swc_ecma_transforms_base 0.43.1

rust port of babel and closure compiler.
use std::path::PathBuf;
use swc_common::{input::SourceFileInput, Mark, SyntaxContext, DUMMY_SP};
use swc_ecma_ast::*;
use swc_ecma_parser::{lexer::Lexer, Parser, Syntax, TsConfig};
use swc_ecma_transforms_base::resolver::ts_resolver;
use swc_ecma_visit::{FoldWith, Node, Visit, VisitWith};
use testing::fixture;

fn no_empty(input: PathBuf) {
    eprintln!("{}", input.display());

    testing::run_test2(false, |cm, _handler| {
        let fm = cm.load_file(&input).expect("failed to load file");

        let lexer = Lexer::new(
            Syntax::Typescript(TsConfig {
                tsx: input.ends_with("tsx"),
                decorators: true,
                dynamic_import: true,
                no_early_errors: true,
                import_assertions: true,

        let mut parser = Parser::new_from(lexer);
        let module = match parser.parse_module() {
            Ok(v) => v,
            // We are not testing parser
            Err(..) => return Ok(()),

        let module = module.fold_with(&mut ts_resolver(Mark::fresh(Mark::root())));

        module.visit_with(&Invalid { span: DUMMY_SP }, &mut AssertNoEmptyCtxt);


struct AssertNoEmptyCtxt;

impl Visit for AssertNoEmptyCtxt {
    fn visit_class_prop(&mut self, n: &ClassProp, _: &dyn Node) {
        if n.computed {
            n.key.visit_with(n, self);

        n.value.visit_with(n, self);
        n.type_ann.visit_with(n, self);
        n.decorators.visit_with(n, self);

    fn visit_expr(&mut self, n: &Expr, _: &dyn Node) {

        match n {
            Expr::Ident(i) => {
                if i.span.ctxt == SyntaxContext::empty() {
                    unreachable!("ts_resolver has a bug")
            _ => {}

    fn visit_member_expr(&mut self, n: &MemberExpr, _: &dyn Node) {
        n.obj.visit_with(n, self);
        if n.computed {
            n.prop.visit_with(n, self);

    fn visit_pat(&mut self, n: &Pat, _: &dyn Node) {

        match n {
            Pat::Ident(i) => {
                if i.id.span.ctxt == SyntaxContext::empty() {
                    unreachable!("ts_resolver has a bug")
            _ => {}

    fn visit_ts_getter_signature(&mut self, n: &TsGetterSignature, _: &dyn Node) {
        if n.computed {
            n.key.visit_with(n, self);

        n.type_ann.visit_with(n, self);

    fn visit_ts_method_signature(&mut self, n: &TsMethodSignature, _: &dyn Node) {
        if n.computed {
            n.key.visit_with(n, self);

        n.params.visit_with(n, self);
        n.type_ann.visit_with(n, self);
        n.type_params.visit_with(n, self);

    fn visit_ts_property_signature(&mut self, n: &TsPropertySignature, _: &dyn Node) {
        if n.computed {
            n.key.visit_with(n, self);

        n.init.visit_with(n, self);
        n.params.visit_with(n, self);
        n.type_ann.visit_with(n, self);
        n.type_params.visit_with(n, self);

    fn visit_ts_setter_signature(&mut self, n: &TsSetterSignature, _: &dyn Node) {
        if n.computed {
            n.key.visit_with(n, self);

        n.param.visit_with(n, self);

    fn visit_ts_tuple_element(&mut self, n: &TsTupleElement, _: &dyn Node) {
        n.ty.visit_with(n, self);