svg 0.3.2

The package provides an SVG composer and parser.

SVG Version Status

The package provides an SVG composer and parser.


Example: Composing

use svg::Document;
use svg::node::element::Path;
use svg::node::element::path::Data;

let data = Data::new()
                .move_to((10, 10))
                .line_by((0, 50))
                .line_by((50, 0))
                .line_by((0, -50))

let path = Path::new()
                .set("fill", "none")
                .set("stroke", "black")
                .set("stroke-width", 3)
                .set("d", data);

let document = Document::new()
                        .set("viewBox", (0, 0, 70, 70))

svg::save("image.svg", &document).unwrap();

Example: Parsing

use svg::node::element::path::{Command, Data};
use svg::parser::{Event, Tag};

let path = "image.svg";
for event in svg::open(path).unwrap() {
    if let Event::Tag(Tag::Path(_, attributes)) = event {
        let data = attributes.get("d").unwrap();
        let data = Data::parse(data).unwrap();
        for command in data.iter() {
            match command {
                &Command::Move(..) => println!("Move!"),
                &Command::Line(..) => println!("Line!"),
                _ => {},


Your contribution is highly appreciated. Do not hesitate to open an issue or a pull request. Note that any contribution submitted for inclusion in the project will be licensed according to the terms given in