swc 0.89.0

Speedy web compiler

authors = ["강동윤 <kdy1997.dev@gmail.com>"]
description = "Speedy web compiler"
documentation = "https://rustdoc.swc.rs/swc/"
edition = "2018"
include = ["Cargo.toml", "src/**/*.rs"]
license = "Apache-2.0"
name = "swc"
repository = "https://github.com/swc-project/swc.git"
version = "0.89.0"

name = "swc"

default = ["es3"]
# You can disable this feautre to reduce binary size.
es3 = []
# See https://github.com/swc-project/swc/issues/1108
# If this option is enabled, es2015 transforms are enabled if target is es2015.
# If this option is disabled, es2015 transforms are disabled if target is es2015.
# This feature will be removed on v2 of node bindings.
wrong-target = []

concurrent = [
plugin = [

ahash = "0.7.4"
anyhow = "1"
base64 = "0.13.0"
dashmap = "4.0.2"
either = "1"
indexmap = {version = "1", features = ["serde"]}
lru = "0.6.1"
once_cell = "1"
pathdiff = "0.2.0"
regex = "1"
serde = {version = "1", features = ["derive"]}
serde_json = "1"
sourcemap = "6"
swc_atoms = {version = "0.2", path = "../swc_atoms"}
swc_common = {version = "0.14.0", path = "../swc_common", features = ["sourcemap", "concurrent"]}
swc_ecma_ast = {version = "0.58.0", path = "../swc_ecma_ast"}
swc_ecma_codegen = {version = "0.80.0", path = "../swc_ecma_codegen"}
swc_ecma_ext_transforms = {version = "0.38.2", path = "../swc_ecma_ext_transforms"}
swc_ecma_loader = {version = "0.24.1", path = "../swc_ecma_loader", features = ["lru", "node", "tsc"]}
swc_ecma_minifier = {version = "0.52.0", path = "../swc_ecma_minifier"}
swc_ecma_parser = {version = "0.78.0", path = "../swc_ecma_parser"}
swc_ecma_preset_env = {version = "0.68.0", path = "../swc_ecma_preset_env"}
swc_ecma_transforms = {version = "0.96.0", path = "../swc_ecma_transforms", features = [
swc_ecma_transforms_base = {version = "0.44.4", path = "../swc_ecma_transforms_base"}
swc_ecma_transforms_compat = {version = "0.53.0", path = "../swc_ecma_transforms_compat"}
swc_ecma_transforms_optimization = {version = "0.66.0", path = "../swc_ecma_transforms_optimization"}
swc_ecma_utils = {version = "0.52.5", path = "../swc_ecma_utils"}
swc_ecma_visit = {version = "0.44.0", path = "../swc_ecma_visit"}
swc_ecmascript = {version = "0.89.0", path = "../swc_ecmascript"}
swc_node_comments = {version = "0.1", path = "../swc_node_comments"}
swc_plugin_runner = {version = "0.18.2", path = "../swc_plugin_runner", optional = true}
swc_visit = {version = "0.2.3", path = "../swc_visit"}
tracing = "0.1.28"

rayon = "1"
swc_node_base = {version = "0.5.0", path = "../swc_node_base"}
testing = {version = "0.15.0", path = "../testing"}
walkdir = "2"

name = "usage"