summavy 0.25.3

Search engine library
use std::ops::Range;
use std::sync::Arc;

use fastfield_codecs::Column;

use crate::DocId;

/// Index to resolve value range for given doc_id.
/// Starts at 0.
pub struct MultiValueIndex {
    idx: Arc<dyn Column<u64>>,

impl MultiValueIndex {
    pub(crate) fn new(idx: Arc<dyn Column<u64>>) -> Self {
        Self { idx }

    /// Returns `[start, end)`, such that the values associated with
    /// the given document are `start..end`.
    pub(crate) fn range(&self, doc: DocId) -> Range<u32> {
        let start = self.idx.get_val(doc) as u32;
        let end = self.idx.get_val(doc + 1) as u32;

    /// Given a range of documents, returns the Range of value offsets fo
    /// these documents.
    /// For instance, `given start_doc..end_doc`,
    /// if we assume Document #start_doc end #end_doc both
    /// have values, this function returns `start..end`
    /// such that `value_column.get(start_doc)` is the first value of
    /// `start_doc` (well, if there is one), and `value_column.get(end_doc - 1)`
    /// is the last value of `end_doc`.
    /// The passed end range is allowed to be out of bounds, in which case
    /// it will be clipped to make it valid.
    pub(crate) fn docid_range_to_position_range(&self, range: Range<DocId>) -> Range<u32> {
        let end_docid = range.end.min(self.num_docs() - 1) + 1;
        let start_docid = range.start.min(end_docid);

        let start = self.idx.get_val(start_docid) as u32;
        let end = self.idx.get_val(end_docid) as u32;
        assert!(start <= end);


    /// returns the num of values associated with a doc_id
    pub(crate) fn num_vals_for_doc(&self, doc: DocId) -> u32 {
        let range = self.range(doc);
        range.end - range.start

    /// Returns the overall number of values in this field.
    pub fn total_num_vals(&self) -> u32 {
        self.idx.max_value() as u32

    /// Returns the number of documents in the index.
    pub fn num_docs(&self) -> u32 {
        self.idx.num_vals() - 1

    /// Converts a list of positions of values in a 1:n index to the corresponding list of DocIds.
    /// Positions are converted inplace to docids.
    /// Since there is no index for value pos -> docid, but docid -> value pos range, we scan the
    /// index.
    /// Correctness: positions needs to be sorted. idx_reader needs to contain monotonically
    /// increasing positions.
    /// TODO: Instead of a linear scan we can employ a exponential search into binary search to
    /// match a docid to its value position.
    pub(crate) fn positions_to_docids(&self, doc_id_range: Range<u32>, positions: &mut Vec<u32>) {
        if positions.is_empty() {
        let mut cur_doc = doc_id_range.start;
        let mut last_doc = None;

        assert!(self.idx.get_val(doc_id_range.start) as u32 <= positions[0]);

        let mut write_doc_pos = 0;
        for i in 0..positions.len() {
            let pos = positions[i];
            loop {
                let end = self.idx.get_val(cur_doc + 1) as u32;
                if end > pos {
                    positions[write_doc_pos] = cur_doc;
                    write_doc_pos += if last_doc == Some(cur_doc) { 0 } else { 1 };
                    last_doc = Some(cur_doc);
                cur_doc += 1;

mod tests {
    use std::ops::Range;
    use std::sync::Arc;

    use fastfield_codecs::IterColumn;

    use crate::fastfield::MultiValueIndex;

    fn index_to_pos_helper(
        index: &MultiValueIndex,
        doc_id_range: Range<u32>,
        positions: &[u32],
    ) -> Vec<u32> {
        let mut positions = positions.to_vec();
        index.positions_to_docids(doc_id_range, &mut positions);

    fn test_positions_to_docid() {
        let offsets = vec![0, 10, 12, 15, 22, 23]; // docid values are [0..10, 10..12, 12..15, etc.]
        let column = IterColumn::from(offsets.into_iter());
        let index = MultiValueIndex::new(Arc::new(column));
        assert_eq!(index.num_docs(), 5);
            let positions = vec![10u32, 11, 15, 20, 21, 22];

            assert_eq!(index_to_pos_helper(&index, 0..5, &positions), vec![1, 3, 4]);
            assert_eq!(index_to_pos_helper(&index, 1..5, &positions), vec![1, 3, 4]);
            assert_eq!(index_to_pos_helper(&index, 0..5, &[9]), vec![0]);
            assert_eq!(index_to_pos_helper(&index, 1..5, &[10]), vec![1]);
            assert_eq!(index_to_pos_helper(&index, 1..5, &[11]), vec![1]);
            assert_eq!(index_to_pos_helper(&index, 2..5, &[12]), vec![2]);
            assert_eq!(index_to_pos_helper(&index, 2..5, &[12, 14]), vec![2]);
            assert_eq!(index_to_pos_helper(&index, 2..5, &[12, 14, 15]), vec![2, 3]);