super_speedy_syslog_searcher 0.2.50

Speedily search and merge log file entries by datetime. DateTime filters may be passed to narrow the search. It aims to be very fast.

Super Speedy Syslog Searcher! (s4)

Speedily search and merge log file entries by datetime.

Super Speedy Syslog Searcher (s4) is a command-line tool to search and merge plain log files by datetime, including log files that are compressed (.gz, .xz) or archived (.tar). The first goal of s4 is speedy searching and printing.

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Install super_speedy_syslog_searcher

cargo install super_speedy_syslog_searcher

Run s4

For example, print all the syslog lines in syslog files under /var/log/

s4 /var/log

On Windows under C:\Windows\Logs

s4.exe C:\Windows\Logs

Print the syslog lines after January 1, 2022 at 00:00:00

s4 /var/log -a 20220101

Print the syslog lines from January 1, 2022 00:00:00 to January 2, 2022

s4 /var/log -a 20220101 -b 20220102


s4 /var/log -a 20220101 -b @+1d

Print the syslog lines on January 1, 2022, from 12:00:00 to 16:00:00

s4 /var/log -a 20220101T120000 -b 20220101T160000

Print only the syslog lines since yesterday at this time

s4 /var/log -a=-1d

Print only the syslog lines that occurred two days ago (with the help of GNU date)

s4 /var/log -a $(date -d "2 days ago" '+%Y%m%d') -b @+1d

Print only the syslog lines that occurred two days ago during the noon hour (with the help of GNU date)

s4 /var/log -a $(date -d "2 days ago 12" '+%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') -b @+1h

Print only the syslog lines that occurred two days ago during the noon hour in Bengaluru, India (timezone offset +05:30) and prepended with equivalent UTC datetime (with the help of GNU date)

s4 /var/log -u -a $(date -d "2 days ago 12" '+%Y%m%dT%H%M%S+05:30') -b @+1h


Speedily search and merge log file entries by datetime. DateTime filters may be
passed to narrow the search. It aims to be very fast.

Usage: s4 [OPTIONS] <PATHS>...

  <PATHS>...  Path(s) of log files or directories.
              Directories will be recursed. Symlinks will be followed.
              Paths may also be passed via STDIN, one per line. The user must
              supply argument "-" to signify PATHS are available from STDIN.

  -a, --dt-after <DT_AFTER>
          DateTime Filter After: print syslog lines with a datetime that is at
          or after this datetime. For example, "20200102T120000" or "-5d".
  -b, --dt-before <DT_BEFORE>
          DateTime Filter Before: print syslog lines with a datetime that is at
          or before this datetime.
          For example, "20200103T230000" or "@+1d+11h"
  -t, --tz-offset <TZ_OFFSET>
          Default timezone offset for datetimes without a timezone.
          For example, "-0800", "+02:00", or "EDT". Ambiguous named timezones
          parsed from logs will use this value, e.g. timezone "IST" (to pass a
          value with leading "-", quote the argument, e.g. "-t=-0800").
          Default value is the local system timezone offset.
          [default: -08:00]
  -u, --prepend-utc
          Prepend DateTime in the UTC Timezone for every line.
  -l, --prepend-local
          Prepend DateTime in the Local Timezone for every line.
  -d, --prepend-dt-format <PREPEND_DT_FORMAT>
          Prepend DateTime using strftime format string.
          [default: %Y%m%dT%H%M%S%.3f%z]
  -n, --prepend-filename
          Prepend file basename to every line.
  -p, --prepend-filepath
          Prepend file full path to every line.
  -w, --prepend-file-align
          Align column widths of prepended data.
      --prepend-separator <PREPEND_SEPARATOR>
          Separator string for prepended data. [default: :]
  -c, --color <COLOR_CHOICE>
          Choose to print to terminal using colors.
          [default: auto] [possible values: always, auto, never]
  -z, --blocksz <BLOCKSZ>
          Read blocks of this size in bytes.
          May pass value as any radix (hexadecimal, decimal, octal, binary).
          Using the default value is recommended.
          Most useful for developers.
          [default: 65535]
  -s, --summary
          Print a summary of files processed to stderr.
          Most useful for developers.
  -h, --help
          Print help information
  -V, --version
          Print version information

DateTime Filters may be strftime specifier patterns:
    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z"
    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %:z"
    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %#z"
    "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z"
    "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z"
    "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %:z"
    "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %#z"
    "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %Z"
    "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S"
    "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %z"
    "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %:z"
    "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %#z"
    "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %Z"
    "%Y%m%d %z"
    "%Y%m%d %:z"
    "%Y%m%d %#z"
    "%Y%m%d %Z"

Or, DateTime Filter may be custom relative offset patterns:
    "+DwDdDhDmDs" or "-DwDdDhDmDs"
    "@+DwDdDhDmDs" or "@-DwDdDhDmDs"

Pattern "+%s" is Unix epoch timestamp in seconds with a preceding "+".
For example, value "+946684800" is be January 1, 2000 at 00:00, GMT.

Custom relative offset pattern "+DwDdDhDmDs" and "-DwDdDhDmDs" is the offset
from now (program start time) where "D" is a decimal number.
Each lowercase identifier is an offset duration:
"w" is weeks, "d" is days, "h" is hours, "m" is minutes, "s" is seconds.
For example, value "-1w22h" is one week and twenty-two hours in the past.
Value "+30s" is thirty seconds in the future.

Custom relative offset pattern "@+DwDdDhDmDs" and "@-DwDdDhDmDs" is relative
offset from the other datetime.
Arguments "-a 20220102 -b @+1d" are equivalent to "-a 20220102 -b 20220103".
Arguments "-a @-6h -b 20220101T120000" are equivalent to
"-a 20220101T060000 -b 20220101T120000".

Without a timezone offset (strftime specifier "%z" or "%Z"),
the Datetime Filter is presumed to be the local system timezone.

Ambiguous named timezones will be rejected, e.g. "SST".

Resolved values of "--dt-after" and "--dt-before" can be reviewed in
the "--summary" output.

DateTime strftime specifiers are described at

DateTimes supported are only of the Gregorian calendar.

DateTimes supported language is English.


Super Speedy Syslog Searcher (s4) is meant to aid Engineers in reviewing varying log files in a datetime-sorted manner. The primary use-case is to aid investigating problems wherein the time of problem occurrence is known but otherwise there is little source evidence.

Currently, log file formats vary widely. Most logs are an ad-hoc format. Even separate log files on the same system for the same service may have different message formats! 😵 Sorting these logged messages by datetime may be prohibitively difficult. The result is an engineer may have to "hunt and peck" among many log files, looking for problem clues around some datetime; so tedious!

Enter Super Speedy Syslog Searcher 🦸 ‼

s4 will print log messages from multiple log files in datetime-sorted order. A "window" of datetimes may be passed, to constrain the period of printed messages. This will assist an engineer that, for example, needs to view all syslog messages that occurred two days ago among log files taken from multiple systems.

The ulterior motive for Super Speedy Syslog Searcher was the primary developer wanted an excuse to learn rust 🦀, and wanted to create an open-source tool for a recurring need of some Software Test Engineers 😄

A longer rambling pontification about this project is in


  • Prepends datetime and file paths, for easy programmatic parsing or visual traversal of varying syslog messages
  • Recognizes multi-line log messages
  • Parses formal datetime formats:
  • Parses many ad-hoc datetime formats
    • Tested against "in the wild" log files from varying Linux distributions (see project ./logs/)
  • Comparable speed as GNU grep and sort (see project tool ./tools/; run in github Actions, Job run s4, Step Run script compare-grep-sort)
  • Processes invalid UTF-8
  • Accepts arbitrarily large files ***


  • Only processes UTF-8 or ASCII encoded log files. (Issue #16)
  • Cannot processes multi-file .gz files (only processes first stream found) (Issue #8)
  • Cannot processes multi-file .xz files (only processes first stream found) (Issue #11)
  • Cannot process archive files or compressed files within other archive files or compressed files, e.g. logs.tgz. (Issue #14) e.g. file syslog.xz file within file logs.tar will not be processed,
  • Cannot process .zip archives (Issue #39)
  • ** ISO 8601
    • ISO 8601 forms recognized (using ISO descriptive format)
      • YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
      • YYYY-MM-DDThhmmss
      • YYYYMMDDThhmmss (may use date-time separator character 'T' or character blank space ' ')
    • ISO 8601 forms not recognized:
  • *** Only for unarchived, uncompressed files (Issue #9, Issue #12, Issue #13)


  • Entire .xz files are read into memory during the initial open (Issue #12)


"syslog" definition

In this project, the term "syslog" is used generously to refer to any log message that has a datetime stamp on the first line of log text.

Technically, "syslog" is defined among several RFCs proscribing fields, formats, lengths, and other technical constraints. In this project, the term "syslog" is interchanged with "log".

logging chaos

In practice, most log file formats are an ad-hoc format that may not follow any formal definition.

The following real-world example log files are available in project directory ./logs.

For example, the open-source nginx web server logs access attempts in an ad-hoc format in the file access.log - - [08/Oct/2022:22:26:35 +0000] "GET /DOES-NOT-EXIST HTTP/1.1" 404 0 "-" "curl/7.76.1" "-"

which is an entirely dissimilar log format to the neighboring nginx log file, error.log

2022/10/08 22:26:35 [error] 6068#6068: *3 open() "/usr/share/nginx/html/DOES-NOT-EXIST" failed (2: No such file or directory), client:, server: _, request: "GET /DOES-NOT-EXIST HTTP/1.0", host: ""

nginx is following the bad example set by the apache web server.

Commercial software and computer hardware vendors nearly always use ad-hoc log message formatting that is even more unpredictable among each log file on the same system.

Here is a log snippet from a Debian 11 host, file /var/log/alternatives.log:

update-alternatives 2022-10-10 23:59:47: run with --quiet --remove rcp /usr/bin/ssh

And a snippet from the same Debian 11 host, file /var/log/alternatives.log:

2022-10-10 15:15:02 upgrade gpgv:amd64 2.2.27-2 2.2.27-2+deb11u1

And a snippet from the same Debian 11 host, file /var/log/kern.log:

Oct 10 23:07:16 debian11-b kernel: [    0.10034] Linux version 5.10.0-11-amd64

And a snippet from the same Debian 11 host, file /var/log/unattended-upgrades/unattended-upgrades-shutdown.log:

2022-10-10 23:07:16,775 WARNING - Unable to monitor PrepareForShutdown() signal, polling instead.

Here is a log snippet from a Synology DiskStation package DownloadStation:

2019/06/23 21:13:34	(system) trigger DownloadStation 3.8.13-3519 Begin start-stop-status start

And a snippet from a Synology DiskStation OS log file sfdisk.log on the same host:

2019-04-06T01:07:40-07:00 dsnet sfdisk: Device /dev/sdq change partition.

And a snippet from a Synology DiskStation OS log file synobackup.log on the same host:

info	2018/02/24 02:30:04	SYSTEM:	[Local][Backup Task Backup1] Backup task started.

(yes, those are tab characters)

Here are is a snippet from a Windows 10 Pro host, log file ${env:SystemRoot}\debug\mrt.log

Microsoft Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool v5.83, (build 5.83.13532.1)
Started On Thu Sep 10 10:08:35 2020

And a snippet from the same Windows host, log file ${env:SystemRoot}\comsetup.log

COM+[12:24:34]: ********************************************************************************
COM+[12:24:34]: Setup started - [DATE:05,27,2020 TIME: 12:24 pm]
COM+[12:24:34]: ********************************************************************************

And a snippet from the same Windows host, log file ${env:SystemRoot}\DirectX.log

11/01/19 20:03:40: infinst: Installed file C:\WINDOWS\system32\xactengine2_1.dll

And a snippet from the same Windows host, log file ${env:SystemRoot}/Microsoft.NET/Framework/v4.0.30319/ngen.log

09/15/2022 14:13:22.951 [515]: 1>Warning: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly

And a snippet from the same Windows host, log file ${env:SystemRoot}/Performance/WinSAT/winsat.log

68902359 (21103) - exe\logging.cpp:0841: --- START 2022\5\17 14:26:09 PM ---
68902359 (21103) - exe\main.cpp:4363: WinSAT registry node is created or present

(yes, it reads hour 14, and PM… 🙄)

This chaotic logging approach is typical of commercial and open-source software. And it's a mess! Attempting to sort log messages by their natural sort mechanism, a datetime stamp, is difficult to impossible.

Hence the need for Super Speedy Syslog Searcher!

Further Reading