swarm-bot 0.3.4

A autonomous bot launcher for Minecraft
#![allow(clippy::cast_sign_loss, unused, clippy::cast_possible_wrap)]

use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap};

use float_ord::FloatOrd;
use interfaces::types::{
    BlockApprox, BlockKind, BlockLocation, BlockState, ChunkLocation, SimpleType,
use rand::{rngs::StdRng, Rng, SeedableRng};

use crate::{
    storage::chunk::{ChunkData, Column, HighMemoryChunkSection},

/// representation of all blocks in a world
pub struct WorldBlocks {
    /// we hash a chunk coordinate to a chunk column, to store data
    storage: HashMap<ChunkLocation, Column>,

struct HeapIter<T> {
    heap: BinaryHeap<T>,

impl<T: Ord> Iterator for HeapIter<T> {
    type Item = T;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

fn block_chunk_iter<'a>(
    loc: &'a ChunkLocation,
    column: &'a ChunkData<HighMemoryChunkSection>,
    selector: impl FnMut(BlockState) -> bool + 'a,
) -> impl Iterator<Item = BlockLocation> + 'a {
    let start_x = loc.0 << 4;
    let start_z = loc.1 << 4;
    column.select_up(selector).map(move |idx| {
        let idx = idx as u16;
        let x = idx % 16;
        let leftover = idx >> 4;
        let z = leftover % 16;
        let y = leftover / 16;

        BlockLocation::new(i32::from(x) + start_x, y as i16, i32::from(z) + start_z)

impl WorldBlocks {
    /// A world that is flat at y=0 in a 100 block radius from 0,0
    pub fn flat() -> Self {
        let mut world = Self::default();
        for x in -100..=100 {
            for z in -100..=100 {
                let loc = BlockLocation::new(x, 0, z);
                world.set_block(loc, BlockState::STONE);

    pub fn first_below(&self, location: BlockLocation) -> Option<(BlockLocation, BlockState)> {
            .map(|y| BlockLocation::new(location.x, y, location.z))
            .find_map(|loc| {
                let exact = self.get_block_exact(loc)?;
                if exact.simple_type() == SimpleType::Solid {
                    Some((loc, exact))
                } else {

    /// similar to a bedrock floor. (0,0) is guaranteed to be a solid as well as
    /// (950, 950)
    pub fn set_random_floor(&mut self) {
        const RADIUS: i32 = 1000;
        let mut rdm = StdRng::seed_from_u64(12_338_971);
        for x in -RADIUS..=RADIUS {
            for z in -RADIUS..=RADIUS {
                let res = rdm.gen_range(0..5);
                let loc = BlockLocation::new(x, 0, z);
                if res == 0 {
                    self.set_block(loc, BlockState::STONE);

        self.set_block(BlockLocation::default(), BlockState::STONE);
        self.set_block(BlockLocation::new(950, 0, 950), BlockState::STONE);

    pub fn y_slice(
        origin: BlockLocation,
        radius: u8,
        mut selector: impl FnMut(BlockState) -> bool,
    ) -> Option<Vec<BlockLocation>> {
        let BlockLocation { x, y, z } = origin;

        let radius = i32::from(radius);

        let start_x = (x - radius) >> 4;
        let end_x = (x + radius) >> 4;

        let start_z = (z - radius) >> 4;
        let end_z = (z + radius) >> 4;

        let mut res = Vec::new();

        for cx in start_x..=end_x {
            for cz in start_z..=end_z {
                let chunk_loc = ChunkLocation(cx, cz);
                let column = self.get_real_column(chunk_loc)?;
                let states = column.all_at(y as u8);

                let chunk_start_x = cx << 4;
                let chunk_start_z = cz << 4;

                let iter = IntoIterator::into_iter(states)
                    .map(|(idx, state)| {
                        let dx = (idx % 16) as i32;
                        let dz = (idx / 16) as i32;
                            BlockLocation::new(chunk_start_x + dx, y, chunk_start_z + dz),
                    .filter(|(loc, _)| {
                        let dx = (x - loc.x).abs();
                        let dz = (z - loc.z).abs();
                        let r = dx.max(dz);
                        r <= radius
                    .filter(|(_, state)| selector(*state))
                    .map(|(loc, _)| loc);



    pub fn paste(&mut self, schematic: &Schematic) {
        for (location, state) in schematic.blocks() {
            self.set_block(location, state);

    pub fn add_column(&mut self, location: ChunkLocation, column: Column) {
        self.storage.insert(location, column);

    pub fn modify_column(&mut self, location: ChunkLocation, column: Column) {

    pub fn get_block(&self, location: BlockLocation) -> Option<BlockApprox> {
        let BlockLocation { x, y, z } = location;

        let chunk_x = x >> 4;
        let chunk_z = z >> 4;

        let x = (x - (chunk_x << 4)) as u8;
        let z = (z - (chunk_z << 4)) as u8;

        let chunk_x = chunk_x;
        let chunk_z = chunk_z;

        let loc = ChunkLocation(chunk_x, chunk_z);
        let column = self.storage.get(&loc)?;

        // this *should* be either the void or the sky (at least pre-1.17)
        // we do this check here because we want to return None if there is no chunk
        // column in that position
        if !(0..256).contains(&y) {
            return Some(BlockApprox::Realized(BlockState::AIR));

        let block = column.get_block(x, y as u8, z);

    pub fn closest_in_chunk<'a>(
        &'a self,
        origin: BlockLocation,
        selector: impl FnMut(BlockState) -> bool + 'a + Copy,
    ) -> Option<BlockLocation> {
        let loc = ChunkLocation::from(origin);
        let chunk = self.storage.get(&loc)?;

        if let Column::HighMemory { data } = chunk {
            block_chunk_iter(&loc, data, selector)
                .min_by_key(|&location| FloatOrd(origin.dist2(location)))
        } else {

    pub fn closest<'a>(
        &'a self,
        origin: BlockLocation,
        max_chunks: usize,
        selector: impl FnMut(BlockState) -> bool + 'a + Copy,
    ) -> Option<BlockLocation> {
        self.select(origin, max_chunks, selector)
            .min_by_key(|loc| FloatOrd(loc.dist2(origin)))

    pub fn closest_iter<'a>(
        &'a self,
        origin: BlockLocation,
        selector: impl FnMut(BlockState) -> bool + 'a + Copy,
    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = BlockLocation> + 'a {
        // we use a heap to reduce complexity in case we do not need to use all values
        let heap = self
            .select(origin, usize::MAX, selector)
            .map(|loc| MinHeapNode::new(loc, loc.dist2(origin)))

        let iterator = HeapIter { heap };
        iterator.map(|node| node.contents)
    fn real_chunks(
    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&ChunkLocation, &ChunkData<HighMemoryChunkSection>)> + '_ {
            .filter_map(|(loc, column)| match column {
                Column::HighMemory { data } => Some((loc, data)),
                Column::LowMemory { .. } => None,

    pub fn select<'a>(
        &'a self,
        _around: BlockLocation,
        max_chunks: usize,
        selector: impl FnMut(BlockState) -> bool + 'a + Copy,
    ) -> impl Iterator<Item = BlockLocation> + 'a {
            .flat_map(move |(loc, column)| block_chunk_iter(loc, column, selector))

    pub fn get_real_column(
        location: ChunkLocation,
    ) -> Option<&ChunkData<HighMemoryChunkSection>> {
        let res = self.storage.get(&location)?;
        match res {
            Column::HighMemory { data } => Some(data),
            Column::LowMemory { .. } => None,

    pub fn get_real_column_mut(
        &mut self,
        location: ChunkLocation,
    ) -> Option<&mut ChunkData<HighMemoryChunkSection>> {
        let res = self.storage.get_mut(&location)?;
        match res {
            Column::HighMemory { data } => Some(data),
            Column::LowMemory { .. } => None,

    pub fn set_block(&mut self, location: BlockLocation, block: BlockState) {
        let BlockLocation { x, y, z } = location;

        let y = y as u8;

        let chunk_x = x >> 4;
        let chunk_z = z >> 4;

        let x = (x - (chunk_x << 4)) as u8;
        let z = (z - (chunk_z << 4)) as u8;

        let chunk_x = chunk_x;
        let chunk_z = chunk_z;

        let loc = ChunkLocation(chunk_x, chunk_z);

        let column = self.storage.entry(loc).or_default();
        column.set_block(x, y, z, block);

    pub fn get_block_simple(&self, location: BlockLocation) -> Option<SimpleType> {
        let block = self.get_block(location)?;

    pub fn get_block_exact(&self, location: BlockLocation) -> Option<BlockState> {
        let block = self.get_block(location)?;
        match block {
            BlockApprox::Realized(state) => Some(state),
            BlockApprox::Estimate(_) => None,

    pub fn get_block_kind(&self, location: BlockLocation) -> Option<BlockKind> {
        let block = self.get_block_exact(location)?;

mod tests {
    use std::fs::OpenOptions;

    use assert_matches::assert_matches as am;
    use interfaces::types::{BlockApprox, BlockLocation, BlockState};
    use rand::Rng;

    use crate::{schematic::Schematic, storage::blocks::WorldBlocks};

    fn test_get_set() {
        let mut world = WorldBlocks::default();

        let loc = BlockLocation::new(0, 0, 0);

            world.set_block(loc, BlockState::STONE);
            let got = world.get_block(loc);
            am!(got, Some(BlockApprox::Realized(BlockState::STONE)));

            let up = loc + BlockLocation::new(0, 1, 0);
            let given = BlockState(123);
            world.set_block(up, given);

            let got_up = world.get_block(up);
            am!(got_up, Some(BlockApprox::Realized(_given)));

            let got = world.get_block(loc);
            am!(got, Some(BlockApprox::Realized(BlockState::STONE)));

            world.set_block(loc, BlockState::AIR);
            let got = world.get_block(loc);
            am!(got, Some(BlockApprox::Realized(BlockState::AIR)));

    fn test_full_circle() {
        let mut world = WorldBlocks::default();

        let schematic = {
            let mut spawn_2b2t = OpenOptions::new()

            Schematic::load(&mut spawn_2b2t).unwrap()


        for (idx, (loc, state)) in schematic.blocks().enumerate() {
            let actual = world.get_block_exact(loc).unwrap();
                actual, state,
                "block at {loc} was supposed to be {state:?} but was actually {actual:?} @ index {idx}"

    fn bench_get_block(b: &mut test::Bencher) {
        let mut world = WorldBlocks::default();

        let schematic = {
            let mut spawn_2b2t = OpenOptions::new()

            Schematic::load(&mut spawn_2b2t).unwrap()


        let origin = schematic.origin().unwrap();

        let mut rand = rand::thread_rng();

        b.iter(|| {
            // Inner closure, the actual test
            let center_x = origin.x + rand.gen_range(3..(schematic.width - 3)) as i32;
            let center_z = origin.z + rand.gen_range(3..(schematic.length - 3)) as i32;

            for x in -3..=3 {
                for z in -3..=3 {
                    for y in 0..256 {
                        let loc = BlockLocation::new(center_x + x, y, center_z + z);