svd2rust 0.17.0

Generate Rust register maps (`struct`s) from SVD files
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::Write;

use crate::svd::Peripheral;
use cast::u64;
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};

use crate::errors::*;
use crate::util::{self, ToSanitizedUpperCase};
use crate::Target;

/// Generates code for `src/`
pub fn render(
    target: Target,
    peripherals: &[Peripheral],
    device_x: &mut String,
) -> Result<TokenStream> {
    let interrupts = peripherals
        .flat_map(|p| p.interrupt.iter())
        .map(|i| (i.value, i))
        .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();

    let mut interrupts = interrupts.into_iter().map(|(_, v)| v).collect::<Vec<_>>();
    interrupts.sort_by_key(|i| i.value);

    let mut root = TokenStream::new();
    let mut from_arms = vec![];
    let mut elements = vec![];
    let mut names = vec![];
    let mut variants = vec![];

    // Current position in the vector table
    let mut pos = 0;
    let mut mod_items = vec![];
    for interrupt in &interrupts {
        while pos < interrupt.value {
            elements.push(quote!(Vector { _reserved: 0 }));
            pos += 1;
        pos += 1;

        let name_uc = Ident::new(&, Span::call_site());
        let description = format!(
            "{} - {}",
                .map(|s| util::respace(s))
                .map(|s| util::escape_brackets(s))

        let value = util::unsuffixed(u64(interrupt.value));

        variants.push(quote! {
            #[doc = #description]
            #name_uc = #value,

        from_arms.push(quote! {
            #value => Ok(Interrupt::#name_uc),

        elements.push(quote!(Vector { _handler: #name_uc }));

    let n = util::unsuffixed(u64(pos));
    match target {
        Target::CortexM => {
            for name in &names {
                writeln!(device_x, "PROVIDE({} = DefaultHandler);", name).unwrap();

            root.extend(quote! {
                #[cfg(feature = "rt")]
                extern "C" {
                    #(fn #names();)*

                pub union Vector {
                    _handler: unsafe extern "C" fn(),
                    _reserved: u32,

                #[cfg(feature = "rt")]
                #[link_section = ".vector_table.interrupts"]
                pub static __INTERRUPTS: [Vector; #n] = [
        Target::Msp430 => {
            let aliases = names
                .map(|n| {
.weak {0}

            mod_items.push(quote! {
                #[cfg(feature = "rt")]
                    br #DEFAULT_HANDLER

                #[cfg(feature = "rt")]

                #[cfg(feature = "rt")]
                extern "msp430-interrupt" {
                    #(fn #names();)*

                pub union Vector {
                    _handler: unsafe extern "msp430-interrupt" fn(),
                    _reserved: u16,

                #[cfg(feature = "rt")]
                #[link_section = ".vector_table.interrupts"]
                pub static INTERRUPTS:
                    [Vector; #n] = [
        Target::RISCV => {}
        Target::None => {}

    let self_token = quote!(self);
    let (enum_repr, nr_expr) = if variants.is_empty() {
        (quote!(), quote!(match *#self_token {}))
    } else {
        (quote!(#[repr(u8)]), quote!(*#self_token as u8))

    let interrupt_enum = quote! {
        ///Enumeration of all the interrupts
        #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
        pub enum Interrupt {

        unsafe impl bare_metal::Nr for Interrupt {
            fn nr(&#self_token) -> u8 {

    if target == Target::CortexM {
    } else {
        mod_items.push(quote! {

            #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
            pub struct TryFromInterruptError(());

            impl Interrupt {
                pub fn try_from(value: u8) -> Result<Self, TryFromInterruptError> {
                    match value {
                        _ => Err(TryFromInterruptError(())),

    if target != Target::None {
        let abi = match target {
            Target::Msp430 => "msp430-interrupt",
            _ => "C",

        if target != Target::CortexM {
            mod_items.push(quote! {
                #[cfg(feature = "rt")]
                /// Assigns a handler to an interrupt
                /// This macro takes two arguments: the name of an interrupt and the path to the
                /// function that will be used as the handler of that interrupt. That function
                /// must have signature `fn()`.
                /// Optionally, a third argument may be used to declare interrupt local data.
                /// The handler will have exclusive access to these *local* variables on each
                /// invocation. If the third argument is used then the signature of the handler
                /// function must be `fn(&mut $NAME::Locals)` where `$NAME` is the first argument
                /// passed to the macro.
                /// # Example
                /// ``` ignore
                /// interrupt!(TIM2, periodic);
                /// fn periodic() {
                ///     print!(".");
                /// }
                /// interrupt!(TIM3, tick, locals: {
                ///     tick: bool = false;
                /// });
                /// fn tick(locals: &mut TIM3::Locals) {
                ///     locals.tick = !locals.tick;
                ///     if locals.tick {
                ///         println!("Tick");
                ///     } else {
                ///         println!("Tock");
                ///     }
                /// }
                /// ```
                macro_rules! interrupt {
                    ($NAME:ident, $path:path, locals: {
                        $($lvar:ident:$lty:ty = $lval:expr;)*
                    }) => {
                        mod $NAME {
                            pub struct Locals {
                                    pub $lvar: $lty,

                        pub extern #abi fn $NAME() {
                            // check that the handler exists
                            let _ = $crate::interrupt::Interrupt::$NAME;

                            static mut LOCALS: self::$NAME::Locals =
                                self::$NAME::Locals {
                                        $lvar: $lval,

                            // type checking
                            let f: fn(&mut self::$NAME::Locals) = $path;
                            f(unsafe { &mut LOCALS });
                    ($NAME:ident, $path:path) => {
                        pub extern #abi fn $NAME() {
                            // check that the handler exists
                            let _ = $crate::interrupt::Interrupt::$NAME;

                            // type checking
                            let f: fn() = $path;

    if !interrupts.is_empty() && target != Target::CortexM {
        root.extend(quote! {
            pub mod interrupt {

        root.extend(quote! {
            pub use self::interrupt::Interrupt;
