surge-hound 0.2.11-alpha.0

A wav encoding and decoding library -- modified for use with surge-synthesizer


Released 2018-04-07.

**Breaking changes**:

- None.

Release highlights:

- Exposes `read_wave_header()`, to quickly determine whether a file could be
  a wav file.
- Adds support for appending to an existing file. See `WavWriter::append()` for
  constructing a writer that appends to a file, and `WavWriter::new_append()`
  for the generic case.
- Adds `WavWriter::flush()` to flush the underlying writer and update the
  header. This can be used to minimize data loss when writing a large file.
- Adds `WavWriter::duration()`, `WavWriter::len()`, and `WavWriter::spec()` to
  obtain the duration and number of samples written so far, and the spec of the
  file being written. The latter is useful when appending.
- Hound now fails earlier when requesting to write an unsupported spec:
  `WavWriter::new()` will already return `Error::Unsupported`. Previously this
  error was returned when writing a sample.
- Hound now verifies that the data chunk has no trailing bytes.
- `WavWriter::finalize()` now performs a flush as its last operation, to be able
  to observe errors when using a buffered writer.
- Ensures compatibility with Rust 1.4 through 1.25 stable.


Released 2018-02-18.

**Breaking changes**:

- None.

Release highlights:

- Hound now reads certain WAVEFORMATEX files that were previously
  rejected incorrectly.
- Ensures compatibility with Rust 1.4 through 1.24 stable.


Released 2017-12-02.

**Breaking changes**:

- None.

Release highlights:

- Hound now supports seeking to a particular time in the file.
  See `WavReader::seek()`.
- Ensures compatibility with Rust 1.4 through 1.22 stable.

Many thanks to Mitchell Nordine for contributing to this release.


Released 2017-10-14.

**Breaking changes**:

- None.

Release highlights:

- Hound will now write the older PCMWAVEFORMAT format whenever possible, rather
  than the newer WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE, to improve compatibility.
- Certain nonstandard files (produced among others by “Pro Tools”) can now
  be read.
- Ensures compatibility with Rust 1.4 through 1.21 stable.

Many thanks to Denis Kolodin for contributing to this release.


Released 2017-04-09.

**Breaking changes**:

- None.

Release highlights:

- Support for writing IEEE float was added.
- The cpal example was updated, and it now compiles on OS X.
- An OS X target was added to the CI configuration.
- Ensures compatibility with Rust 1.4 through 1.16 stable.

Many thanks to Alex Zywicki for contributing to this release.


Released 2017-04-01.

This release fixes a few bugs discovered through fuzzing.

**Breaking changes**:

- None.

Release highlights:

- Fixes high memory usage issue that could occur when reading unknown blocks.
- Resolve various division by zero and arithmetic overflow errors.
- Ensures compatibility with Rust 1.4 through 1.16 stable.


Released 2016-11-27.

This release focuses on improving write performance.

**Breaking changes**:

- When a `WavWriter` is constructed, the header is now written immediately,
  therefore the constructor now returns a `Result`.

Other changes:

- `WavWriter` no longer maintains a buffer internally.
  `WavWriter::create()` does still wrap the file it opens in a buffered writer.
- Adds `SampleWriter16` for fast writing of 16-bit samples. Dedicated
  writers for other bit depths might be added in future releases.

Upgrading requires dealing with the `Result` in `WavWriter::new()`
and `WavWriter::create()`. In many cases this should be as simple as
wrapping the call in a `try!()`, or appending a `?` on recent versions
of Rust.


Released 2016-07-31.

**Breaking changes**:

- Support for Rust 1.0 through 1.3 has been dropped.
- The `WavSpec` struct gained a new `sample_format` member. To upgrade,
  add `sample_format: hound::SampleFormat::Int` to places where a `WavSpec`
  is constructed.

Release highlights:

- Ensures compatibility with Rust 1.4 through 1.10.
- Adds support for reading files with 32-bit IEEE float samples.

Many thanks to Mitchell Nordine for his contributions to this release.


Released 2015-09-14.

Release highlights:

- New `WavReader::into_inner` method for consistency with the standard library.
- New `WavReader::into_samples` method for ergonomics and consistency.
- Ensures compatibility with Rust 1.4.

Many thanks to Pierre Krieger for his contributions to this release.


Released 2015-07-21.

This is the first stable release of Hound. Only small changes have been made
with respect to v0.4.0. Release highlights:

- `WavWriter::create` now wraps the writer in a `BufWriter`.
- `WavSamples` now implements `ExactSizeIterator`.
- `WavReader::spec` now returns the spec by value.
- Internal cleanups


Released 2015-05-16.

Release highlights:

- Works with Rust 1.0.0.
- Hound can now read and write files with 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits per sample.
- Better error reporting
- Improved documentation
- An improved test suite


Released 2015-05-05.

Release highlights:

- Hound can now read WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE, so it can read the files it writes.
- Hound can now read files with PCMWAVEFORMAT and WAVEFORMATEX header.
- Hound now uses a custom error type.
- New convenient filename-based constructors for `WavReader` and `WavWriter`.
- More examples
- An improved test suite


Released 2015-04-09.

This version adds support for decoding wav files in addition to writing them.


Released 2015-04-01.

Initial release with only write support.