Crate surfman

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Cross-platform GPU device and surface management.

You can use this crate to multithread a graphics application so that rendering happens on multiple threads, sharing textures among them in the most efficient manner. It may also be useful as a lightweight framework for just initializing rendering in native applications. This is in contrast to crates like SDL, GLFW, winit, and Glutin, all of which have a broader focus in that they manage windowing and the event loop as well.


pub use platform::default::connection::Connection;
pub use platform::default::connection::NativeConnection;
pub use platform::default::context::Context;
pub use platform::default::context::ContextDescriptor;
pub use platform::default::context::NativeContext;
pub use platform::default::device::Adapter;
pub use platform::default::device::Device;
pub use platform::default::device::NativeDevice;
pub use platform::default::surface::NativeWidget;
pub use platform::default::surface::Surface;
pub use platform::default::surface::SurfaceTexture;
pub use crate::error::Error;
pub use crate::error::WindowingApiError;


The abstract interface that all connections conform to.
The abstract interface that all devices conform to.
Various errors that methods can produce.
A macro for use in the top-level crate.
Platform-specific backends.


When using surfman, you should place this macro at the top of your crate, like so:


Various flags that control attributes of the context and/or surfaces created from that context.
Attributes that control aspects of a context and/or surfaces created from that context.
A unique ID among all currently-allocated contexts.
Describes the OpenGL version that is requested when a context is created.
A unique ID per allocated surface.
Various data about the surface.
Various data about the surface.


The API (OpenGL or OpenGL ES).
Specifies how and if the CPU has direct access to the surface data.
Information specific to the type of surface: generic or widget.