sv-parser 0.4.2

SystemVerilog parser library fully complient with IEEE 1800-2017
name = "sv-parser"
version = "0.4.2"
authors = [""]
repository = ""
keywords = ["parser", "verilog", "systemverilog"]
categories = ["parsing"]
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
readme = "../"
description = "SystemVerilog parser library fully complient with IEEE 1800-2017"
edition = "2018"

pre-release-replacements = [
    {file = "../", search = "sv-parser = \"[a-z0-9\\.-]+\"", replace = "sv-parser = \"{{version}}\""},
    {file = "../", search = "Unreleased", replace = "v{{version}}"},
    {file = "../", search = "ReleaseDate", replace = "{{date}}"},
    {file = "../", search = "Change Log", replace = "Change Log\n\n## [Unreleased]({{version}}...Unreleased) - ReleaseDate"},

default = []
trace   = ["sv-parser-parser/trace"]

nom                  = "5.0.0"
nom-greedyerror      = "0.1.0"
sv-parser-error      = {version = "^0.4.0", path = "../sv-parser-error"}
sv-parser-parser     = {version = "^0.4.0", path = "../sv-parser-parser"}
sv-parser-pp         = {version = "^0.4.0", path = "../sv-parser-pp"}
sv-parser-syntaxtree = {version = "^0.4.0", path = "../sv-parser-syntaxtree"}

structopt = "0.3.2"
criterion = "0.3"

name = "parse_sv_criterion"
harness = false