svgmacro 0.1.4

Write SVGs easily from Rust!


Cargo Documentation A Rust library for writing SVGs. Can write any valid SVG-element. The result may be written to any file-like object. Function calls and variables are available.

Add the following to your Cargo.toml

svgmacro = "0.1.4"

To use the crate in your module, simply add:

extern crate svgmacro;


To use the macro, define a filelike object to store the result, and call the svg! macro.

use std::fmt::Write; // The write function to use, must be called Write (use lib::someWrite as Write;)
let mut out = String::new(); // The object to write to

svg!(&mut out,
    svg (width="100" height="100") [
        circle (cx="50" cy="50" r="30")

Result written to out:

<svg width="100" heigh="100">
    <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="30"/>

Elements, parantheses and brackets

Define elements by their XML-tag, their attributes in a () and their children in a []. Parentheses and brackets are optional, these are all valid syntax.

svg () []
g []
circle ()

svg (width="200" height="100") []
g (size="20") [circle (cx="10" cy="10" r="10")]
circle (cx="10" cy="10" r="10")

Nested elements and multiple attributes

Nest elements by putting new elements inside the []-brackets of their parent. Add multiple attributes by delmimiting them with a space.

svg!(&mut out,
    svg [
        g(size="12" color="red") [
            circle(cx="10" cy="10" r="10")
            circle(cx="20" cy="20" r="10")
        g(color="red") [
            circle(cx="20" cy="20" r="10")

Rust expressions, functions and variables in SVG

Handle variables and function calls by wrapping them in a {} closure, expressions with a @-symbol.

use std::fmt::Write;
let mut out = String::new()

// Define your variables
let width = "200";
let height = "100";

svg!(&mut out,
    svg [
        g(width={width} height={height}) [
            "This is a group"
        g [
            {create_cool_shape(&mut out)}        
        g [
            @ for i in 0..3 {
                let radius = 15;
                svg!(&mut out, circle(cx="10" cy="10" r={radius}));