sval 0.2.0

A no-std, object-safe serialization framework

members = [









name = "sval"

version = "0.2.0"

authors = ["Ashley Mannix <>"]

edition = "2018"

documentation = ""

description = "A no-std, object-safe serialization framework"

repository = ""

readme = ""

exclude = [



license = "Apache-2.0 OR MIT"

keywords = ["serialization", "no_std"]

categories = ["encoding", "no-std"]


features = ["derive", "serde", "fmt", "test"]


travis-ci = { repository = "sval-rs/sval" }


# Support the standard library

std = []

# Support stacks with an arbitrary depth

arbitrary-depth = ["std", "smallvec"]

# Add a custom derive for `Value`

derive = ["sval_derive"]

# Support streaming values as tokens

# that can be inspected in tests

test = ["std"]

# Support integration with `std::fmt`

fmt = []

# Support integration with `serde`

serde = ["std", "serde_lib/std"]


version = "0.6"

optional = true


version = "1"

optional = true

default-features = false

package = "serde"


version = "0.2.0"

path = "./derive"

optional = true


version = "0.8"


debug = true