 1;
    _key = (console.log(1), 'a');
    _key1 = (console.log(2), 'b');
    A[_key1] = 2;

    class A {
        [(console.log(1), 'a')] = 1;
        static [(console.log(2), 'b')] = 2;
        [(console.log(3), 'c')]() {}
    var _key, _key1;
    class A {
        [(_key = (console.log(1), 'a'), _key1 = (console.log(2), 'b'), console.log(3), 'c')]() {}
        constructor() {
            this[_key] = 1;
    A[_key1] = 2;

    export class A {}
    export namespace A {
        export class B extends A {}
    export class A {
    (function(A1) {
        class B extends A {
        A1.B = B;
    })(A || (A = {

    export namespace A {
        export class B extends A {}
    export enum A {}
    export var A;
    (function(A1) {
        class B extends A {
        A1.B = B;
    })(A || (A = {
    (function(A) {
    })(A || (A = {

    export class A {}
    export enum A {}
    export class A {
    (function(A) {
    })(A || (A = {

    const A = class {
        static a = 1;
    var _class;
    const A = (_class = class {},
        _class.a = 1,

    declare namespace twttr {
        export const txt: typeof import('twitter-text')

    interface X {
        get foo(): string;
        set foo(v: string | number);

    type Y = {
        get bar(): string;
        set bar(v: string | number);

    import { Test } from 'test';
    const Test = 2;
    const Test = 2;

    import Test from 'test';
    const Test = 2;
    const Test = 2;

    import * as Test from 'test';
    const Test = 2;
    const Test = 2;

    import { Test } from 'test';
    const [Test] = [];
    const [Test] = [];

    import { Test } from 'test';
    const [a = Test] = [];
    import { Test } from 'test';
    const [a = Test] = [];

    import { Test } from 'test';
    const {Test: a} = {};
    const {Test: a} = {};

    import { Test } from 'test';
    const {a = Test} = {};
    import { Test } from 'test';
    const {a = Test} = {};

    import { Test } from 'test';
    interface Test {}

    import { Test } from 'test';
    import { Test } from 'test';

    import { Test } from 'test';
    interface Test {}
    import { Test } from 'test';

    import { Test } from 'test';
    import { Test } from 'test';

    const Test = 2;
    import { Test } from 'test';
    const Test = 2;

    interface Test {}
    import { Test } from 'test';

    interface Test {}
    import { Test } from 'test';
    import { Test } from 'test';

    import F = require('yaml')
    const F = require('yaml');

    "export class Query {
        public text: string;
        public args: EncodedArg[];
        public fields?: string[];

        constructor(config: QueryObjectConfig);
        constructor(text: string, ...args: unknown[]);
    export class Query {

    "export class Context {
        app!: Application;
        request!: ServerRequest;
        url!: URL;

        response: Response & { headers: Headers } = { headers: new Headers() };
        params: Record<string, string> = {};
        customContext: any;

        #store?: Map<string | symbol, unknown>;

        #body: Promise<unknown> | undefined;

        constructor(opts: ContextOptions);
        constructor(c: Context);
        constructor(optionsOrContext: ContextOptions | Context) {
          if (optionsOrContext instanceof Context) {
            Object.assign(this, optionsOrContext);
            this.customContext = this;
    export class Context {
            this.response = {
                headers: new Headers()
            this.params = {
            if (optionsOrContext instanceof Context) {
                Object.assign(this, optionsOrContext);
                this.customContext = this;

    export = 'something';
    module.exports = 'something';

    import { foo } from './temp2.ts';

    const _: foo = null;
    console.log({ foo: 1 });
    const _ = null;
    console.log({ foo: 1 });

    import { A } from "./a";
    import { B } from "./b";
    import { C } from "./c";

    const { A: AB } = B;
    const { CB = C } = B;

    console.log(A, AB, CB);
    import { A } from "./a";
    import { B } from "./b";
    import { C } from "./c";

    const { A: AB } = B;
    const { CB = C } = B;

    console.log(A, AB, CB);"#

    import { Foo } from './temp2.ts';

    const a: Foo = null;
    const b = { Foo: 1 };
    const a = null;
    const b = {
        Foo: 1

    var _class;
    let TestClass = _class = someClassDecorator((_class = class TestClass {
        static Something = 'hello';
        static SomeProperties = {
            firstProp: TestClass.Something
    }) || _class) || _class;
    function someClassDecorator(c) {
        return c;
    var _class;
    var _class1;
    let TestClass = _class1 = someClassDecorator((_class1 = (_class = class TestClass {
    }, _class.Something = 'hello', _class.SomeProperties = {
        firstProp: _class.Something
    }, _class)) || _class1) || _class1;
    function someClassDecorator(c) {
        return c;

    import type { TestInfo } from './config'

    export { TestInfo }


const identifier = 'bar';

class Foo {
  identifier = 5;
    const identifier = \"bar\";
    class Foo {
            this.identifier = 5;

const identifier = 'bar';

class Foo {
  static identifier = 5;
const identifier = \"bar\";
class Foo {
Foo.identifier = 5;

    import * as mongo from 'https://deno.land/x/mongo@v0.27.0/mod.ts';
    import MongoClient = mongo.MongoClient;
    const mongoClient = new MongoClient();
    import * as mongo from 'https://deno.land/x/mongo@v0.27.0/mod.ts';
    var MongoClient = mongo.MongoClient;
    const mongoClient = new MongoClient();

    import * as mongo from 'https://deno.land/x/mongo@v0.27.0/mod.ts';
    import MongoClient = mongo.MongoClient;
    const mongoClient: MongoClient = {};
    const mongoClient = {};

    strip::Config {
        use_define_for_class_fields: true,
        no_empty_export: true,
    export class Foo {
        x: number;
        constructor(x: number) {
            this.x = x;
    export class Bar extends Foo {
        declare x: 123;
        constructor() {
    export class Foo {
            this.x = x;
    export class Bar extends Foo {
        constructor() {

    export = function (foo: string, bar: number): boolean {
        return true
    module.exports = function (foo, bar) {
        return true

fn exec(input: PathBuf) {
    let output = input.with_file_name("output.js");
        Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
            tsx: input.to_string_lossy().ends_with(".tsx"),
        &|_| tr(),