sval 0.4.3

A no-std, object-safe serialization framework
# `sval`

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A lightweight, no-std, object-safe, serialization-only API for structured values with `serde` and `std::fmt` support.

Producers of structured values use the `value` module. Consumers of structured values use the `stream` module.

`sval` offers a JSON-like data model, which is more limiting than `serde`'s, but capable enough to represent Rust data-structures in one form or another.

This library is designed to plug a no-std-object-safe sized hole in Rust's current serialization ecosystem. The driving use-case is structured logging, where individual events are typically small, and there's no complete schema that can tie values in any one event to values in another.

**`sval_json` and `sval_derive` are mostly pilfered from dtolnay's [excellent `miniserde` project](**

# Supported formats

- [JSON], the ubiquitous JavaScript Object Notation used by many HTTP APIs.

# Minimum `rustc`

This library requires Rust `1.31.0`.

# See also

- [`serde`]
- [`miniserde`]

# Cargo features

`sval` has the following optional features that can be enabled in your `Cargo.toml`:

- `std`: assume `std` is available and add support for `std` types.
- `derive`: add support for `#[derive(Value)]`.
- `serde`: enable integration with `serde`.
    - `serde_std` (same as `serde`): enable `serde` integration along with `std`. This is for maximum ecosystem compatibility.
    - `serde_no_std`: enable `serde` integration without needing `std`. Some implementations of `sval::Value` may not be representable. This is for specialized `no_std` use-cases.
- `fmt`: support converting any `Value` into a `Debug`.
- `arbitrary-depth`: support stateful values with any depth.
- `test`: add helpers for testing implementations of `Value`.

# How to use it

Add `sval` to your crate dependencies:

version = "0.4.3"

## To support my data-structures

Simple struct-like data-structures can derive `sval::Value`:

features = ["derive"]

extern crate sval;

struct MyData {
    id: u64,
    name: String,

Other data-structures can implement `sval::Value` manually:

use sval::value::{self, Value};

struct MyId(u64);

impl Value for MyId {
    fn stream(&self, stream: &mut value::Stream) -> value::Result {

## To format my data

The `sval_json` crate can format any `sval::Value` as JSON:

version = "0.4.3"
features = ["std"]

let my_json = sval_json::to_string(my_data)?;

## To integrate with `serde`

`sval` has out-of-the-box `serde` integration between `sval::Value`s and `serde::Serialize`s. Add the `serde` feature to `sval` to enable it:

features = ["serde"]

Use the `to_serialize` function to turn any `sval::Value` into a `serde::Serialize`:

let my_serialize = sval::serde::to_serialize(my_data);

Use the `to_value` function to turn any `serde::Serialize` into a `sval::Value`:

let my_value = sval::serde::to_value(my_data);

When the `serde` feature is available, structures that already derive `Serialize` can also always derive `Value`. The `Value` implementation will behave the same as `Serialize`:

#[derive(Serialize, Value)]
#[sval(derive_from = "serde")]
struct MyData {
    id: u64,
    name: String,
    props: serde_json::Map<String, serde_json::Value>,

## To integrate with `std::fmt`

`sval` can provide a compatible `Debug` implementation for any `sval::Value`. Add the `fmt` feature to `sval` to enable it:

features = ["fmt"]

Use the `to_debug` function to turn any `sval::Value` into a `std::fmt::Debug`:

fn with_value(value: impl Value) {
