sundials-sys 0.2.3

A -sys crate for the SUNDIALS suite of ODE solvers
use std::env;
use std::path::PathBuf;

// SUNDIALS has a few non-negative constants that need to be parsed as an i32.
// This is an attempt at doing so generally.
struct ParseSignedConstants;

impl bindgen::callbacks::ParseCallbacks for ParseSignedConstants {
    fn int_macro(&self, name: &str, _value: i64) -> Option<bindgen::callbacks::IntKind> {
        let prefix: String = name.chars().take_while(|c| *c != '_').collect();
        match prefix.as_ref() {
            "CV" | "IDA" | "KIN" | "SUN" => Some(bindgen::callbacks::IntKind::Int),
            _ => None,

// Get environment variable from string
fn get_env_var(var_name: &str) -> Option<String> {
    env::vars().find_map(|t| {
        let (key, value) = t;
        if key == var_name {
        } else {

fn main() {
    // First, we build the SUNDIALS library, with requested modules with CMake

    macro_rules! feature {
        ($s:tt) => {
            if cfg!(feature = $s) {
            } else {

    let static_libraries = feature!("static_libraries");
    let shared_libraries = match static_libraries {
        "ON" => "OFF",
        "OFF" => "ON",
        _ => unreachable!(),
    let library_type = match static_libraries {
        "ON" => "static",
        "OFF" => "dylib",
        _ => unreachable!(),

    let lib_loc;
    let inc_dir;
    if cfg!(feature = "build_libraries") {
        let dst = cmake::Config::new("vendor")
            .define("CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR", "lib")
            .define("BUILD_STATIC_LIBS", static_libraries)
            .define("BUILD_SHARED_LIBS", shared_libraries)
            .define("BUILD_TESTING", "OFF")
            .define("EXAMPLES_INSTALL", "OFF")
            .define("EXAMPLES_ENABLE_C", "OFF")
            .define("BUILD_ARKODE", feature!("arkode"))
            .define("BUILD_CVODE", feature!("cvode"))
            .define("BUILD_CVODES", feature!("cvodes"))
            .define("BUILD_IDA", feature!("ida"))
            .define("BUILD_IDAS", feature!("idas"))
            .define("BUILD_KINSOL", feature!("kinsol"))
            .define("OPENMP_ENABLE", feature!("nvecopenmp"))
            .define("PTHREAD_ENABLE", feature!("nvecpthreads"))
        let dst_disp = dst.display();
        lib_loc = Some(format!("{}/lib", dst_disp));
        inc_dir = Some(format!("{}/include", dst_disp));
    } else {
        lib_loc = get_env_var("SUNDIALS_LIBRARY_DIR");
        inc_dir = get_env_var("SUNDIALS_INCLUDE_DIR");

    // Second, we let Cargo know about the library files

    if let Some(loc) = lib_loc {
        println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", loc)
    for lib_name in &[
    ] {
            library_type, lib_name

    macro_rules! link {
        ($($s:tt),*) => {
            $(if cfg!(feature = $s) {
                println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib={}=sundials_{}", library_type, $s);

    link! {"arkode", "cvode", "cvodes", "ida", "idas", "kinsol", "nvecopenmp", "nvecpthreads"}

    // Third, we use bindgen to generate the Rust types

    macro_rules! define {
        ($a:tt, $b:tt) => {
                if cfg!(feature = $a) { 1 } else { 0 }

    let out_path = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap());
        .clang_arg(match inc_dir {
            Some(dir) => format!("-I{}", dir),
            None => "".to_owned(),
            define!("arkode", ARKODE),
            define!("cvode", CVODE),
            define!("cvodes", CVODES),
            define!("ida", IDA),
            define!("idas", IDAS),
            define!("kinsol", KINSOL),
            define!("nvecopenmp", OPENMP),
            define!("nvecpthreads", PTHREADS),
        .expect("Unable to generate bindings")
        .expect("Couldn't write bindings!");

    // And that's all.