svm40 0.0.2

Rust driver for the Sensirion SVM40 sensor.


Platform agnostic Rust device driver for Sensirion SVM40 development board

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Platform agnostic Rust driver for Sensirion SVM40 device with gas, temperature and humidity sensors based on the embedded-hal traits.

Sensirion SVM40

Sensirion SVM40 has 2nd generation low-power accurate SGP40 gas sensor for air quality application and SHT40 sensor measuring temperature and humidity. The sensor uses I²C interface and measures VOC (Total Volatile Organic Compounds)

Evaluation board:

Development status

The sensor supports starting and stopping measurement as well as gathering the values but there are still work to do:

  • Moving into using Embedded-hal 1.x
  • Improve crate module tests
  • Maybe add async support (most waits are so short that it might not make sense)


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