sway-lsp 0.33.1

LSP server for Sway.
pub use crate::error::DocumentError;
use crate::{
    capabilities::{self, diagnostic::Diagnostics},
    config::{Config, Warnings},
    core::{session::Session, sync},
    error::{DirectoryError, LanguageServerError},
use dashmap::DashMap;
use forc_pkg::manifest::PackageManifestFile;
use forc_tracing::{init_tracing_subscriber, TracingSubscriberOptions, TracingWriterMode};
use parking_lot::RwLock;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{
    path::{Path, PathBuf},
use sway_types::{Ident, Spanned};
use tower_lsp::lsp_types::*;
use tower_lsp::{jsonrpc, Client, LanguageServer};
use tracing::metadata::LevelFilter;

pub struct Backend {
    pub client: Client,
    pub config: RwLock<Config>,
    sessions: DashMap<PathBuf, Arc<Session>>,

impl Backend {
    pub fn new(client: Client) -> Self {
        let sessions = DashMap::new();
        let config = RwLock::new(Default::default());

        Backend {

    fn init(&self, uri: &Url) -> Result<(), LanguageServerError> {
        let session = Arc::new(Session::new());
        let project_name = session.init(uri)?;
        self.sessions.insert(project_name, session);

    fn get_uri_and_session(
        workspace_uri: &Url,
    ) -> Result<(Url, Arc<Session>), LanguageServerError> {
        let session = self.url_to_session(workspace_uri)?;
        let uri = session.sync.workspace_to_temp_url(workspace_uri)?;
        Ok((uri, session))

    async fn parse_project(&self, uri: Url, workspace_uri: Url, session: Arc<Session>) {
        // pass in the temp Url into parse_project, we can now get the updated AST's back.
        let diagnostics = match session.parse_project(&uri) {
            Ok(diagnostics) => diagnostics,
            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string().as_str());
                if let LanguageServerError::FailedToParse { diagnostics } = err {
                } else {
                    Diagnostics {
                        warnings: vec![],
                        errors: vec![],
        self.publish_diagnostics(&uri, &workspace_uri, session, diagnostics)

fn capabilities() -> ServerCapabilities {
    ServerCapabilities {
        text_document_sync: Some(TextDocumentSyncCapability::Kind(
        semantic_tokens_provider: Some(
            SemanticTokensOptions {
                legend: SemanticTokensLegend {
                    token_types: capabilities::semantic_tokens::SUPPORTED_TYPES.to_vec(),
                    token_modifiers: capabilities::semantic_tokens::SUPPORTED_MODIFIERS.to_vec(),
                full: Some(SemanticTokensFullOptions::Bool(true)),
                range: None,
        document_symbol_provider: Some(OneOf::Left(true)),
        completion_provider: Some(CompletionOptions {
            resolve_provider: Some(false),
            trigger_characters: None,
        document_formatting_provider: Some(OneOf::Left(true)),
        definition_provider: Some(OneOf::Left(true)),
        inlay_hint_provider: Some(OneOf::Left(true)),
        code_action_provider: Some(CodeActionProviderCapability::Simple(true)),
        hover_provider: Some(HoverProviderCapability::Simple(true)),

impl Backend {
    fn url_to_session(&self, uri: &Url) -> Result<Arc<Session>, LanguageServerError> {
        let path = PathBuf::from(uri.path());
        let manifest = PackageManifestFile::from_dir(&path).map_err(|_| {
            DocumentError::ManifestFileNotFound {
                dir: path.to_string_lossy().to_string(),

        // strip Forc.toml from the path to get the manifest directory
        let manifest_dir = manifest

        let session = match self.sessions.try_get(&manifest_dir).try_unwrap() {
            Some(item) => item.value().clone(),
            None => {
                // If no session can be found, then we need to call init and inserst a new session into the map
                    .map(|item| item.value().clone())
                    .expect("no session found even though it was just inserted into the map")


    async fn publish_diagnostics(
        uri: &Url,
        workspace_uri: &Url,
        session: Arc<Session>,
        diagnostics: Diagnostics,
    ) {
        let diagnostics_res = {
            let mut diagnostics_to_publish = vec![];
            let config = &self.config.read();
            let tokens = session.token_map().tokens_for_file(uri);
            match config.debug.show_collected_tokens_as_warnings {
                // If collected_tokens_as_warnings is Parsed or Typed,
                // take over the normal error and warning display behavior
                // and instead show the either the parsed or typed tokens as warnings.
                // This is useful for debugging the lsp parser.
                Warnings::Parsed => diagnostics_to_publish
                Warnings::Typed => {
                Warnings::Default => {}
            if config.diagnostic.show_warnings {
            if config.diagnostic.show_errors {

        // Note: Even if the computed diagnostics vec is empty, we still have to push the empty Vec
        // in order to clear former diagnostics. Newly pushed diagnostics always replace previously pushed diagnostics.
            .publish_diagnostics(workspace_uri.clone(), diagnostics_res, None)

impl LanguageServer for Backend {
    async fn initialize(&self, params: InitializeParams) -> jsonrpc::Result<InitializeResult> {
        if let Some(initialization_options) = &params.initialization_options {
            let mut config = self.config.write();
            *config = serde_json::from_value(initialization_options.clone())

        // Initalizing tracing library based on the user's config
        let config = self.config.read();
        if config.logging.level != LevelFilter::OFF {
            let tracing_options = TracingSubscriberOptions {
                log_level: Some(config.logging.level),
                writer_mode: Some(TracingWriterMode::Stderr),

        tracing::info!("Initializing the Sway Language Server");

        Ok(InitializeResult {
            server_info: None,
            capabilities: capabilities(),

    // LSP-Server Lifecycle
    async fn initialized(&self, _: InitializedParams) {
        tracing::info!("Sway Language Server Initialized");

    async fn shutdown(&self) -> jsonrpc::Result<()> {
        tracing::info!("Shutting Down the Sway Language Server");

        let _ = self.sessions.iter().map(|item| {
            let session = item.value();


    // Document Handlers
    async fn did_open(&self, params: DidOpenTextDocumentParams) {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((uri, session)) => {
                self.parse_project(uri, params.text_document.uri, session.clone())
            Err(err) => tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string()),

    async fn did_change(&self, params: DidChangeTextDocumentParams) {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((uri, session)) => {
                // update this file with the new changes and write to disk
                match session.write_changes_to_file(&uri, params.content_changes) {
                    Ok(_) => {
                        self.parse_project(uri, params.text_document.uri, session.clone())
                    Err(err) => tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string()),
            Err(err) => tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string()),

    async fn did_save(&self, params: DidSaveTextDocumentParams) {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((uri, session)) => {
                // overwrite the contents of the tmp/folder with everything in
                // the current workspace. (resync)
                if let Err(err) = session.sync.clone_manifest_dir_to_temp() {
                    tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string().as_str());

                let _ = session
                    .and_then(|manifest_path| PackageManifestFile::from_dir(&manifest_path).ok())
                    .map(|manifest| {
                        if let Some(temp_manifest_path) = &session.sync.temp_manifest_path() {
                            sync::edit_manifest_dependency_paths(&manifest, temp_manifest_path)
                self.parse_project(uri, params.text_document.uri, session.clone())
            Err(err) => tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string()),

    async fn did_change_watched_files(&self, params: DidChangeWatchedFilesParams) {
        for event in params.changes {
            if event.typ == FileChangeType::DELETED {
                match self.get_uri_and_session(&event.uri) {
                    Ok((uri, session)) => {
                        let _ = session.remove_document(&uri);
                    Err(err) => tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string()),

    async fn hover(&self, params: HoverParams) -> jsonrpc::Result<Option<Hover>> {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document_position_params.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((uri, session)) => {
                let position = params.text_document_position_params.position;
                Ok(capabilities::hover::hover_data(session, uri, position))
            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string());

    async fn code_action(
        params: CodeActionParams,
    ) -> jsonrpc::Result<Option<CodeActionResponse>> {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((temp_uri, session)) => Ok(capabilities::code_actions(
            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string());

    async fn completion(
        params: CompletionParams,
    ) -> jsonrpc::Result<Option<CompletionResponse>> {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document_position.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((_, session)) => {
                // TODO
                // here we would also need to provide a list of builtin methods not just the ones from the document
            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string());

    async fn document_symbol(
        params: DocumentSymbolParams,
    ) -> jsonrpc::Result<Option<DocumentSymbolResponse>> {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((uri, session)) => Ok(session
            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string());

    async fn semantic_tokens_full(
        params: SemanticTokensParams,
    ) -> jsonrpc::Result<Option<SemanticTokensResult>> {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((uri, session)) => Ok(capabilities::semantic_tokens::semantic_tokens_full(
                session, &uri,
            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string());

    async fn document_highlight(
        params: DocumentHighlightParams,
    ) -> jsonrpc::Result<Option<Vec<DocumentHighlight>>> {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document_position_params.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((uri, session)) => {
                let position = params.text_document_position_params.position;
                    session, uri, position,
            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string());

    async fn goto_definition(
        params: GotoDefinitionParams,
    ) -> jsonrpc::Result<Option<GotoDefinitionResponse>> {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document_position_params.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((uri, session)) => {
                let position = params.text_document_position_params.position;
                Ok(session.token_definition_response(uri, position))
            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string());

    async fn formatting(
        params: DocumentFormattingParams,
    ) -> jsonrpc::Result<Option<Vec<TextEdit>>> {
            .and_then(|(uri, session)| session.format_text(&uri).map(Some))
            .or_else(|err| {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string());

    async fn rename(&self, params: RenameParams) -> jsonrpc::Result<Option<WorkspaceEdit>> {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document_position.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((uri, session)) => {
                let new_name = params.new_name;
                let position = params.text_document_position.position;
                    session, new_name, uri, position,
            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string());

    async fn prepare_rename(
        params: TextDocumentPositionParams,
    ) -> jsonrpc::Result<Option<PrepareRenameResponse>> {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((uri, session)) => {
                let position = params.position;
                Ok(capabilities::rename::prepare_rename(session, uri, position))
            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string());

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct RunnableParams {
    pub text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier,

#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
pub struct ShowAstParams {
    pub text_document: TextDocumentIdentifier,
    pub ast_kind: String,

// Custom LSP-Server Methods
impl Backend {
    pub async fn inlay_hints(
        params: InlayHintParams,
    ) -> jsonrpc::Result<Option<Vec<InlayHint>>> {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((uri, session)) => {
                let config = &self.config.read().inlay_hints;
            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string());

    pub async fn runnables(
        params: RunnableParams,
    ) -> jsonrpc::Result<Option<Vec<(Range, String)>>> {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((_, session)) => {
                let ranges = session
                    .map(|item| {
                        let runnable = item.value();
                        vec![(runnable.range, format!("{}", runnable.tree_type))]

            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string());

    /// This method is triggered by a command palette request in VScode
    /// The 3 commands are: "show lexed ast", "show parsed ast" or "show typed ast"
    /// If any of these commands are executed, the client requests this method
    /// by calling the "sway/show_ast".
    /// The function expects the URI of the current open file where the
    /// request was made, and if the "lexed", "parsed" or "typed" ast was requested.
    /// A formatted AST is written to a temporary file and the URI is
    /// returned to the client so it can be opened and displayed in a
    /// seperate side panel.
    pub async fn show_ast(
        params: ShowAstParams,
    ) -> jsonrpc::Result<Option<TextDocumentIdentifier>> {
        match self.get_uri_and_session(&params.text_document.uri) {
            Ok((_, session)) => {
                let current_open_file = params.text_document.uri;
                // Convert the Uri to a PathBuf
                let path = current_open_file.to_file_path().ok();

                let write_ast_to_file =
                    |path: &Path, ast_string: &String| -> Option<TextDocumentIdentifier> {
                        if let Ok(mut file) = File::create(path) {
                            let _ = writeln!(&mut file, "{}", ast_string);
                            if let Ok(uri) = Url::from_file_path(path) {
                                // Return the tmp file path where the AST has been written to.
                                return Some(TextDocumentIdentifier::new(uri));

                // Returns true if the current path matches the path of a submodule
                let path_is_submodule = |ident: &Ident, path: &Option<PathBuf>| -> bool {
                    ident.span().path().map(|a| a.deref()) == path.as_ref()

                    let program = session.compiled_program.read();
                    match params.ast_kind.as_str() {
                        "lexed" => {
                            Ok(program.lexed.as_ref().and_then(|lexed_program| {
                                let mut formatted_ast = format!("{:#?}", program.lexed);
                                for (ident, submodule) in &lexed_program.root.submodules {
                                    if path_is_submodule(ident, &path) {
                                        // overwrite the root AST with the submodule AST
                                        formatted_ast = format!("{:#?}", submodule.module.tree);
                                let tmp_ast_path = Path::new("/tmp/lexed_ast.rs");
                                write_ast_to_file(tmp_ast_path, &formatted_ast)
                        "parsed" => {
                            Ok(program.parsed.as_ref().and_then(|parsed_program| {
                                // Initialize the string with the AST from the root
                                let mut formatted_ast =
                                    format!("{:#?}", parsed_program.root.tree.root_nodes);
                                for (ident, submodule) in &parsed_program.root.submodules {
                                    if path_is_submodule(ident, &path) {
                                        // overwrite the root AST with the submodule AST
                                        formatted_ast =
                                            format!("{:#?}", submodule.module.tree.root_nodes);
                                let tmp_ast_path = Path::new("/tmp/parsed_ast.rs");
                                write_ast_to_file(tmp_ast_path, &formatted_ast)
                        "typed" => {
                            Ok(program.typed.as_ref().and_then(|typed_program| {
                                // Initialize the string with the AST from the root
                                let mut formatted_ast = debug::print_decl_engine_types(
                                for (ident, submodule) in &typed_program.root.submodules {
                                    if path_is_submodule(ident, &path) {
                                        // overwrite the root AST with the submodule AST
                                        formatted_ast = debug::print_decl_engine_types(
                                let tmp_ast_path = Path::new("/tmp/typed_ast.rs");
                                write_ast_to_file(tmp_ast_path, &formatted_ast)
                        _ => Ok(None),
            Err(err) => {
                tracing::error!("{}", err.to_string());

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use crate::utils::test::{
        assert_server_requests, doc_comments_dir, e2e_test_dir, get_fixture, test_fixtures_dir,
    use serde_json::json;
    use std::{borrow::Cow, fs, io::Read, path::PathBuf};
    use tower::{Service, ServiceExt};
    use tower_lsp::{
        jsonrpc::{self, Id, Request, Response},
        ExitedError, LspService,

    fn load_sway_example(manifest_dir: PathBuf) -> (Url, String) {
        let src_path = manifest_dir.join("src/main.sw");
        let mut file = fs::File::open(&src_path).unwrap();
        let mut sway_program = String::new();
        file.read_to_string(&mut sway_program).unwrap();

        let uri = Url::from_file_path(src_path).unwrap();

        (uri, sway_program)

    fn build_request_with_id(
        method: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
        params: serde_json::Value,
        id: impl Into<Id>,
    ) -> Request {

    async fn call_request(
        service: &mut LspService<Backend>,
        req: Request,
    ) -> Result<Option<Response>, ExitedError> {

    async fn initialize_request(service: &mut LspService<Backend>) -> Request {
        let params = json!({ "capabilities": capabilities() });
        let initialize = build_request_with_id("initialize", params, 1);
        let response = call_request(service, initialize.clone()).await;
        let ok = Response::from_ok(1.into(), json!({ "capabilities": capabilities() }));
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(Some(ok)));

    async fn initialized_notification(service: &mut LspService<Backend>) {
        let initialized = Request::build("initialized").finish();
        let response = call_request(service, initialized).await;
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(None));

    async fn shutdown_request(service: &mut LspService<Backend>) -> Request {
        let shutdown = Request::build("shutdown").id(1).finish();
        let response = call_request(service, shutdown.clone()).await;
        let ok = Response::from_ok(1.into(), json!(null));
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(Some(ok)));

    async fn exit_notification(service: &mut LspService<Backend>) {
        let exit = Request::build("exit").finish();
        let response = call_request(service, exit.clone()).await;
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(None));

    async fn did_open_notification(service: &mut LspService<Backend>, uri: &Url, text: &str) {
        let params = json!({
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": uri,
                "languageId": "sway",
                "version": 1,
                "text": text,

        let did_open = Request::build("textDocument/didOpen")
        let response = call_request(service, did_open).await;
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(None));

    async fn did_change_request(service: &mut LspService<Backend>, uri: &Url) -> Request {
        let params = json!({
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": uri,
                "version": 2
            "contentChanges": [
                    "range": {
                        "start": {
                            "line": 1,
                            "character": 0
                        "end": {
                            "line": 1,
                            "character": 0
                    "rangeLength": 0,
                    "text": "\n",
        let did_change = Request::build("textDocument/didChange")
        let response = call_request(service, did_change.clone()).await;
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(None));

    async fn did_close_notification(service: &mut LspService<Backend>) {
        let exit = Request::build("textDocument/didClose").finish();
        let response = call_request(service, exit.clone()).await;
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(None));

    async fn show_ast_request(service: &mut LspService<Backend>, uri: &Url) -> Request {
        let params = json!({
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": uri
            "astKind": "typed",
        let show_ast = build_request_with_id("sway/show_ast", params, 1);
        let response = call_request(service, show_ast.clone()).await;
        let ok = Response::from_ok(1.into(), json!({"uri": "file:///tmp/typed_ast.rs"}));
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(Some(ok)));

    async fn semantic_tokens_request(service: &mut LspService<Backend>, uri: &Url) -> Request {
        let params = json!({
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": uri,
        let semantic_tokens = build_request_with_id("textDocument/semanticTokens/full", params, 1);
        let _response = call_request(service, semantic_tokens.clone()).await;

    async fn document_symbol_request(service: &mut LspService<Backend>, uri: &Url) -> Request {
        let params = json!({
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": uri,
        let document_symbol = build_request_with_id("textDocument/documentSymbol", params, 1);
        let _response = call_request(service, document_symbol.clone()).await;

    async fn go_to_definition_request(
        service: &mut LspService<Backend>,
        uri: &Url,
        token_req_line: i32,
        token_def_line: i32,
        id: i64,
    ) -> Request {
        let params = json!({
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": uri,
            "position": {
                "line": token_req_line,
                "character": 24,
        let definition = build_request_with_id("textDocument/definition", params, id);
        let response = call_request(service, definition.clone()).await;
        let ok = Response::from_ok(
                "range": {
                    "end": {
                        "character": 11,
                        "line": token_def_line,
                    "start": {
                        "character": 7,
                        "line": token_def_line,
                "uri": uri,
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(Some(ok)));

    async fn hover_request(service: &mut LspService<Backend>, uri: &Url) -> Request {
        let params = json!({
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": uri,
            "position": {
                "line": 44,
                "character": 24
        let hover = build_request_with_id("textDocument/hover", params, 1);
        let response = call_request(service, hover.clone()).await;
        let ok = Response::from_ok(
                "contents": {
                    "kind": "markdown",
                    "value": "```sway\nstruct Data\n```\n---\n Struct holding:\n\n 1. A `value` of type `NumberOrString`\n 2. An `address` of type `u64`"
                "range": {
                    "end": {
                        "character": 27,
                        "line": 44
                    "start": {
                        "character": 23,
                        "line": 44
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(Some(ok)));

    async fn format_request(service: &mut LspService<Backend>, uri: &Url) -> Request {
        let params = json!({
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": uri,
            "options": {
                "tabSize": 4,
                "insertSpaces": true
        let formatting = build_request_with_id("textDocument/formatting", params, 1);
        let _response = call_request(service, formatting.clone()).await;

    async fn highlight_request(service: &mut LspService<Backend>, uri: &Url) -> Request {
        let params = json!({
            "textDocument": {
                "uri": uri,
            "position": {
                "line": 45,
                "character": 37
        let highlight = build_request_with_id("textDocument/documentHighlight", params, 1);
        let response = call_request(service, highlight.clone()).await;
        let ok = Response::from_ok(
                    "range": {
                        "end": {
                            "character": 41,
                            "line": 45
                        "start": {
                            "character": 35,
                            "line": 45
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(Some(ok)));

    async fn init_and_open(service: &mut LspService<Backend>, manifest_dir: PathBuf) -> Url {
        let _ = initialize_request(service).await;
        let (uri, sway_program) = load_sway_example(manifest_dir);
        did_open_notification(service, &uri, &sway_program).await;

    async fn shutdown_and_exit(service: &mut LspService<Backend>) {
        let _ = shutdown_request(service).await;

    async fn initialize() {
        let (mut service, _) = LspService::new(Backend::new);
        let _ = initialize_request(&mut service).await;

    async fn initialized() {
        let (mut service, _) = LspService::new(Backend::new);
        let _ = initialize_request(&mut service).await;
        initialized_notification(&mut service).await;

    async fn initializes_only_once() {
        let (mut service, _) = LspService::new(Backend::new);
        let initialize = initialize_request(&mut service).await;
        initialized_notification(&mut service).await;
        let response = call_request(&mut service, initialize).await;
        let err = Response::from_error(1.into(), jsonrpc::Error::invalid_request());
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(Some(err)));

    async fn shutdown() {
        let (mut service, _) = LspService::new(Backend::new);
        let _ = initialize_request(&mut service).await;
        initialized_notification(&mut service).await;
        let shutdown = shutdown_request(&mut service).await;
        let response = call_request(&mut service, shutdown).await;
        let err = Response::from_error(1.into(), jsonrpc::Error::invalid_request());
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(Some(err)));
        exit_notification(&mut service).await;

    async fn refuses_requests_after_shutdown() {
        let (mut service, _) = LspService::new(Backend::new);
        let _ = initialize_request(&mut service).await;
        let shutdown = shutdown_request(&mut service).await;
        let response = call_request(&mut service, shutdown).await;
        let err = Response::from_error(1.into(), jsonrpc::Error::invalid_request());
        assert_eq!(response, Ok(Some(err)));

    async fn did_open() {
        let (mut service, _) = LspService::new(Backend::new);
        let _ = init_and_open(&mut service, e2e_test_dir()).await;
        shutdown_and_exit(&mut service).await;

    async fn did_close() {
        let (mut service, _) = LspService::new(Backend::new);
        let _ = init_and_open(&mut service, e2e_test_dir()).await;
        did_close_notification(&mut service).await;
        shutdown_and_exit(&mut service).await;

    async fn did_change() {
        let (mut service, _) = LspService::new(Backend::new);
        let uri = init_and_open(&mut service, doc_comments_dir()).await;
        let _ = did_change_request(&mut service, &uri).await;
        shutdown_and_exit(&mut service).await;

    async fn lsp_syncs_with_workspace_edits() {
        let (mut service, _) = LspService::new(Backend::new);
        let uri = init_and_open(&mut service, doc_comments_dir()).await;
        let _ = go_to_definition_request(&mut service, &uri, 44, 19, 1).await;
        let _ = did_change_request(&mut service, &uri).await;
        let _ = go_to_definition_request(&mut service, &uri, 45, 20, 2).await;
        shutdown_and_exit(&mut service).await;

    async fn show_ast() {
        let (mut service, _) = LspService::build(Backend::new)
            .custom_method("sway/show_ast", Backend::show_ast)

        let uri = init_and_open(&mut service, e2e_test_dir()).await;
        let _ = show_ast_request(&mut service, &uri).await;
        shutdown_and_exit(&mut service).await;

    async fn go_to_definition() {
        let (mut service, _) = LspService::new(Backend::new);
        let uri = init_and_open(&mut service, doc_comments_dir()).await;
        let _ = go_to_definition_request(&mut service, &uri, 44, 19, 1).await;
        shutdown_and_exit(&mut service).await;

    async fn publish_diagnostics_dead_code_warning() {
        let (mut service, socket) = LspService::new(Backend::new);
        let fixture = get_fixture(test_fixtures_dir().join("diagnostics/dead_code/expected.json"));
        let expected_requests = vec![fixture];
        let socket_handle = assert_server_requests(socket, expected_requests, None).await;
        let _ = init_and_open(
            &mut service,
            .unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("Test failed: {:?}", e));
        shutdown_and_exit(&mut service).await;

    // This macro allows us to spin up a server / client for testing
    // It initializes and performs the necessary handshake and then loads
    // the sway example that was passed into `example_dir`.
    // It then runs the specific capability to test before gracefully shutting down.
    // The capability argument is an async function.
    macro_rules! test_lsp_capability {
        ($example_dir:expr, $capability:expr) => {{
            let (mut service, _) = LspService::new(Backend::new);
            let uri = init_and_open(&mut service, $example_dir).await;
            // Call the specific LSP capability function that was passed in.
            let _ = $capability(&mut service, &uri).await;
            shutdown_and_exit(&mut service).await;

    macro_rules! lsp_capability_test {
        ($test:ident, $capability:expr) => {
            async fn $test() {
                test_lsp_capability!(doc_comments_dir(), $capability);

    lsp_capability_test!(semantic_tokens, semantic_tokens_request);
    lsp_capability_test!(document_symbol, document_symbol_request);
    lsp_capability_test!(format, format_request);
    lsp_capability_test!(hover, hover_request);
    lsp_capability_test!(highlight, highlight_request);