summa 0.2.1

Fast full-text search server


Fast full-text search server with following features:

  • Simple GRPC API
  • Indexing documents through Kafka


cargo install summa
pip install aiosumma
Generate default config file
mkdir data
summa-server generate-config > data/summa.yaml
Launch server
summa-server serve data/summa.yaml
Create index
summa-client localhost:8082 create-index test-index --default-fields='["title", "body"]' "
# yamllint disable rule:key-ordering
- name: id
  type: i64
    fast: single
    fieldnorms: false
    indexed: true
    stored: true
- name: body
  type: text
      fieldnorms: true
      record: position
      tokenizer: summa
    stored: true
- name: tags
  type: text
      fieldnorms: true
      record: position
      tokenizer: summa
    stored: true
- name: title
  type: text
      fieldnorms: true
      record: position
      tokenizer: summa
    stored: true
Index documents
summa-client localhost:8082 index-document test-index '{"id": 1, "title": "What We Know About Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Foundations of Xenology", \
"body": "Have you ever wondered what could happen when we discover another communicating species outside the Earth? \
This book addresses this question in all its complexity. In addition to the physical barriers for communication, \
such as the enormous distances where a message can take centuries to reach its recipient, the book also examines \
the biological problems of communicating between species, the problems of identifying a non-Terrestrial intelligence, \
and the ethical, religious, legal and other problems of conducting discussions across light years. Most of the book is concerned \
with issues that could impinge on your life: how do we share experiences with ETI? Can we make shared laws? Could we trade? \
Would they have religion? The book addresses these and related issues, identifying potential barriers to communication and \
suggesting ways we can overcome them. The book explores this topic through reference to human experience, through analogy and thought \
experiment, while relying on what is known to-date about ourselves, our world, and the cosmos we live in.", "tags": ["science", "xenology"]}'
summa-client localhost:8082 commit-index test-index
summa-client localhost:8082 search test-index "xenology"