suzy 0.2.0

GUI framework based on observer pattern
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//! Animations integrate with Suzy's watch system to interpolate values over
//! time.
//! [`watch`](../widget/
//! closures which contain
//! [`Animation::apply`](struct.Animation.html#method.apply) will be re-run
//! every frame while the animation is in progress.
//! ## Examples
//! Animate a color to green with a speed of 1.
//! ```rust
//! # use suzy::animation::Animation;
//! # use suzy::widget::*;
//! # use suzy::graphics::Color;
//! struct MyWidgetData {
//!     current_color: Color,
//!     animation: Animation<Color>,
//! }
//! impl WidgetContent for MyWidgetData {
//!     fn init(mut init: impl WidgetInit<Self>) {
//!|this, rect| {
//!             this.animation.set_speed(1.0);
//!             this.animation.animate_to(Color::GREEN);
//!         });
//!|this, rect| {
//!             this.animation.apply(&mut this.current_color);
//!             println!("current color value: {:x}", this.current_color);
//!         });
//!     }
//!     // ...
//! #   fn children(&mut self, _receiver: impl WidgetChildReceiver) {
//! #   }
//! #   fn graphics(&mut self, _receiver: impl WidgetGraphicReceiver) {}
//! }
//! ```

use std::time::{Duration, Instant};

use crate::app::App;
use crate::platform::DefaultPlatform;
use crate::watch::Watched;

mod easing;

pub use easing::{eases, CubicPoly, Easing};

/// A trait with describes how to linearly interpolate between two values
/// of the type.
/// A trivial example with floats:
/// ```rust
/// # use suzy::animation::Lerp;
/// let (start, end) = (2.0, 9.0);
/// let value = f32::lerp(&start, &end, 0.7);
/// // 70% of the distance between 2 and 9 is 6.9.
/// assert!((value - 6.9) < f32::EPSILON);
/// ```
pub trait Lerp {
    /// The result of the linear interpolation, typically the same type (Self)
    type Output;

    /// Linearly interpolate between two values.
    /// A t-value of 0.0 should generally return `from`,
    /// and a t-value of 1.0 should generally return `to`.
    fn lerp(from: &Self, to: &Self, t: f32) -> Self::Output;

impl Lerp for f32 {
    type Output = f32;

    fn lerp(from: &f32, to: &f32, t: f32) -> f32 {
        let diff = to - from;
        if t <= 0.5 {
            from + diff * t
        } else {
            to - diff * (1.0 - t)

impl Lerp for f64 {
    type Output = f64;

    fn lerp(from: &f64, to: &f64, t: f32) -> f64 {
        let t = t as f64;
        let diff = to - from;
        if t <= 0.5 {
            from + diff * t
        } else {
            to - diff * (1.0 - t)

/// A trait for calculating the distance between two values, for the
/// purposes of linear interpolation.
pub trait LerpDistance {
    /// Calculate the distance between two values
    fn lerp_distance(a: &Self, b: &Self) -> f32;

impl LerpDistance for f32 {
    fn lerp_distance(a: &Self, b: &Self) -> f32 {
        (a - b).abs()

enum Speed<T> {
    Speed(f32, fn(&T, &T) -> f32),

impl<T> Speed<T> {
    fn duration(&self, start: &T, end: &T) -> Duration {
        match self {
            Self::Duration(value) => *value,
            Self::Speed(speed, dist_fn) => {
                Duration::from_secs_f32(dist_fn(start, end) / speed)

impl<T> Default for Speed<T> {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// An instance of an animation.
/// See the [module-level documentation](./index.html) for more details.
pub struct Animation<T> {
    speed: Speed<T>,
    start_value: Option<T>,
    current: Watched<Option<(Instant, T)>>,
    easing: Option<Box<dyn Easing>>,

impl<T> Animation<T> {
    /// Create a new animation.
    pub fn new() -> Self {

impl<T> Default for Animation<T> {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            speed: Speed::default(),
            start_value: None,
            current: Watched::new(None),
            easing: None,

impl<T: LerpDistance> Animation<T> {
    /// The preferred way to set the speed of an animation is to use this
    /// method.
    /// This calculates the duration of the animation based on the "distance"
    /// between the starting and ending values.  If the type to be animated
    /// does not have a measurable "distance", use `set_duration`.
    pub fn set_speed(&mut self, speed: f32) {
        self.speed = Speed::Speed(speed, T::lerp_distance);

impl Animation<(f32, f32)> {
    /// `LerpDistance` is intentionally not implemented for tuples, because
    /// tuples may be used to implement more than just a position.
    /// This function is the same as `set_speed`, but explicitly treats
    /// tuples as a position.
    pub fn set_position_speed(&mut self, speed: f32) {
        self.speed = Speed::Speed(speed, |a, b| {
            ((b.0 - a.0).powi(2) + (b.1 - a.1).powi(2)).sqrt()

impl<T> Animation<T> {
    /// Set the easing curve applied to this animation.
    pub fn set_ease(&mut self, easing: Box<dyn Easing>) {
        self.easing = Some(easing);

impl<T: Lerp<Output = T>> Animation<T> {
    /// Start the animation, with a specified value to interpolate towards.
    pub fn animate_to(&mut self, value: T) {
        let start_time = App::<DefaultPlatform>::time_unwatched();
        *self.current = Some((start_time, value));
        self.start_value = None;

    /// This is the primary output of the animation.  A
    /// [`watch`](../widget/
    /// closure which calls this method will be re-run every frame with
    /// an interpolated value while the animation is in-progress.
    pub fn apply(&mut self, target: &mut T) {
        let (start_time, end_value) = match &*self.current {
            Some(value) => value,
            None => return,
        let start_value = match self.start_value {
            Some(ref start) => start,
            None => &*target,
        let total_duration = self.speed.duration(start_value, end_value);
        let frame_time = App::<DefaultPlatform>::time();
        let elapsed = frame_time.duration_since(*start_time);
        let t = elapsed.as_secs_f32() / total_duration.as_secs_f32();
        let (t, at_end) = if t > 1.0 { (1.0, true) } else { (t, false) };
        let t = match self.easing {
            None => t,
            Some(ref easing) => easing.ease(t),
        let value = T::lerp(start_value, end_value, t);
        let prev = std::mem::replace(target, value);
        if at_end {
            *self.current = None;
        } else if self.start_value.is_none() {
            self.start_value = Some(prev);

    /// Manually set the duration of the animation.
    /// Prefer `set_speed` over this function, when appropriate.
    pub fn set_duration(&mut self, duration: Duration) {
        self.speed = Speed::Duration(duration);